<h3>万思乐学 V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day89 1a:London bridge汉语(一):找妈妈</h3><h3>一、Listening:</h3><h3>古诗:本周新学《无题》(李清照)</h3><h3>英文:1a,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼</h3><h3>中文:汉语(一)</h3><h3>二、晨读:汉语(一)找妈妈</h3><h3>三、字母学习:学习H,I</h3><h3>四、扫雷:牛津树二3本</h3><h3>五、数学:摩比豆</h3> <h3></h3><h3>六、Handcrafts:Make a small windmill.</h3><h3>Prepare a piece of paper.</h3><h3>Tear the paper into three thin strips of the same width. </h3> <h3>Fold all three pieces of paper in half. </h3><h3>Put the second note on the first. </h3><h3></h3> <h3>Put the third note on the second note, and put the end of the third note into the cover of the first note. </h3><h3>When three pieces of paper are tightened at the same time, it becomes a simple three leaf small windmill.</h3> <h3>七、Look, what's the difference when these things fall from high?</h3><h3>prepare:some feathers</h3><h3> a small windmill.</h3><h3> leaves</h3><h3> a little ball and a big ball.</h3><h3>M:When the windmill fell down from high. What can you see?</h3><h3>B:It turned fast.</h3><h3>feathers:They fell very slow.</h3><h3>leaves:they fell faster than feathers.</h3><h3>a big ball:It fell down the floor quickly with big sound.</h3><h3>a little ball:It fell down the floor quickly with small sound.</h3> <h3>八、</h3><h3>M:Can you guess, when these two balls fall from the top at the same time, which one will fall faster?</h3><h3>B:The small ball.</h3><h3>M:Why?</h3><h3>B:Because it is small and it is light. </h3><h3>M:So you think it falls faster than the big one? </h3><h3>B:Yes. </h3><h3>M:Oh that's so strange.let's do an experiment to see which one is faster.</h3><h3>(do the experiment)</h3><h3>M:Which one is faster?</h3><h3>B:The small one.(固执的娃)</h3><h3>M:Let's watch a video.</h3> <h3>M:Hundreds of years ago, a scientist named Galileo did the same experiment. Let's take a look. </h3><h3>What are the characteristics of this tower? </h3><h3>B:It's tilted</h3><h3>M:So its name is The Leaning Tower of Pisa. Look at a big ball and a small ball. At the same time, it falls off the tower. Who will fall faster?</h3><h3>B:they fell down at the same time.</h3><h3>M:Yes.</h3> <h3>九、</h3><h3>M:Can you guess, when a ball and a feather fall from the top at the same time, who will fall faster?</h3><h3>B:The ball </h3><h3>M:let's do an experiment to see which one is faster.</h3><h3>……</h3><h3>M:which one is faster?</h3><h3>B:The ball.</h3> <h3>Why do feathers fall more slowly? </h3><h3>Because of the air resistance, the air resistance is like a big hand, holding you up and not letting you fall. The feather is light, so the resistance should be large, the ball is heavy, so the resistance should be small.</h3><h3>If there is no air, no air resistance, will feathers fall more slowly?</h3><h3>Scientists have done this experiment. Let's take a look.</h3> <h3>十、What is the effect of air resistance?</h3><h3>one is parachute.</h3><h3> Parachute is a tool that uses air resistance to make people or objects land safely from the air to the ground. It is widely used in aerospace personnel life-saving, Airborne Combat and training, parachute jumping, airdrop materials, recovery of aircraft and equipment.</h3> <h3>Another one is deceleration parachute</h3><h3> Deceleration parachute, also known as drag parachute, is an umbrella like tool used to reduce the sliding speed of an aircraft when landing.</h3> <h3>十一、Let's make a parachute</h3><h3>1、Cut the plastic bag into a square and use scissors to cut a small hole near each corner.</h3><h3></h3><h3>2、Take four thin wires of the same length and tie them to the holes on the four corners of the plastic bag.</h3><h3>3、Put the four strings together and make a knot. The parachute is made.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>4、Try to tie the plasticine on the line and fly in the open space. The higher the parachute, the better, or from a high place.</h3> <h3>又是一个有意义的一天,做小风车、降落伞,玩小球实验,看视频,增长了很多知识,特别是真空中小球和羽毛的实验还有减速伞,让小宝觉得特别有意思!</h3>