<h3>本周节气----霜降至</h3><h3>天气逐渐变冷,家长们一定要注意幼儿的保暖。室内外温差大,请为幼儿准备舒适的室内服装</h3><h3>It turns cold. Parents need to prepare warm indoor clothes for children please.</h3> <h3>蒙台梭利工作周志:</h3><h3>蒙台梭利把儿童吸收和内化生活体验从而得到成长的心智称作“吸收性心智”。</h3><h3>儿童在蒙台梭利教室不只是向老师去学习,同伴学习也是一种学习方式。</h3><h3>In Montesorri classroom, kids can learn not only from teachers but also from partners, this is also called Absorbent mind.</h3> <h3>同伴学习</h3><h3>Partner learning</h3> <h3>同伴学习</h3><h3>Partner learning</h3> <h3>孩子们的自主自发选择是教师观察的关键,是教师为孩子们做个体计划的依据。</h3><div><h3>Teachers will do an observation record when kids choose work spontaneously so that we can find out their interest. After that, teachers can make an individual plan according the observation record. </h3><h3><br></h3></div><h3></h3> <h3>幼儿自发性工作剪影:</h3><h3>Spontenous work as follow:</h3> <h3>孩子们的专注力是从感兴趣的工作开始形成的。</h3><h3>Children can develop their consentration in the work they are interested in.</h3> <h3>我们的阅读活动得到了家长们的鼎力支持,亲子阅读是培养孩子们自主阅读习惯的基础。孩子们很自豪地展示着自己的阅读卡和阅读记录。</h3><h3>Thank parents for supporting our reading activity and help children get good habit of reading. Children are very proud of showing their reading record. </h3> <h3>阅读笔记</h3><h3>Reading record</h3> <h3>我们的阅读活动也可以帮助孩子们学会借阅规则:每周五为借阅日,每周四为归还日。</h3><h3>Rules of our reading activity: Friday is borrowing day, Thursday is returning day. </h3> <h3>下周工作重点:万圣节活动</h3><h3>Work point of next week: halloween party</h3>