English Composition Paper 英语 作文报


<h3> 我们如期而至,乘风破浪、风雨兼程。沿着一条通往梦想的道路。我们脚步坚定,我们信心十足,一步一个脚印,一步一个台阶。孩子们奋斗吧,你的每一步都算数!</h3><h3>Write a composition? No, Are you kidding? But today I’m serious!!! Everything is possible,if you put your heart into it</h3> <h3>This is my daughter's composition. </h3> <h3> I like the color of it</h3> <h3>Great design, handwriting needs to improve</h3> <h3>  I like the writing. </h3> <h3>I feel lucky to see this one.</h3> <h3>Happy to see you like English.</h3> <h3>最幸福的莫过于用汗水培育出满园芬芳……</h3>