

<p style="white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">鲍好斯那拉,蒙古文书法家。现任内蒙古蒙古文书法家协会会员、通辽市蒙古文书法家协会理事、通辽市科左后旗蒙古文书法家协会名誉主席。从事蒙古文书法40多年,致力于蒙古文书法的楷书、行书、草书、篆书、竹板书、章法的研究,所书蒙古文篆书和竹板笔字体独具风格,对蒙古文书法的发展有突出贡献。所创作品在国内外展览中多次获奖。其中,作品《马》,万“马”奔腾,以字示意,气势恢宏。全心致力于蒙古文书法的传承和传播,独编《蒙古文书法导论》一书。<span style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.3);">Haosinala Bao is a Mongolian calligrapher. He is a member of Mongolian Calligrapher Association of Inner Mongolia, director of Mongolian Calligrapher Association of Tongliao and honorary chairman of Mongolian Calligrapher Association of Horqin Left Wing Rear Banner.&nbsp;He has been engaged in Mongolian calligraphy for more than 40 years, has been committed to the research of Mongolian regular , running , cursive , seal , bamboo and seal encraving, and has made outstanding contributions to the development of Mongolian calligraphy . He is especially specialized in Mongolian seal and bamboo . His works won many awards in exhibitions at home and abroad.&nbsp;He also devoted himself to the inheritance and dissemination of Mongolian calligraphy with the coming out of the book "An Introduction to Mongolian Calligraphy" written by himself.</span></h3> <h3>竹板笔书法教程二是:一个字的从头到尾按顺序写!</h3>