快乐小子的双语工程 Day 80


<h3>万思乐学 V-learn 小西妈双语工程1901期210Eric打卡。 Day80 1a:Six cats and walking walking 汉语(一):公鸡 母鸡和小鸡</h3><h3>一、Listening:</h3><h3>古诗:</h3><h3>英文:1a,Pepper pig,Little critter,海尼曼</h3><h3>中文:汉语(一)</h3><h3>二、晨读:汉语(一)第4课</h3><h3>三、字母学习:本周新学F、G</h3><h3>四、扫雷:牛津树2:3本</h3><h3>五、Watch cartoon</h3> <h3>六、Game</h3><h3>(1)M:Hey. Eric. Do you know the Walking Walking song?</h3><h3>B: yes</h3><h3>M: Do you wanna play with me?</h3><h3>B:Yes.</h3><h3>M:All right.Let's do it.</h3><h3>(2)M:Eric,what does this look like?</h3><h3>B:Turtle.</h3><h3>M:Yes.Let's sing the song like a turtle would.Very very slowly.Ok?Are you ready?Let's do it.</h3><h3>(3)M:Eric,What else can we sing?</h3><h3>B: bird</h3><h3>M:That's a good idea.Let's sing the song like a bird would. Very very fast okay?</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>七、Finger game. </h3><h3>M:Eric,can you fingers do the walking walking song?Let's do it together.</h3><h3> Walking walking……</h3><h3> Where did I stop? </h3><h3>B:You stopped on my feet. </h3><h3>M:OK it's your turn. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>This time, let's see where do we stop. </h3><h3>How about we start from our legs and then see where we go.</h3> <h3>八、Game</h3><h3>M: Hey Eric. Do you wanna pay a game?</h3><h3>B:Yes</h3><h3>M:Let's play the Walking game over that chair.</h3><h3> (Walking walking……)</h3><h3> let's see who can sit on the chair first.</h3><h3> go go go,you beat me.<br></h3><h3>M: Hey Eric. see that national flag.Do you wanna go over that flag?</h3><h3>B:Ok.</h3><h3></h3><h3>M:How do you want to get there? You wanna fly?</h3><h3>B:Yes. </h3><h3>M:OK let's fly. Here we go,ready? </h3><h3> Working working. …</h3><h3> Let's see, who can grab the national flag.</h3><h3> Oh my, you are too quick for me. Good job! M:OK last one. We are gonna to the dinosaur. But this time we are gonna jump like a frog over there. Are you ready OK. </h3><h3> Working working.…</h3><h3> You grabbed the dinosaur.</h3> <h3>九、Supplementary</h3><h3>M:Eric,see,what's is?</h3><h3>B:A little cat</h3><h3>M:What sounds does it make?</h3><h3>B: Meow, meow, meow.</h3><h3>M:It is a feline. Do you know what cats like? B:It likes sleeping and eating.</h3><h3>M:What favorite food does it like?</h3><h3>N:Fish.</h3><h3>M:Look at its tongue, what can you see?</h3><h3>B:I can see some spots.</h3><h3>M:That's papillae.He can use his touge to eat fish to drink water and to groom his fur.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>M:Look at this picture,do you know what's this?</h3><h3>B:Cat's foot.</h3><h3>M:This foot we called </h3><h3> Do you know why you can't hear it when it walk?</h3><h3>B:I don't know.</h3><h3>M:Because the cat walk on its tiptoes. they</h3><h3>are called my igital pads. </h3><h3>B:Mom,now I am a cat you're a mouse.</h3><h3>M:Ok.Squeak squeak.</h3><h3>B:Meow.I catch you.</h3><h3>M:Oh.where are you come from?why I can't hear you?</h3><h3>B:Because I walk on my tiptoes.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>M:Look at this picture,what's this?</h3><h3>B:A black cat.Oh it likes a monster.</h3><h3>M:Look at its eyes shining.</h3><h3>B:Do you like it?</h3><h3>M:No.It likes a monster.</h3><h3>M:Ok.</h3>