<p> 2019年9月28日,第十届“新力杯”环鄱阳湖国际自行车大赛最后一个赛段来到了南昌·高新区,选手们于早上9:29发车。</p><p>On September 26,2019, the race started in the last stage of the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake— Nanchang• Gaoxin Zone. The race started on 9:29am.</p><p> 赛程由瑶湖公园出发,终点设在航空城大道,赛道总体较为平缓属平路赛段,并无太多急弯。环湖路上风光秀美,冲刺手们能够再一次享受平路冲刺盛筵,赛段全长128.5KM。</p><p>The race starts from Yaohu Park and ends at Hangkongcheng Avenue. Generally, the track is a plain stage without too many sharp turns. The scenery on the road around the lake is beautiful so sprinters can enjoy the plain road sprint feast again. The total length of the stage is 128.5KM.</p><p> 中午12:23,江西新力物业车队冲刺手马丁再次夺冠,在南昌上演帽子戏法。德国助力车队杰西和卢卡斯分别获得赛段第二三。</p><p>Martin Laas (SINIC Team) played a hat-trick and won the first place in Nanchang. Adrianus De Rooij( Bike Aid) won the second place and Lucas Carstensen ( Bike Aid) was the third. </p><p> 中国云南绿山园林车队获得个人以及团体总成绩冠军;中国江西新力物业车队彭源堂第三年获得大中华最佳粉衫;美国玛吉斯世代洲际车队肯特·罗斯获得冲刺王橙衫;法国国防车队朱利安·阿马多里获得爬坡王圆点衫。</p><p>Yunnan Lvshan Landscape was the individual and group total score champion; Peng Yuantang (SINIC Team) won the Pink Jersey the third time; Kent Ross (Wildlife Generation Pro Cycling P/B Maxxis) won the Orange Jersey; Julian Amadori ( Team France Defense) won the Polka Dot Jersey.</p>