2019 Tour of Poyang Lake S10 环鄱赛第十站快讯


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2019年9月27日,第十届“新力杯”环鄱阳湖国际自行车大赛第十赛段来到了九江·武宁。往年作为大组赛出现在环鄱赛中的武宁站今年设置为个人计时赛,选手们相隔一分钟逐个发车骑行一圈单圈长度15.8KM的赛道。</p><p>On September 26,2019, the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake is held in Jiujiang· Wuning. In past few years, Wuning stage was group race, this year is individual time trial. Racers will start race on different time - the single lap is 15.8KM.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;最终,香港捷讯车队瑞安·威廉拿下单站冠军;奥列克山德尔(云南绿山园林车队)位列第二;芬兰CCN车队艾德里安抢下领奖台最后一个席位。</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;中国云南绿山园林车队今日大捷,喜获赛段亚军、个人总成绩冠军蓝衫、单站团体冠军。</p><p>Ryan William (Team Xspeed United Continental) won the championship of the stage. Oleksandr Holovash (Yunnan Lvshan Landscape) was the second place and Adrian Andrzej Kurek&nbsp;&nbsp;took the third place. Meanwhile, Yunnan Lvshan Landscape won the second place of the team in the race, the&nbsp;&nbsp;Blue Jersey of overall individual champion and the team champion of single stage.</p>