<p> 2019年9月26日,第十届“新力杯”环鄱阳湖国际自行车大赛第九赛段在宜春·靖安进行。 </p><p> 赛段全长112.5km,包含两个途中冲刺点、一个二级爬坡点、一个三级爬坡点。这也是本届环鄱赛最后一个山地赛段,本赛段后,除总成绩最佳的蓝色领骑衫以外,各色领骑衫将无太大变化。 </p><p>On September 26,2019, the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake is held in Yichun·Jing‘an. The total length of the stage is 112.5KM, including two intermediate sprints and one third-grade KOM. This stage is the last mountain stage of this year, so after that all Jerseys except the Blue one wouldn’t change.</p><p> 选手们手们早上9点02分在靖安县清华广场发车,逆时针方向骑行一圈后回到终点。蒙古CCN车队的比尔甘佳尔伽率先在11点38分冲线,首尝胜果;奥莱克西·卡西亚诺夫(乌克兰飞锐车队)获得赛段亚军;马尔科·达尼洛维奇(塞尔维亚 CCN梅达勒车队)获得赛段第三。</p><p>On 9:02am, racers started from Jing’an Qinghua Square, then took an anti clockwise lap to the end. After two hours and thirty five minutes, Bilguunjargal Erdenebat (CCN Mongolia) won his first championship. Oleksii Kasianov ( Ferui Pro Cycling Team) won the second place and Marko Danilovic (Team CCN Metalic) was the third.</p>