2019 Tour of Poyang Lake S8 环鄱赛第八站快讯


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2019年9月25日,第十届“新力杯”环鄱阳湖国际自行车大赛第八赛段来到了景德镇·浮梁,这也是环鄱赛近几年第一次来到浮梁。这个赛段绕着浮梁县城骑行八圈,总长度129.8KM,是一个平路赛段。</p><p>On September 25,2019, the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake is held in Jingdezhen·Fuliang, it’s the first time that the Tour is held here in recent years. Racers will ride 8 laps around Fuliang county, totally length of the track are 129.8KM and this stage is flat.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;早上9点04分,选手们由景德镇浮梁体育中心出发,逆时针方向骑行八圈后完成比赛。德国助力车队卢卡斯·卡斯滕森再下一城获得赛段冠军;江西新力物业车队马丁毫厘之差获得赛段第二;澳大利亚圣乔治洲际车队肯尼特获得赛段第三。</p><p>On 9:04am, racers started from Fuliang Sports Center then rode 8 laps anticlockwise. Lucas Carstensen ( Bike Aid) won the championship again. Martin Laas( SINIC Team) fell behind and won the second place. Dylan Ashley Kennet( ST George Continental Cycling Team) was the third.</p>