

How to apply for undergraduate study Undergraduate study in LSE is usually your first degree, leading to a BA or BSC. Most courses last three years, although there are courses last four years, and if you choose to take one of our study abroad options that will also add a year to your degree. 在LSE上本科通过是你的第一学位,并获得本科以上学历。大多数的课程都是三年,当然也有四年的课程,如果你选择国外进修课程将另外增加一年。 Undergraduate applications in LSE all come via UCAS, they open in September, and we close in mid-January each year. 本科申请全部通过UCAS系统,9月开放申请,第二年的1月中旬结束申请。 We are looking for personal information, accompanied by grades from two years, proceeding their applications. 我们通过个人信息,包括过去两年的成绩,来审核他们的申请。 And if you have any qualifications you haven’t completed yet, like A-Levels or APs, you are taking in the coming summer, your list is still pending. You need to find someone who gives you a reference. If you at school that is normally one of your teachers. Finally you also write a personal statement. That is the short piece about the 4,000 characters where you tell us what your academic interests are and why you think you will be really good fit for the course. 如果你还有一些课程没有完成,比如A-Level或者AP,你的名单将会处于待定状态。你需要找到相关人士来给你写介绍信。如果你在学校的话,一般是老师来帮你写。最终你也会写一份个人陈述。简短的4000字,告诉我们你的学术兴趣和你为什么觉得你适合这一个学科。 So from LSE prospective, it’s the academic motivation of the students that is the first  and foremost of the most important aspect of the applications. We are looking for students to demonstrate they are academically passionate about what they want to study. They have a considerate interest in the content of the degree they want to study at the school. They’ve got an enthusiasm for the subject and demonstrable evidence to all this things. 因此从LSE的角度来说,学生的学术动力是第一和最重要的方面。我们在寻找那些可以证明他们的学术热情的学生。 的学生。他们在即将要学习的内容有相当的兴趣。并且对于学科,有热情和显而易见的证据, It’s an amazing experience at LSE, really fantastic. You gonna make some amazing friends here. You gonna learn so much about the subjects you choose to study. You will live here a more rounded person who’s a better place to be in career you hope to live on. 在LSE学习是非常棒的经验,令人惊艳。你会交到非常棒的朋友,学到非常多你选择的领域的知识。在这里,你将会遇到全方面的人才,将会是你理想的生活环境。









