V-Learn万思乐学小西妈双语工程318号Smile 打卡Day30


<h3>listen: 清英1b,近两周在读的分级,佩奇S2</h3><h3>watch:清英1b unit10/11, 佩奇S2</h3><h3>read: 中文绘本四选一或二</h3> <h3>Game1: Family fun-Dance your baby up</h3><h3>爸爸动起“武”来,就甩妈妈我一条街了,欢乐指数成倍数上升</h3> <h3>Family Fun2: do exercise together</h3><h3>也是群魔乱舞,无底线了</h3> <h3>Family fun3:solo 一次躯体和面部都“扭曲”的表演</h3> <h3>Game4: Catch the candy </h3><h3>Mommy sing the song "dance your fingers". Baby show me your fingers. Can you dance your Tingers like this?Good, Mommy holds the stick, Dance your fingers up,up, up to catch the candy. Dance your fingers down,down, down to catch the candy.</h3> <h3>Smile's turn </h3><h3>妈妈玩了一遍后,娃主动要求也要来逗逗亲娘</h3> <h3>Game5:Yummy fingers</h3><div></div><h3>I'm a wolf.I'm hungry. I like fingers.Hahaha,yummy. Baby and daddy stand behind the line.Wolf stands in front of the line. I will sing the song. When I sing, you must walk to me. I'll say" Dance you fingers up..." When I turn around, you must freeze and dance your fingers up. Or I'll eat your fingers up. When I say "Put them all to bed", you have to run back to the start. Or I'll catch you and eat you up.</h3> <h3>口语输出部分明显不如“听指令指出"来得敏捷迅速,我觉得很容易会脱口而出的部位,娃竟然停顿n久还支支吾吾说不出,估计是因为练习不够和专注不够导致吧,光听不说还是不行的。</h3> <h3></h3><h3>supplementary: nostril鼻孔,armpit腋窝, belly 肚脐眼</h3>