

<p>Audio.1a 字母歌</p><p>Video.no</p><p>Reading.</p><p>因为生病时间长,之前有些内容执行的不彻底,除了读书有更新,本周作为复习周</p> <p>Use the super light clay to make Gomoku.😀</p><p>宝宝请假期间幼儿园做了手工,拿回来一看,之前的手工用语都说过,直接英文做起来</p><p> Look, the super light clay, yes, or we can use it to make Gomoku.&nbsp;&nbsp;Do you know how to play? Maybe we can&nbsp;&nbsp;Use the super light plane to make the chess pieces first. And then I will tell you how to play. And then I will tell you how to play.. There is a packet of white and super light clay and black super light clay.&nbsp;&nbsp;Tear the packet open, take out the super light clay. knead it and rub it into long strip. Cut them into many small super light plays of the same size. Then rabbit into a tiny ball. Now use your thumb to press the super light clay softly. Now it becomes round and flat. Remember not press it heavily. Or it will become thin and big. We must make all of them the same size. Now let's make the white chess pieces as the same way. Now finished. Let's put them on the table and let them dry. We can play games first. When clays are dry, we can play. </p><p>Gomoku is a purely strategic chess game played by two players. Usually, the two sides use black and white chess pieces respectively. At the intersection of the vertical line and the horizontal line of the board, the person who connect a line with five chess pieces first will win. </p><p>做的时候就说了如何操作的部分英文,打卡过程自己又把完整的过程复述了一遍,孩子需要再不断重复的过程中习得,妈妈也许要不断重复的学习才能内化成自己的内容,把力气用在自己不会的地方,熟悉的地方极可能简明</p> <p>  Use duck' s bill to catch fish.😀</p><p> Babies, show me your hands, mummy shark, doo, doo, doo, doo doo. Yes, this is sharks mouth.&nbsp;&nbsp;Shark will open its mouth to eat. Now we use our hands as Duck's bill. Do you know doc's bill? It's a dog's mouth. Yes, we called ducks mouth bill. Now you are baby ducks. You will use your bill too. Catch fish from me. Ok, now I will throw/cast the fish to you. Let's count how many fish you can get with your bill.</p><p>What can be used to be as fish. We can use the puzzles as fish. OK, now let's play. </p><p>....游戏环节省略,录了视频</p><p>No you can't throw the puzzles in the trash can. If the puzzles are lost, you can't make a complete picture. You can throw them under the table. This is your trash can. </p><p>后面不停的往桌子下面扔,嘴里叨叨着trash can. </p> <p>  Ducks webbed feet.</p><p> Mommy look. Wow, you wear your slippers like this. It looks like ducks webbed feet. Look at the picture. I will show you ducks webbed feet, is it alike?</p>