2019 Tour of Poyang Lake S6 环鄱第六站快讯


<h3>  2019年9月22日,第十届“新力杯”环鄱阳湖国际自行车大赛第六赛段在上饶·横峰鸣笛发车。</h3><h3> 选手们由兴安广场出发并在横峰县城骑行28.5km后往北骑行,在通过一个二级爬坡点后来到赛段终点——葛源游客中心。</h3><h3> 往年难倒各路英雄豪杰的HC级爬坡由于道路施工原因不能加入到赛程当中,所以该赛段难度有所降低,赛程全长105.3KM。</h3><h3>On September 22,2019, the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake is held in Shangrao- Hengfeng. The race today would start from Xing’an Square, then racers will go north after 28.5Km’s riding around Hengfeng county, then climb a second- grade KOM to Geyuan Visitor Center, where is the end of this stage. In past few years, HC- grade KOM, which was difficult for heroes, could not be included in the race due to road construction, so the difficulty of the race was reduced.</h3><h3> 早9点08分,118名选手从兴安广场出发,比赛进行了近两个半小时之后,马丁(新力物业车队)摘得横峰站桂冠;托马斯(澳大利亚圣乔治车队)与文森特(CCN 欧洲联队)分别获得二三名。</h3><h3>On 9:08am, 118 racers started riding at Xing’an Square. After two and half hours, Martin Laas ( SINIC Team) won the first place. ThomasEthan ( St George Continental Cyclying Team) and Vincent Louiche( Team CCN Euro) were the second and third place. </h3>