<h3> 2019年9月20日,第十届“新力杯”环鄱阳湖国际自行车大赛第四赛段来到了新余·仙女湖,进行团队计时赛。各车队由仙女湖广场出发,经过28.9KM的赛程之后抵达终点圣集寺。</h3><h3> 与大组赛有所不同的是——团体计时赛采用分时出发、分别计算耗时,再进行排名的方式,需要队员之间的默契配合来保持高速骑行。同时,仙女湖畔曲折多弯的环湖路要求车手们精神高度集中。上午十点整,共计21支参赛队按照顺序分别出发。</h3><h3>On September 19,2019, the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake is held in Xinyu-the Fairy Lake. </h3><h3> Race on this stage is the team time trial, From The Fairy Lake Square to The Shengji Temple, it’s about 28.9 kilometer. Different from other stages, the team trial requires teams set off on different time, then compare the total time between every team. This race is challenging the corporation and the speed, and the winding roads need more attention. On 10:00am, 21 teams set off orderly.</h3><h3> 最终,德国助力车队选手平均水平略胜一筹获得团体冠军,美国马吉斯野生世代洲际车队稍微落后,获得团体第二,云南绿山园林车队则拿下了领奖台最后一个席位。领骑衫方面,德国助力车队阿德内·威廉获得了蓝色冠军衫。</h3><h3>Finally, Bike Aid was the top team, Wildlife Generation Pro Cycling P/B USA MAXXIS was just a bit slower so they won the second place, Yunnan Lushan Landscape was the third. Adne Willemjan won the Blue Jersey.</h3>