骑行川藏线第二十二天 9.19 Road 318 Day(22)


<h3>林芝至工布江达 Linzhi to GBJD</h3> <h3>今天的距离是130公里,大部分都是起伏路,海拔从2988米到3415米。由于没有连续爬坡又是新的柏油路,所以骑行难度不大。Today's riding is 130km, most of which are up-and-down roads, ranging from 2988 meters to 3415 meters. Since there is no continuous climbing and The Road is new, today's task was not difficult.</h3> <h3>出发照 Go</h3> <h3>真是够邪,早上又是下雨,下午放晴。It's really surprising that It rained again in the morning. But it cleared up in the afternoon.</h3> <h3>这云有个性 This piece Of cloud Looks beautiful.</h3> <h3>这群马在我打了铃之后才让路的 The horses didn't give way until I rang the bell.</h3> <h3>也不知道为何“光头强”的驮包防雨罩上停那么多苍蝇。I didn't know why there were so many flies on the pack cover Of Guangtouqiang.</h3> <h3>沿路的景色 Scenery on The way</h3> <h3>我前半程跟老张一起骑,后半程基本是跟李勋一起骑。I rode with Lao Zhang in the first half, and basically with Li Xun in the second half.</h3> <h3>牛粪上长出的蘑菇。Mushrooms grow from cow dung.</h3> <h3>今天的骑行都是沿着这条尼羊河。同时并行的还有林芝到拉萨的林拉高速。Today's riding was all along the Niyang River. At the same time, there is the Linzhi to Lhasa highway in parallel.</h3> <h3>远处是一个藏寨,像是世外桃源。这里的藏民房子的风格已经完全不一样了。房子的颜色也是以灰色为主,而不是红色。Over there is a beautiful Tibetan village, like a paradise outside The world. The style of Tibetan houses here is completely different. The color of the house is gray now, not red.</h3> <h3>看这户人家,房子前面一个果园。Look at this House. An orchard is in front of the house.</h3> <h3>经过村子时看见人家藏民院子里的果树挂满果实,饥渴难耐时很想直接摘来豪吃,可是没有经过主人同意我们是不敢偷的。</h3><h3>所以我们只能摘路边的野桃子吃。</h3><h3>When we passed the village, we saw the fruit trees hanging in the Tibetan yard. That moment we were very hungry and thirsty and we wanted to pick and eat them directly, but we did not dare to steal them without the consent of our owners. So we could only pick wild peaches at roadside.</h3> <h3>一路都是这样的风景,有点审美疲劳了。All the way there are such scenery, a little aesthetic fatigue.</h3> <h3>下午五点左右,终于来到了工布江达县城。We Arrived At downtown Of GBJD At about five in The afternoon.</h3> <h3>来到了57318服务站点-豫州饭店。标准房的房间够大,只是卫生间太陈旧了,价格是40/床。晚饭我们吃的包餐,30元包晚餐和早餐。Finally We Arrived at the 57318 service site-Yuzhou Hotel. The double-bed room is spacious, but the bathroom is too old. The price is 40 / bed. We had meal set, 30 yuan including dinner and breakfast.</h3> <h3>明天骑行97公里到海拔4285米的松多镇。据说那里的物价比较高。住这么高的地方又得防高反了。We will ride 97 kilometers tomorrow to Songduo Town, 4285 meters high. It is said that the prices there are relatively high. I have to pay attention to altitude reaction risk staying in such a high place.</h3>