骑行川藏线第二十天 9.17 Road 318 Day(20)


<h3>通麦至鲁朗 Tongmai to Lulang</h3> <h3>从2070米的通麦到3395米的鲁朗,共70.5公里,爬升1300米。中间有三个无灯隧道。From 2070-meter Tongmai to 3395-meter Lulang, We will ride 70. and climb 1300 meters. There are three light-free tunnels on The way.</h3> <h3>鲁朗位于林芝市巴宜区,距八一镇以东70公里。鲁朗意为“龙王谷”、“神仙居住的地方”,素有“天然氧吧”、“生物基因库”之美誉。民间流传着“到了工布鲁朗,会忘记自己的家乡”的赞誉。Lulang is located in Bayi District, Linzhi City, 70 kilometers east of Bayi Town. Lu Lang means "Dragon King Valley", "where immortals live". It is known as "natural oxygen bar" and gets "biological gene pool" reputation. Folk spread the praise of "when you get to Gong Bruno, you will forget your hometown."</h3> <h3>早上醒来听到外面稀里哗啦的雨声。老张说昨晚又是一整夜的雨。可以想像穿着雨衣雨裤骑车爬坡时外湿里湿的难受情景了。I woke up in the morning and heard The bigsound of the rain outside. Lao Zhang said it was another night of rain last night. You can imagine the pain of all wet when you ride a raincoat and rain pants to climb the slope.</h3> <h3>昨晚由于在通麦小镇可选择的餐馆太少,大伙决定就在客栈包餐了。吃了这一餐又让大家在三天内不再想吃川菜了。因为除了两个绿叶菜其它的都是一个味。Last night, because there were too few restaurants to choose in Tongmai Town, everyone decided to eat meal set at the inn. After eating this meal, we no longer want to eat Sichuan food in next three days. Except for two green leafy vegetables, everything else was the same taste.</h3> <h3>天亮时雨变小了,但是湿度太大了,昨晚晾出的衣服仍是湿的。</h3> <h3>早餐也是川味十足啊!Breakfast is also full of Sichuan flavor!</h3> <h3>出发照 Go</h3> <h3>雾气那么大,像是在天上骑行。The fog was so heavy that it was like riding in the sky.</h3> <h3>无灯隧道。今天这样的隧道要穿五个。Dark Tunnel. Today We went through 5 Tunnels like this.</h3> <h3>第二座峡谷大桥。The second bridge over Canyon.</h3> <h3>大桥上视频:大桥直接连接隧道</h3> <h3>雨越下越大,鞋套开始漏水了。Rain began to pour. My shoes Got wet.</h3> <h3>这座吊桥以前是徒步墨脱的起点。The suspension bridge used to be the starting point for hiking to Motuo.</h3> <h3>大约骑了40公里就到了午餐点,但是条件太差自己忽略。还是吃干粮吧。It took about 40 kilometers to get to the lunch site, but it Didnot looked tasteful. So i ignored it. I brought dry food with myself.</h3> <h3>一路都是在这样的密林中骑行。这个标志说明这里有野生动物出没。Riding all the way through such a dense forest. This sign indicates that wild animals are active here.</h3> <h3>这张图显示了鲁朗这个地方动植物的多样性。This picture shows the diversity of animals and plants in Lulang.</h3> <h3>又碰到徒步的。这次他拉的车的车顶还是太阳能板,估计可以给手机充电。绕到前面一看,又是搞直播的,我开始有些厌恶这些人了。I met Hiker again. This time solar panels were installed on top Of The trolley. i guest it is tocharge the phone. From the front, i found hewas doing live broadcast. and I'm starting to hate these people a little bit.</h3> <h3>开始进入鲁朗了 I was approaching Lulang</h3> <h3>好多自驾游的人都停下来在拍这个村庄。这个村庄叫扎西岗村。A lot of people of self-driving trips stopped to shoot the village. This village is called Zaxigang Village.</h3> <h3>小牛靠近了我的自行车,好奇心很强。The calf approached my bike with great interest.</h3> <h3>溪水 Stream</h3> <h3>街道上的马 Horse on The Street</h3> <h3>到鲁朗镇了。这里的道路是318国道上最美的道路。鲁朗镇也在打造成国际化的高原小镇。Now I'm in Lulang. The road here is the most beautiful road on National Road 318. Lulang Town is also being built into an international plateau town.</h3> <h3>鲁朗概貌</h3> <h3>大约下午四点钟到了今晚入住的客栈-院长客栈。一个花园式的藏族民房改造成的客栈。At about 4:00 in the afternoon, I arrived at the Inn - A garden-style Tibetan house</h3> <h3>今晚我们一起品尝了鼎鼎有名的鲁朗石锅鸡,味道真不错!现在只要跳出了川味就满足了。Tonight we tasted the famous Lulang Stone Pot chicken. The taste was really good! Now as long as we jump out of Sichuan cuisine, We will be happy.</h3> <h3>晚上参加安全教育。Attend Safety training At night.</h3> <h3>明天要翻越色季拉山了。色季拉山是318路上死亡率最高的一座山,所以要特别注意安全。We're going over Mount Sejila tomorrow. Mount Sejila has the highest mortality rates on Road 318. So special attention should be paid to safety.</h3>