骑行川藏线第十九天 9.16 Road 318 Day(19)


<h3>波密至通麦 Bomi to Tongmai</h3> <h3>从图形上看,到拉萨只剩两座5000米以上的大山了,离目标很近啦。Graphically, there are only two mountains above 5000 meters left before get to Lhasa. We are close to the target.</h3> <h3>今天从波密到通麦只有92公里,上下起伏路,以下为主。所以海拔蒋继续下降,氧气供应非常充足。海拔越低老张却越担心,因为他意识到后面两天还是要爬到五千米以上的高度的。昨天他又到波密的药店去买了一盒防高反的药。Today, from Bomi to Tongmai is only 92 kilometers, with less up thandown. So altitude continues to decline, and the supply of oxygen will be very sufficient. The lower the altitude, the more worried Lao Zhang was, because he realized that anyway he needs to climb to an altitude of more than 5,000 meters in the next two days. Yesterday he went to Bomi's drugstore to buy a box of anti-Highland medicine.</h3> <h3>这是昨天的骑行数据图。可以看出海拔在下降,氧气供应量增加之后速度也迅速提升。This is yesterday's cycling data. It can be seen that my Cycling speed increased rapidly after the increase in oxygen supply.</h3> <h3>百度调查:通麦镇位于林芝市波密县中部,由于川藏公路而形成的服务性质的微型镇。附近是帕隆藏布主干和易贡藏布的合流处。其中帕隆藏布大峡谷是世界第三大峡谷,因为海拔高度的不同而具有不同的气候特征。走318国道过通麦街道之后的通麦天险和排龙天险(在排龙乡)是有名的险峻,全长14公里。According to Baidu: Tongmai Town is located in the middle of Bomi County, Linzhi City. It was built due to the construction Of Sichuan-Tibet Road. Nearby is the confluence of the Pallon River and the Yigong River. Among them, Palonzangbo Grand Canyon is the third Grand Canyon in the world, which has different climatic because of the different altitude. On 318 Road, Tongmai Risk and Pailong Risk (in Pailong Township) are famous for their precipitous road of 14 kilometers.</h3> <h3>这次没有时间从波密去墨脱有点遗憾的。提到墨脱,很多人向往,不但因为这里是中国最后通公路的一个县城,更是因为这里特殊的地理环境和敏感的政治地理位置,再加上驰名中外的墨脱石锅。墨脱县是雅鲁藏布江进入印度阿萨姆平原前,流经中国境内的最后一个县,境内的居民主要为门巴族和珞巴族,雅鲁藏布大峡谷主体段在该县境内,是西藏高原海拔最低,最温和,雨量最充沛,生态保存最完好的地方。从波密到墨脱,海拔从近4000米直接落差到1100多米,号称为一天经四季。在你从波密出发时候穿着冬季棉衣,但在墨脱则为夏季,要穿单衣。</h3> <h3>早餐吃得是河南的胡辣汤加煎包,味道不错!Breakfast was Henan spicy soup plus Fried Dumplings. Very good!</h3> <h3>又是一个下雨天。雨天骑车真不是滋味,可就是每天下雨。Raining again! It is not good experience riding in Raining day. But here it rains almost every day.</h3> <h3>路上又碰到了“光头强”。他头上的国旗依旧飘扬着。I met GTQ again on the road. The flag on his head was still flying.</h3> <h3>雨林中骑行视频 Riding Clip in rainforest.</h3> <h3>泥石流现场 Landslide Site</h3> <h3>雅鲁藏布江大峡谷YaluZangbu River Grand Canyon</h3> <h3>峡谷边上的风光 Gorge Scenery </h3> <h3>下午追上了老张,他早上比大伙先一个小时出发的。I caught up Lao Zhang in afternoon. He Set off One hour earlier than others.</h3> <h3>老张的骑行视频 Riding Clip </h3> <h3>这种本该长在水边或者水里的植物现在长在大峡谷两边的山坡上,可见这里湿度是何等的大。These plants, which should have grown by or in the water, now grows on the hillsides on both sides of the Grand Canyon, showing how much humidity it is in the Canyon.</h3> <h3>今天入住通麦饭店。这里房间里的每个床都有蚊帐。据说通麦因海拔低湿度大有大蚊子。We stay at the Tongmai Hotel today. Every bed in the room here has mosquito nets. It is said that Tongmai has large mosquitoes because of high humidit and low altitude.</h3> <h3>房间的阳台直接面对波都藏布江。这个波都藏布江与易贡藏布江合并之后流入赤隆藏布江,最后赤隆藏布江流入雅鲁藏布江。The balcony of the room faces the Bodu Zangbo River directly. After the merger of the Zangbo River and the Zangbo River, the Bodo Zangbo River flowed into the Chilong Zangbo River, and finally the Chilong Zangbo River flowed into the Yarlung Zangbo River.</h3> <h3>客栈后面还有个菜园。感觉海拔低了什么都能种了。There is also a vegetable garden behind the inn. It looks like it can grow anything at a low altitude.</h3> <h3>骑行川藏线已经18天了。“累”不是问题,可是这个“苦”确实有点难熬的。It has been 18 days since I rode the Sichuan-Tibet Road. "tiredness" is not a problem, but the "severity" is really a difficulty.</h3>