<h3>鲜花月饼<br></h3><h3>Flower Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Flower mooncakes have been well received in the market in recent years. The fillings are added with flowers, bringing a fragrant taste. The variety is quite rich and the most popular ones are rose and sweet-scented osmanthus.</h3><h3>鲜花月饼近年来在市场上很受欢迎。鲜花月饼在馅料中加入鲜花,满口清香。其中,最受欢迎的要数玫瑰花和桂花馅。</h3> <h3>莲蓉月饼
White Lotus Mooncake
The lotus mooncake is the representative of Cantonese-style mooncake. The filling is white lotus paste, which is made of the fresh lotus seeds of the year with a natural fragrance.
莲蓉月饼是广式月饼的代表。馅料是由新鲜莲子制成的莲蓉,有一种天然的香味。<br></h3> <h3>蛋黄月饼</h3><h3>Salted Egg Yolk Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>As it implied in the name, the filling of this kind of mooncake is the solid salted egg yolk. The unique taste makes this mooncake popular. The fresh lotus seeds paste or red bean paste are the most common combinations for mooncake fillings with egg yolks.</h3><h3>顾名思义,蛋黄月饼的馅料是实心的咸蛋黄。独特的口味使这种月饼很受欢迎。新鲜莲蓉和红豆沙是最常见的蛋黄月饼组合。</h3> <h3>五仁月饼</h3><h3>Wuren Mooncake/Mixed Nuts Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Wuren literally means five kinds of nuts or kernels such as walnut kernels, almonds, sesame seeds, melon seeds, hawthorn, red beans and so on. Wuren Mooncake is a typical and popular mooncake flavor in China. Though Chinese young people don’t like it very much, Wuren mooncake is much welcomed by the old.</h3><h3>五仁月饼根据字面意思就是五种不同的坚果或者果仁,比如核桃仁、杏仁、芝麻、瓜子、山楂还有红豆等等。五仁月饼在中国是一种经典而又深受喜爱的月饼馅料。尽管中国的年轻人并不是非常喜欢五仁,但是它在老年人中很受欢迎。</h3> <h3>豆沙月饼</h3><h3>Red Bean Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Sweet red bean mooncake has always been a classic type that many people prefer. Through careful production, the combination of sweet bean paste and the outer skin makes the mooncake smooth and have a richer flavor, which makes it a most popular mooncake flavor.</h3><h3>豆沙月饼是许多人喜爱的经典月饼。经过精心制作,豆沙馅料和外层饼皮的组合使豆沙月饼口感丝滑,味道浓郁,是最受欢迎的月饼之一。</h3> <h3>水果月饼</h3><h3>Fruits Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Fruit mooncake blends the taste of fruit. The sweet but not greasy taste is loved by many people. The fillings is usually added with the freshest fruits like strawberry, orange, peach, and pineapple. The durian mooncake is the popular fruit mooncake flavor in recent years.</h3><h3>水果月饼混合了多种水果的味道。这种甜而不腻的口感受到了很多人的喜爱。馅料中通常添加草莓、橘子、桃子或菠萝等新鲜水果。榴莲月饼是近年来流行的水果月饼。</h3> <h3>鲜肉月饼</h3><h3>Minced Pork Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Minced pork mooncake is a traditional snack in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai regions. The filling is fresh minced pork. The wrapper is permeated by meat juice and baked, which makes it crisp and a special taste. Meat lovers can also have a try of another meat mooncake flavor, Cantonese style ham mooncake.</h3><h3>鲜肉月饼是江苏、浙江和上海三地的传统小食。鲜肉月饼的馅料是新鲜的猪肉肉末。它的饼皮是先由肉汁浸泡,再烘焙而成的。这种做法使它的外壳酥脆可口,别有一番风味。对于肉食爱好者来说,还可以尝试另一种肉馅月饼——广式火腿月饼。</h3> <h3>绿茶月饼</h3><h3>Green Tea Mooncake</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The biggest feature of green tea mooncake is the fresh natural taste. Green tea powder is added into the skin or the fillings. Different from other types of mooncakes, it is not overly sweet and has a certain health effect!</h3><h3>绿茶月饼最大的特点是其新鲜自然的味道。将绿茶粉加入月饼的馅料或饼皮当中。与其他月饼不同的是,绿茶月饼不太甜并且有助于身体健康。</h3> <h3></h3><h3>芋泥月饼</h3><h3>Yam Mooncake
Yam mooncake is also a new mooncake flavor. The filling is sweet yam paste. The mucus protein contained in the yam can improve the body’s resistance. So the yam mooncake is popular among those who want to keep healthy.