骑行川藏线第十六天 9.13 Road 318 Day(16)


<h3>八宿至然乌 Basu to Ranwu</h3> <h3>今天我们将从3252米的八宿翻越4467米的安久拉山到3932米的然乌。然乌有然乌湖,米堆冰川,来古冰川和仁龙巴冰川。Today we will climb from Basu Of 3252 meters to Angela Mountain of 4467 meters and then to Ranwu Of 3932 meter. Ranwu has Ranyu Lake, Midui Glacier, Laigu Glacier and Renlongba Glacier.</h3> <h3>听说昨天老刘忙和李勋为了追赶大部队马不停蹄地骑行。但是天有不测风云,老刘忙在路上连续遭遇了扎胎,链条和塌方问题。其实昨天下午我们在怒江大峡谷骑行时就看到后面一大片乌云还夹带着响雷。没有想到之后在大峡谷下暴雨,还造成塌方。听说八宿县委书记还连夜赶去事故现场。好在老刘忙和李勋最后搭乘警车来到县城附近,最终他们总于到达了我们的客栈。真是不容易啊!</h3><h3>It was said that yesterday Lao Liu and Li Xun rode constantly in order to catch up with us. But there were unexpected thing happened. Lao Liu had been repeatedly encountered flat tire, chain choke and Road collapse. In fact, yesterday afternoon, when we were riding in the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang River, we saw a large dark cloud behind us with thunder. I didn't expect it to rain in the Grand Canyon and cause landslides. It was said that the secretary of the Bazu County CPC Committee also rushed to the accident site last night. Fortunately, Lao Liu and Li Xun finally took a police pick-up to Basu , and finally they arrived at our inn. It's not easy!</h3> <h3>今天是中秋节啦。记得之前还有一次因三天三夜重装徒步浙江最高峰黄毛尖而错过了与家人团聚的中秋节。这一次又是了,真是抱歉!不过我们骑友们可以在然乌仪式化地过个中秋节。Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. I remember I ever missed the Mid-Autumn Festital with family when I was hiking The Huangmao peak, the highest peak in Zhejiang, for three days and three nights. Now I missed the Festival with family again. I'm so sorry! But riders can celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in Lanwu tonight.</h3> <h3>昨天在跟老张谈有关到了拉萨后怎么办时,他说他要让他老伴也到拉萨然后一起从拉萨去尼泊尔和印度游玩。我觉得这是个好主意,毕竟拉萨离这些地方近。于是我也有了去尼泊尔的想法。Yesterday, Lao Zhang talked about what to do after arriving At Lhasa, He said he wanted his wife to go to Lhasa and then travel from Lhasa to Nepal and India. I think it's a good idea. After all, Lhasa is close to these places. So I plan to go to Nepal As well.</h3> <h3>拉萨和尼泊尔的相对位置 Location Of Nepal</h3> <h3>从拉萨陆路去尼泊尔的线路 Route From Lasa to Nepal</h3> <h3>一早起来就去屋顶露台看晾着的衣服。谢天谢地!这次总算没有被雨淋,干了。本来想好了,如果被雨淋湿了,那么我就洗衣机里甩干一下然后打包带到下一站去晾。I Got up early in the morning and went to the roof terrace to cheu the clothes hanging. Thank heavens! This time They were not caught in the rain . I had thought if They get wet in the rain, then I'll dump it dry in the washing machine and pack it and take it to the next stop to dry.</h3> <h3>早餐10元。吃早餐时李勋和老刘忙跟我们讲他们昨天的特别经历。他俩讲得很生动,大家听得很入神。</h3> <h3>出发前李健的车胎又瘪了,于是立刻换胎。老张考虑到骑行任务重先出发了。老布丁和小卢今天决定搭车直接到然乌,然后骑车沿然乌湖游玩。</h3> <h3>上午的骑行有些枯燥。基本上两边都是光秃秃的山,山上零星地长着一些细叶灌木。只是间隔会出现一个小山村,绿绿的,让人眼前一亮。</h3> <h3>这样的小型发电站估计能给一个乡供电。</h3> <h3>路上又碰到了小吴,他头盔上插着国旗,很好认。他来自贵州,骑的是颠藏线。他脱下帽子是个光头,所以大家都叫他“光头强”。</h3> <h3>中午12:00到了午餐点吉达乡。由于吃腻了川菜,我只点了碗肉丝面,20元。老张进了饭店厨房在跟他们理论为啥米饭要5元。</h3> <h3>庄稼收割得差不多了</h3> <h3>今天全程逆风骑行,很费力!小溪里洗个苹果吃吃。</h3> <h3>他们从四川一路过来,朝拜到拉萨为止。</h3> <h3>到了垭口</h3> <h3>20公里的下坡一点也没有下坡的爽感。由于逆风,下坡还得用力踩。</h3> <h3>下坡时的风景</h3> <h3>下坡时看到冰川了</h3> <h3>今晚入住然乌的鑫雅酒店,也是57318的服务站。下图是房间窗户拍的冰川照。</h3> <h3>今天中秋佳节,我们晚餐的预算稍微放开一些。没能跟家人在一起,只能骑友们闹闹气氛。</h3>