<h3>Our solar system</h3><h3>Ethan一直对天文感兴趣,之前学Twinkle little star时有些听不懂,今天又感兴趣的拿出太阳系模型研究,于是我们准备把天文相关的书拿出来学习。</h3> <h3>科二:</h3><h3>Mission to mars</h3><h3>The planets in our solar system</h3><h3>What the moon is like</h3><h3>You are aboard space ship earth</h3><h3>The international space Station</h3><h3>Floating in space</h3> <h3>This is the sun.</h3><h3>The sun is a gaseous mass of hydrogen and helium.Its temperature is about fifteen milloin℃ at the core and 6000℃ at the surface.The sun is not solid.Planets are not luminous so we only see them in our solar system because they reflect the light of the sun.</h3> <h3>Mercury</h3><h3>Mercury is named after the roman god of messages and eloquece.Clearly visible to the naked eye.Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.Daytime temperature rise to 427℃,and at night may fall to -179℃.It is the smallest planets in our solar system.</h3> <h3>Venus</h3><h3>Visible to naked eye,Venus was first recorded by Babylonians in the 17th centry BC.It is named afer the Roman goddess of love.</h3><h3>The average surface temperature of Venus is 460℃,making it the hottest planet in our solar system.Venus rotates once every 243 Earth days,rotating more slowly than any of the other planets.</h3> <h3>Earth</h3><h3>Some planets have satellites,like Earth's moon.We only ever see one face of the moon.</h3><h3>The gravitational pull between the earth and the moon creats tides-the rise and fall of sea levels.Almost 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water.To date,the earth is the only planet we know that supports life.</h3> <h3>Mars</h3><h3>Mars is named after the Roman god of war.It is visible to naked eye.Mars has the tallest volcano in the solar system.Olympus mons has a heigh of nearly 25 km and the diameter of 624km.</h3> <h3>Jupiter</h3><h3>Jupiter is easy to see with the naked eye,Galileo first observed it through a telescope in 1610.It is named after the Roman king of gods.</h3><h3>It is the largest planet in the solar system.The most prominent feature on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot,believe to be an anticyclonic vortex.</h3> <h3>Saturn</h3><h3>Roman god of agriculture.Known to the Greek as Kronos,father to the Greek as Kronos,father of Zeus.The first telescopic observation of Saturn's ring was by Galileo in 1610,but he interpreted them as 'arms' of some sort.In 1656,with a stronger telescope,Chrisitiaan Huygens saw the ring and also discovered Titan,Saturn's moon.</h3><h3>Saturn's ring system is the largest and most complex in the solar system.The rings are made up of ice and rock particles.Each ring orbits at a different speed around the planet.</h3> <h3>Uranus</h3><h3>The Greek god of the sky.</h3><h3>Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar system.Its average temperature is about -218℃.The tilt of Uranus is 97.9.while the axis of most planets is nearly vertical,the axis of uranus is almost horizontal.</h3> <h3>Neptune</h3><h3>Named after the Roman god of the sea.</h3><h3>Neptune has wind speeds of approximately 2000km/h,the fastest of all the planets in the solar system.</h3> <h3>Let`s tell something about our solar system.</h3>