YIMING Defecation smart care robot


<h3>铱鸣大小便智能护理机器人 世界领先智能护理机器人 </h3><h3>The YIMING intelligent toilet nursing robot</h3><h3>World’s leading nursing robot</h3><h3>① 产品介绍 中国老年人口已达全球老年人口的1/5,养老问题严峻。 康复养老照护,面临的瓶颈问题就是护理力量严重不足,更没有高素质的职业照护师队伍。因为没有人愿意做端屎端尿的事,尤其是年轻人。所以,不从根本上解决大小便护理脏臭的问题,就不可能产生经过学历教育的职业照护师,没有这职业照护师,什么高端养老都是空谈。</h3><h3>① Introduction </h3><h3>The elderly population in China has reached 1/5 of the global elderly population, and the problem of elderly caring is severe. Insufficient nursing power, let alone professional nursing teams, has emerged as the most critical part among all the aspects regarding elderly care. In spite of the shortage, new work forces are reluctant to join in the field, for the disposal of human excreta could be onerous and repellent. Therefore, in order to attract well-educated care-givers and encourage professional nursers, sanitary of the disposal has become the prerequisite.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>② 铱鸣大小便智能护理机器人,开创了护理领域的革命性创新,实现了大小便的全自动抽吸、清洗和烘干,集高度智能化、人性化及细致体贴于一体,从设计上,处处考虑使用者从身体到心里的体验和感受,使护理变得干净轻松,不再臭更,更维护了失能者的尊严。 </h3><h3>The YIMING intelligent toilet nursing robot is the revolutionary harbinger in the nursing field, which realizes the automation of the disposal process (suction, cleaning and drying) of human excreta. And it also serves as the integration of hygiene, intelligence and humanization: putting the user's experience and feelings at the first place, the YIMING intelligent toilet nursing robot has been maintaining the disabled in both physical and mental ways, by making the nursing work effortless and clean.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>③ 工作原理 适用于失能及半失能卧床患者,当大小便排出时,便斗立即自动感应,同时启动充气密闭和臀部分开功能,并将大小便抽吸到污物桶内,待排便结束后自动进行温水冲洗和暖风烘干。</h3><h3>Mechanism</h3><h3>The YIMING intelligent toilet nursing robot is designed for the disabled or semi-disabled patients staying in bed. The moment defecation is sensed by the toilet bucket, the inflatable sealing and buttock separation function will be activated. As a result, the excreta will be sucked into the dirt bin. And when defecation is over, related area will be rinsed by warm water and then dried by warm air.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>④ 材料环保,柔软透气,不伤皮肤,能够长期穿戴; 大便斗采用特殊的复合材料,突破性地解决了透气和密闭的矛盾; 小便斗有定时自动送风功能,内有透气网格布,确保透气舒适; 排便时通过充气的方式,将大小便斗与皮肤紧密接触,做到防侧漏;</h3><h3>The YIMING intelligent nursing robot is made of 100% environmentally friendly material. The skin-contacting part is soft, ventilating and suitable for long-time wearing. Special composite material is used on the excrement bucket to make it both ventilating and odor proof. Meanwhile, timing ventilation function is built into the urinal bucket, which is covered by grid ventilating fabric. On defecation, the skin-contacting part will be inflated, ensuring close contact of the buckets with skin, hence preventing side-leakage.</h3><h3>⑤ 臀部分开功能和独特的冲水水流设计,使冲洗干净不留死角; 臀部按摩和负压抽吸,可有效促进排便和防褥疮。 独家采用医用纳米银Ⅲ类专利技术制作,临床验证可灭杀650种细菌,并且水洗100次抗抑菌率仍达到99%。 </h3><h3>The buttock separation function and the unique flow design facilitate water rinsing and guarantee toilet hygiene. The buttock massage and negative pressure suction can effectively promote bowel movements and prevent bedsores. The nano-silver patented technology for class III medical device is adopted exclusively for manufacturing, which has been clinically verified to be capable of eliminating 650 kinds of bacteria and to maintain 99% efficacy after 100 washes.</h3><h3>集便器人性化设计 </h3><h3>Humanizing design of excreta collector</h3><h3>纳米银抗菌材料</h3><h3>Nano-silver anti-bacterial material</h3><h3>⑥ 生命体征监测 生物雷达可实时检测心跳、呼吸和体动三项指标,可以判断人体的生理和健康状况;可报告翻身次数、离床/离线时间、睡眠时间、睡眠质量等数据。另外通过指标及行为特征分析可以做出异常报警,从而为用户生命安全及健康管理提供数据支持。 </h3><h3>Vital sign monitoring</h3><h3>Heartbeat rate, respiration rate and body movement are continuously monitored by built-in biological radar, which is adept at determining physiological signs and estimating health status. User’s data, including number of turns, off-bed/off-line time, sleep time, sleep quality and etc., are collected and stored to generate reports and facilitate future analyses. Furthermore, the alarming system will be triggered when abnormal vital signs or activities are detected, providing better support for life safety. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>⑦ 操作流程 </h3><h3>operation procedure</h3><h3>使用前待机状态 Standby</h3><h3>自动感应 Automatic sensing</h3><h3>臀部分开 Separation of buttocks</h3><h3>充气 Air inflation</h3><h3>便斗与皮肤贴实 Secure contact of toilet buckets with skin</h3><h3>自动抽吸大小便 Automatic pumping of the excreta</h3><h3>自动冲洗、暖风烘干 Automatic washing &amp; drying</h3><h3>清理结束 Completion of cleaning</h3><h3>大小便斗与皮肤分离 Resetting the toilet buckets</h3><h3>恢复待机状态 Restore standby</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>⑧ 护理院 老年公寓 家庭 医院 铱鸣科技 用智能 帮失能 中国•珠海唐家湾大学路101号-清华科技园3栋805</h3><h3>护理院 Nursing home</h3><h3>老年公寓 Senior apartments</h3><h3>家庭 Family</h3><h3>医院 Hospital</h3><h3>依鸣科技 YIMING intelligent medical science and technology co., Ltd.</h3><h3>用智能 帮失能 </h3><h3>Intelligence for the disable</h3><h3>给最无助的人 最大的帮助</h3><h3>Be the strongest, for the weakest</h3> <h3><font color="#ff8a00">contact us.</font></h3> <h3>Contact with Germany.</h3><h3>Mailbox contact@china-bridge.de</h3><h3> phone. 0049 152 3400 7434 + WhatsAPP</h3><h3>WeChat. freiburg5678</h3>









