<h3>新沟到瓦斯沟 77公里 Xingou to Wasigou 77km</h3> <h3>今天从海拔1410的新沟出发先爬18公里的坡到海拔2200米的二郎山隧道,过隧道后稍微再爬点坡就开始一路下坡到海拔1300米的泸定。泸定中饭之后再沿着大渡河骑26公里的小起伏道路后到海拔1446的瓦斯沟,今天骑行累计升高1100米。</h3><h3>Today we started from Xingou of 1,410 high to Erlang tunnel of 2,200m high throung 18km's continuous climbing. Then all the way down to Luding of 1,300m. Having lunch in Luding, we rided to Wasigou of 1,446 along Dadu River, with some small up and down.</h3> <h3>行李 Luggage</h3> <h3>今天依旧是让服务站帮助我们托运驮包然后我们可以轻装上阵。这里真的要感谢57318提供的这项服务,重装爬坡难度大而且驮包容易被呼啸而过的卡车蹭着。这项免费的服务会一直到我们进入藏区结束。</h3><h3>Today, again, we had hotel help us deliver the luggage to next hotel. So we set off with convenience. Really appreciate the service from 57318. Cycling with heavy bags not only consume additional energy, but also add safety risks while moving with trucks shoulder by shoulder. This service will continue until we enter Tibet zone.</h3> <h3>出发前 Before Riding</h3> <h3>昨晚整整下了一个晚上的雨直到早上仍未停止。真是名不虚传的“雅雨”啊!大家穿好雨具拍完合照出发大约是八点不到。今天总距离不长但是前面的18公里连续爬坡是有点小挑战的。</h3><h3>The rain did not stop in the morning after whole night. Now we think Yaan deserve the reputation of "Ya Rain". We set off before 8 o'clock after we wore rain wears and took the group photo. Today's task was not long, but the 18km climbing was a little difficult.</h3> <h3>卡车 Trucks</h3> <h3>由于二郎山隧道修缮对卡车封道,一开始整条道被卡车塞得水泄不通,如照片所示,自行车根本就穿不过去,我们只能蜿蜒寻找缝隙。卡车的队伍足足有10公里啊!</h3><h3>At beginning the whole road was crowded by trucks which were blocked due to some construction in Erlang tunnel. As you can see, no way we could move forward with our bike among trucks. The truck line extended 10km and we had no choice but to explore small gap.</h3> <h3>流浪狗 Homeless Dog</h3> <h3>骑出10公里之后终于没有卡车队伍了,此时道路上空无一车。随着海拔的升高山上开始雨雾缭绕,温度也开始降低。由于是爬坡所以不觉得冷还出汗,真的是外面雨水里面汗水,衣服全湿透了。遇见了两只流浪狗,给其中一只拍了照。由于手机镜头也湿了,所以照片有些模糊。据说这种流浪狗你只要喂它吃它就会一路跟着你走,还真有骑友收养了偶遇的流浪狗。</h3><h3>The truck line Finally ended after 10km. Then the road became very empty. With the esclation, the temperature went down and fog was around you. I did not feel cold because i was climbing very hard. Rather, I sweated a lot, which generated wet inside rain coat. I ran into two homeless dogs and I took photo for one. The picture was not clear because the mobile phone len was wet that time. It was said that homeless dog will follow you all the way if you feed them food. There were true stories about that.</h3> <h3>二郎山隧道 Erlang Tunnel</h3> <h3>只有隧道封路我才有机会站在路中间拍下这张照片啊!这个隧道长达4km,可以想像隧道上面的山峰是很高的。隧道使我们少爬了很多坡路。</h3><h3>Only when the tunnel was blocked, i got the chance to take photo in right front of it. The Erlang is 4,000m and you can imagine how high the peak is. Tks to the tunnel which gave us short cut.</h3> <h3>码表失灵 GPS Meter</h3> <h3>在隧道中GPS码表立刻失灵,图中可以看到码表很多数据都没有了。所以说也不要盲目崇拜GPS码表哦。整个隧道中就我一辆自行车,爽呆了!</h3><h3>My GPS meter dysfunctioned in the tunnel. In the picture you can see no speed info. To those cyclists, please dont blindly promote GPS meter all the time. Today lucky enough, i was the only person in the tunnel. That's really special.</h3> <h3>过了隧道后的天气 Weather Other Side</h3> <h3>出了二郎山隧道之后发现完全是两个不同的天。天空非常清澈,白云流动,很美!</h3><h3>Another side of the tunnel was a totally different weather. The sky was very clean with moving cloud. It was beautiful.</h3> <h3>观景台指示牌 Sign Of Viewing Point</h3> <h3>下二郎山的途中有好几个观景台,我每个观景台都去看了看,果然观景角度不错,设想国庆节期间这里肯定停满了旅行大巴车,而现在只有我一个人。由于衣服湿透太冷,不敢在山上停留太久,所以干净下山。</h3><h3>There were several viewing points on the way down Erlang Mount. i tried to have a look at scenery at each point, imagining how many tour bus will stop here during the coming national holiday. But now i am the only tourist standing here. I felt very cold with wet clothe. So did not stop there too long.</h3> <h3>景色 Scenery</h3> <h3>照片中山脚的那条河就是大渡河,相信大家都知道这条名字响亮的河. 这条河流经泸定县城时变得狭窄而湍急。</h3><h3>The river at the mountain foot is Dadu River. It is believed to be known to everyone. The river becomes narrow and rapid when it pass the downtown.</h3> <h3>碟刹和刹车片备件 Disk Brake & Spare Part</h3> <h3>连续下坡对自行车碟刹是个挑战。刹车盘和刹车片会过热而使刹车失效。我们被告知定好时间,每隔15分钟需要停下来让刹车系统冷却一会儿。下坡的路不是很平所以有些震。冷是最深的感受!</h3><h3>Continuous sliding dwon the slope is a big damage to the bike braking system. Over heat of brake disc and pad will dysfuntion braking system. We were told to stop the bike every 15 minutes to cool down the braking system. The down road had some virboration but the worst was cold.</h3> <h3>泸定桥 Luding Bridge</h3> <h3>泸定是我们今天的午间停留地。泸定因泸定桥而变得家喻户晓。飞夺泸定桥被写入教科书。1935年红军长征的先头部队到达泸定无法征用到足够的船来横渡大渡河,在后面追兵的逼迫下只能拿下泸定桥。22个敢死队英雄冒着国军枪林弹雨把木板铺设到对岸,使大部队成功越过大渡河。</h3><h3>我到泸定时骑友们都还没到,又冷又饿的,于是我先找地方吃午饭了。饭后参观了泸定桥也在城里小逛了一下发现骑友还没有到。我没法继续等待了,因为太冷了。</h3><h3>Luding was the location of lunch. Luding was well known for its Luding Bridge. The story of Luding Bridge was put into textbook. In 1935, Mr. Jiang, the head of Guoming Party, tried to defeat Mr. Mao, the lead of Communisit Party. Mr. Mao was forced to make long march to escape from Mr. Jiang's attack. Mr. Mao troop - Red Army did not get enough boats to have the troop cross over the Dadu River. So they sent 22 brave soldiers striving to take over the Luding chain bridge with cover of fire. The fighting was very fierce. Finally the 22 warriors made their way and reached another side of the river, which paved the way for the whole troop of Red Army.</h3> <h3>天堑 Bridge In Air</h3> <h3>面对这样的画面我只能感叹“厉害了,我的国” 下午的路程基本都是沿着大渡河骑行的,有起有伏,难度不大。太阳出来之后我才开始不冷。</h3><h3>Looking at the bridge in the high air, sense of pround for my country arised in my mind. The rest of the riding was almost along the Dadu River. There were some small up and down but overall it was not suffering. When the sun came out, I felt warm again.</h3> <h3>仙人果 Cactus Fruit</h3> <h3>这种长在仙人掌上的水果我是第一次看到。对于我这样一个爱好水果的人来说,各地产的水果我是抵挡不住诱惑的。毫不犹豫,买来吃,味道相当不错,胜过很多水果。我还买了一些当地产的新鲜核桃。</h3><h3>It is my first time to see this kind of fruit. It is the fruit of cactus. i am not immune to all kinds of fruits. So without hesitation I bought some and tasted them. It turned out to be very good taste I also bought some nuts which are local produce as well..</h3> <h3>电解质粉 Electrolyte Powder</h3> <h3>这次在爬坡时我喝上了自带的电解质粉。由于大量持续出汗,补充电解质也是有必要的。我希望我的好的状态能继续保持下午。不要感冒,不要高反。</h3><h3>Today i began to drink electrolyte I made myself. When sweating a lot, electrolyte is necessary because many minerals in body will lost with the sweat. I hope i can keep strong all the time, no cold and no altitude reaction.</h3> <h3>今天我到达目的地的时间还很早,下午三点左右,其实我是可以到下一站康定的,但是好像没有必要,毕竟洗澡,洗衣,写作等还是需要时间的。</h3><h3>It was still early when I arrived at hotel. I could ride further to the next stop - Kangding, but I prefer to leave some time to bath, washing and writting.</h3>