<h3> 玺基上刻“九州方圆”意指中国神州大地,又呼应1997年香港回归时,中央赠送香港的九州方圆紫金花雕像。玉玺一方一圆,以圆壁相连;玺钮以螭龙潜海为造型,意指中华民族是龙的传人,祝愿祖国吉祥美好。</h3><h3> On the seal base, there is an inion of "jiuzhou fangyuan", which means China's vast territory and echoes the purple and golden flower statue presented by the central government to Hong Kong when Hong Kong returned to China in 1997.A round seal on one side, connected by a round wall;Seal to chi dragon dive sea for modeling, meaning that the Chinese nation is the descendants of the dragon, wish the motherland good luck</h3> <h3> 九州方圆”,涵盖“九州”中国之雄浑壮阔,也有“方圆”领土之地大物博,说的就是中国这块地方。坐落于金紫荆广场的香港标志性建筑《永远盛开的紫荆花》,也尤为体现。暖红色的花岗岩基座承托,圆柱方底,正是寓意“九州方圆”。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 此套普天同庆九州方圆宝玺别出心裁,采用双联玺的形制,既体现出“一龙共方圆,同圆中华梦”的一国两制的伟大方针,又蕴含“天圆地方,九州方圆”的天下一统概念。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 玺基上刻“九州方圆”意指中国神州大地,又呼应1997年香港回归时,中央赠送香港的九州方圆紫金花雕像。玉玺一方一圆,以圆壁相连;玺钮以螭龙潜海为造型,意指中华民族是龙的传人,祝愿祖国吉祥美好。其上又铭刻有香港文化大师金庸先生作的《香港赋》,以及人民大会堂悬挂的巨幅铁艺书法《中华颂》,玉玺集二者于一身,既有中国五千年文化之貌,又体现大国风采。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 其主要领导成员均是影响香港与世界的行业领袖和精英。如霍英东、李嘉诚、金庸、曾宪梓等 题材重大,工艺大师选用上等天然和田青玉,耗时3年时间才设计雕刻完成!宝玺沿用圆雕、镂雕等100多道皇室玉玺雕刻工艺,每套玉玺都要从数十公斤的整块玉料中剖取纯净玉髓,龙盘云海造型雕刻更加困难,需上千次的反复雕琢。雕出的宝玺形神兼备,栩栩如生,每一件都堪称独一无二的玉雕藏品。</h3> <h3> "Jiuzhou fangyuan" covers "jiuzhou" China's mighty and magnificent, but also "fangyuan" territory of vast territory, said China this place.Hong Kong landmark "bauhinia in eternal bloom", located in the golden bauhinia square, is also particularly reflected.Warm red granite base support, cylindrical square bottom, is the meaning of "jiuzhou square".</h3><h3> This set of universal celebration jiuzhou square seal unique, using the double seal shape system, not only reflects the "one dragon square, with the Chinese dream" great policy of one country, two systems, and contains the "round heaven and place, jiuzhou square" concept of the world unification.</h3><h3> .On the seal base, there is an inion of "jiuzhou fangyuan", which means China's vast territory and echoes the purple and golden flower statue presented by the central government to Hong Kong when Hong Kong returned to China in 1997.A round seal on one side, connected by a round wall;Seal to chi dragon dive sea for modeling, meaning that the Chinese nation is the descendants of the dragon, wish the motherland good luck.It is also engraved with the Hong Kong ode written by the Hong Kong cultural master jin yong and the huge iron calligraphy ode to China hanging in the great hall of the people.</h3><h3> Its leading members are all industry leaders and elites who influence Hong Kong and the world.Such as huo yingdong, li ka-shing, jin yong, zeng xianzi and other major themes, the master selection of high-quality natural and tian qingyu, it took three years to design and sculpture!Baoxi continues to use round carving, carving and other more than 100 royal jade seal carving process, each set of jade seal from tens of kilograms of the whole piece of jade material to extract pure jade medullary, dragon disk cloud sea modeling carving more difficult, need thousands of times of repeated carving.Carved out of the seal shape and god, lifelike, each can be called a unique jade collection.</h3> <h3> 作为目前中国发行时间最长,规模和舆论影响力都十分巨大,且是联合国推选的全球最具代表性的三份中文报纸之一的香港大公报,也对北京瀚海拍卖的“普天同庆九州方圆宝玺”给予了高度的关注,并进行了相关报道</h3><h3><br></h3><h3> Celebrate kyushu fangyuan treasure seal is unique, adopt double seal shape, both embody the "one dragon square, with the Chinese dream" of the great policy of "one country, two systems", "nature round place, kyushu fangyuan" product concept of the world united.</h3><h3>The "jiuzhou fangyuan" refers to the Chinese state of China, and it echoes the return of Hong Kong in 1997. The seal has a circle, which is connected by a round wall; The seal is shaped by the sea of chi, meaning that the Chinese people are the descendants of the dragon and wish the motherland good luck.</h3><h3>Again on the engraved with the Hong Kong cultural master Mr Jin yong's "Hong Kong fu", as well as the giant, wrought iron calligraphy hanging in the great hall of the people of the song, decree set both at a suit, as Chinese culture of five thousand, reflect power again</h3> <h3> 2017年6月2日至4日,北京嘉里中心饭店举行的北京瀚海2017四季拍卖会(第94期),吸引了众多收藏爱好者的目光。其中一款庆祝香港回归祖国20周年的“普天同庆九州方圆宝玺”惊艳亮相,众多买家出价竞拍,随着出价一路升高,全套最终以110万元成交,创造了当代玉玺精品的新纪录!</h3><h3> The 2017 auction of four seasons of Beijing hanhai (no. 94) was held at the kerry center hotel in Beijing on June 2, 2017, attracting the attention of numerous collectors.One of them commemorates Hong Kong to return to the motherland 20 years "jatiantongqing jiuzhou fangyuan seal" jing jing appears, numerous buyer bid bid, as bid all the way rise, complete set clinch a deal with 1.1 million yuan finally, created the new record of contemporary jade seal high-quality goods!</h3> <h3>深圳艺术品有限公司</h3><h3>专业 古董 古玩 展览 展销 艺博会 文博会</h3><h3>咨询电话:13662621054(蔡经理)</h3>