<p>Listen裸听: peppa 音频<br>视频: pippa pigII 01 bubbles/02 teddy's day out/03 emily elephant/ 04 pollys holiday<br>阅读:</p><p><br></p> <h3>这两天妈妈做游戏做的有点少,一直没有找到handy dandy这个单元比较合适的游戏形式,备了一些日常生活场景的课就用去了大部分的空闲时间,加上娃生病两天也没有使劲推着娃,最后说来说去还是因为懒癌发作没有跟上计划,必须继续跟上姜老师课程的节奏了!!!</h3> <h3><b>feild trip Lego </b></h3><h3>Y:妈妈,陪我来玩乐高吧,乐高的英语就是lego么?</h3><h3>M: you're right!Lego is the English name. Are you going to play tiny ones or big ones?</h3><h3>Y:懵逼</h3><h3>M:(make the movement)small ones ro big ones? (反义词训练真的得跟上了!)</h3><h3>Y: small.</h3><h3>M: what shall we build with lego? let's build a house!</h3><h3> first,we need a lot of these to buid a house. I'll show you what the rectangle piece looks like. 找了一个长方形,一个正方形</h3><h3>look,this one is rectangle,and the other is ...</h3><h3>Y:square.</h3><h3>M:good job.can you find mommy the rectangle pieces?</h3><h3>now we put this blue piece on top of the green one. ok,you have a go. you can push them together,the studs fit into the holes under this one. ...</h3><h3>All we done. </h3><h3>the house is a icecream store.look,this is the billbord telling us here is the place where we can buy icecreams. now i am the cooker, you're the girl,ok? </h3><div>Y:ok.</div><div>M:we get various kinds of icecreams,<span style="color: inherit;">what flavor would you like? </span></div>