<p dir="ltr"><span style="font-size:1.00em;">女儿练完琴,随即给自己冲了杯咖啡,便端着上楼去自己的卧室做功课了,似是要熬夜苦读。</span><br>
一直为子女、为家庭奉献着,眼看着明年女儿就上大学离开家,自己以后的生活如何安排? 自己理想的生活方式到底是怎样的? 通俗一点说,以后的日子想怎样过?<br>
“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。若为自由故,二者皆可抛。” 这被惯用了的诗句,在这里表达自己的愿望却又觉着非常恰当。即后半生想要的就是自由。日子是自己的,生命也是自己的,在剩下的有限的人生里,只想最大限度地实现自我,想怎样就怎样,在法律和社会公德的范围之内,不计对错,无关他人,达到死而无憾。</h3><h3>
</h3> <h3>想爱就爱,不爱就分。除了柴米油盐,我还想要生活中的感动,心里的悸动。
望一眼漆黑的窗外,再看看女儿门缝里透出的光亮,心仍木然。<br></h3> <h3> The life </h3><h3>After the daughter finished the practice of </h3><h3>cello.she immediately made a cup of coffee for her self then went upstairs to go to her bedroom to do her homework. it seems to stay up all night.</h3><h3>As a mother, I always worry about my child.I immediately cut a plate of fruit and took it to her.</h3><h3>Recently, I have always considered the issue of life. According to the age of knowing the destiny, I feel that my understanding of life</h3><h3>is getting more and more blurred. I don't know how to live.</h3><h3>I have been dedicated to my children and</h3><h3>the family. I am watching my daughter going to university next year.she will leave from</h3><h3>home. How can I arrange my future ? What</h3><h3>is my ideal lifestyle? Popularly, what do I</h3><h3>want to do in the future?</h3><h3>"Life is precious, love is more valuable than</h3><h3>life. If for the freedom. both can be throw</h3><h3>away." This verse that is used to express my wishes here is very appropriate.That is, what I want in the second half life is freedom. </h3><h3>The days belong to own, and the life is also.</h3><h3>In the remaining limited life, I only want to make myself to be maximum extented, doing what I want within the scope of law and </h3><h3>social morality, regardless of right or wrong, </h3><h3>irrelevant to others. without regrets when </h3><h3>going to die.</h3><h3>If the person wants to love, just do it. The lifeis not long. it is not only need eating, drinking, sleeping. In addition , It also need to feel and to be felled. the heart need to be inciting.</h3><h3>Life is not a pool of stagnant water, even if there is no spray, it still needs a slight sigh.</h3><h3>This is the lived life .</h3><h3>Looking out of the dark through the . seeing the light shining from the door of the daughter 's room. my heart turned to be wooden.</h3>