

<h3>研学第十一天,今天的天气依然阴沉,这也是伦敦的常态了。</h3><h3>早上,我们要前往圣保罗大教堂,世界第二大圆顶教堂,仅次于意大利的佛罗伦萨大教堂。它有一个令人惊叹的特点:设计、建筑都仅由一个人完成的教堂,雷恩为此付出了35年的心血。它有一种特殊的、略带冷峻的、严肃端庄的美,为英国古典主义建筑的代表,被誉为古典主义建筑的纪念碑。<br></h3><h3>On the eleventh day of study, the weather is still gloomy today, which is the norm in London.</h3><h3>In the morning, we are going to St. Paul's Cathedral, the world's second largest dome cathedral, second only to Florence Cathedral in Italy. It has an amazing feature: the church is designed and built by only one person, and Ryan has devoted 35 years to it. It has a special, slightly cold, serious and dignified beauty, as the representative of British classical architecture, known as the monument of classical architecture.</h3> <h3>早餐。</h3><h3>Breakfast</h3> <h3>由于距离不远,所以吃完早餐,我们徒步前往教堂。</h3><h3>很快,我们便步行到了教堂附近。远远地,我们就看到了它那优雅的圆形穹顶。门前有安妮女王手持权杖和君主宝球的雕像。</h3><h3>Not far away, so after breakfast, we went on foot to the church.</h3><h3>Soon we walked to the church. From a distance, we can see its elegant dome. In front of the door was a statue of Queen Anne holding a sceptre and a monarch's ball.</h3> <h3>大厅主入口前段放置着一座大理石圣水盆和一尊精美的大理石烛台,站在圣器面前,一股庄严感油然而生。转身回望大厅,中殿高挑而宽广,南北过道拱形支柱上穹顶装饰的金碧辉煌,两排烛台式吊灯从天而降,映照在黑白相间的大理石地面上,更显中殿一片金光灿烂、富丽堂皇,令人赞叹不已。</h3><h3>In front of the main entrance of the hall, there is a marble sacred basin and a beautiful marble candlestick. Standing in front of the sacred vessels, there is a sense of solemnity. Turn around and look back at the hall, the hall is tall and broad, the dome decoration on the arch pillars of the North-South Corridor is brilliant, two rows of candlestick chandeliers fall from the sky, reflecting on the black-and-white marble floor, showing the hall a brilliant, magnificent, amazing.</h3> <h3>沿着北过道来到圆顶处,中央圆顶下方是大教堂的主要内部空间,圆顶由八个拱门之间的大柱支撑,它延伸了教堂中殿和过道的整个宽度。</h3><h3>Along the North aisle to the dome, below the central dome is the main interior space of the cathedral. The dome is supported by a column between eight arches, which extends the entire width of the church hall and aisle.</h3> <h3>穹顶上有八幅单灰色油画,它们讲述了圣保罗生活中的八个场景。</h3><h3>There are eight single gray paintings on the dome, which tell about eight scenes in Sao Paulo's life.</h3> <h3>漫步大厅,发现这里的雕塑格外的多,立柱两周都有雕塑。穹顶之下,左右两侧,墙上,都有形态各异的雕塑,有的是神话中的故事内容,有的是一些名流之人,据说他们的雕像下面就是安葬他们的位置。雕像下大多刻有碑文,也许是历史久远的缘故,有些字母已经有些磨损,看起来有些模糊,有一种时光流逝的感觉。</h3><h3>Walking through the hall, I found that there were many sculptures in the hall. There were sculptures in the pillars for two weeks. Under the dome, on the left and right sides, and on the walls, there are sculptures of different shapes, some of which are the stories in mythology, and some of the celebrities. It is said that their burial place is under their statues. Most of the inions under the statues are inscribed, perhaps because of the long history. Some letters have been worn and worn. They look vague and have a feeling of time passing.</h3> <h3>在布扎科、富恩特斯·德奥诺、崔达·罗德里戈、巴达霍兹、维托利亚、比利牛斯、奥茨和图卢兹的胜利中脱颖而出后,大家以公费向托马斯·皮克顿爵士将军致敬;在这时,他结束了他的军旅生涯。他的天才和勇敢为他在十八世纪的辉煌成就做出了卓越贡献。</h3><h3>After standing out in the victories of Buzako, Fuentes de Horno, Trida Rodrigo, Badahotz, Vitolia, Pyrenees, Oates and Toulouse, we paid tribute to General Thomas Picton at public expense, at which time he ended his military career. His genius and courage contributed greatly to his brilliant achievements in the eighteenth century.</h3> <h3>这是为了纪念安德鲁·海伊少将,他生于苏格兰班夫县,1814年4月14日,在他34岁时,在法国拜昂要塞前,结束了他热情、果断和勇敢的军事生活。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Major General Andrew Hai, who was born in Banff County, Scotland, on April 14, 1814. At the age of 34, he ended his enthusiastic, decisive and courageous military life in front of the French Fort Baion.</h3> <h3>这座纪念碑是英国议会为纪念1795年1月5日罗伯特·福克纳上尉的英勇行为而建造的。在他三十岁时,在即将胜利时,布兰克比号护卫舰被法国非常强大的护卫舰拉皮克击沉。他的决心与勇敢,改变了这一拖延了五个小时的行动。</h3><h3>The monument was built by the British Parliament in memory of Captain Robert Faulkner's heroic act on 5 January 1795. At the age of thirty, on the verge of victory, the frigate Blankby was sunk by the very powerful French frigate Lapique. His determination and courage changed the action, which had been delayed for five hours.</h3> <h3>这是为了纪念托马斯·邓达斯少将,年仅44岁。下议院投票决定建立这座纪念馆,这也是对他功绩和公共服务的最好纪念。</h3><h3>1795年6月5日。陛下欣然指示在伦敦圣保罗大教堂修建一座纪念碑,以纪念托马斯·邓达斯少将,以此作为对恩特的感激之情的证明。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Major General Thomas Dundas, who was only 44 years old. The House of Commons voted to establish the memorial, which is also the best commemoration of his achievements and public service.</h3><h3>June 5, 1795. His Majesty is pleased to direct the construction of a monument to Major General Thomas Dundas at St. Paul's Cathedral in London as a testimony of his gratitude to Enter.</h3> <h3>这座雕像是了为纪念英国海军副上将霍雷肖•纳尔逊子爵为国家服务的一生中所取得的辉煌和无与伦比的成就。</h3><h3>The statue commemorates the glorious and unparalleled achievements of Vice Admiral Horachaw Nelson in his life of service to the country.</h3> <h3>这是为了纪念约翰·托马斯·琼斯少将,他具有极高的专业素养。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Major General John Thomas Jones, who has a very high professional quality.</h3> <h3>这是为了纪念亨利·蒙哥马利·劳伦斯爵士,1806年6月28日出生,于1857年7月4日死在勒克瑙的保卫下。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence, who was born on 28 June 1806 and died under the guard of Lucknow on 4 July 1857.</h3> <h3>为了纪念海军上将厄尔·豪将军,这座雕像以公费建造,以证明他卓著的功勋。他在1794年6月1日在乌桑特岛上战胜法国舰队,取得了辉煌的胜利,这对他的国家尤其有益。他于1726年3月19日出生,1799年8月5日去世,年仅74岁。</h3> <h3>为了纪念卡斯伯特•科林伍德勋爵,雕像以公费建造。他死在地中海舰队手上,于3月7日在巴黎维尔号上死亡。无论他在何处服役,都因其行为、技能和勇气而著称,尤其是在法国舰队的行动中。担任巴弗勒号的船长。在2月份西班牙舰队第十四次行动中,担任的船长,十分出色。但最引人注目的是,在对特拉法加角的决定性胜利中,他战胜了法国和西班牙的联合舰队,他作为蓝军团的副上将,指挥了21世纪的左舷师。</h3><h3>In memory of Lord Cuthbert Collingwood, the statue was built at public expense. He died in the hands of the Mediterranean fleet and on the Paris Ville on March 7. Wherever he served, he was known for his actions, skills and courage, especially in the operations of the French fleet. Captain of the Baffler. During the 14th operation of the Spanish fleet in February, the captain was excellent. But most notably, in his decisive victory over Cape Trafalgar, he defeated the combined fleet of France and Spain, commanding the 21st century port divisions as Deputy General of the Blue Legion.</h3> <h3>为了纪念杰奥·奥格斯·艾略特·洛德将军,公费建造。希斯菲尔德。公元1782年9月13日,他在直布罗陀勇敢而英勇的防御下,担任总督,抵御法国和西班牙军队的联合攻击,以此证明他为国家提供了重要的服务。他于1790年7月6日去世。</h3><h3>In memory of General Geo Oggs Eliot Lord, it was built at public expense. Heathfield. On September 13, 1782, he served as Governor under Gibraltar's brave and heroic defence against joint attacks by French and Spanish forces, proving that he had provided important services to the country. He died on July 6, 1790.</h3> <h3>为了纪念海军副上将霍雷肖,纳尔逊子爵,K.B.在为国家服务的一生中所取得的辉煌和无与伦比的成就,公费建造了这座雕像。在胜利的时刻以光荣的死亡结束。在10月21日在特拉法加角举行的纪念活动中。纳尔逊勋爵于9月29日出生,尼罗河之战于8月1日,哥本哈根之战于4月2日。</h3><h3>In memory of Vice Admiral Horachaw, Viscount Nelson, and K.B. for his brilliant and unparalleled achievements in serving the country, the statue was built at public expense. The moment of victory ends with a glorious death. The commemoration was held in Cape Trafalgar on 21 October. Lord Nelson was born on September 29, the Battle of the Nile on August 1 and the Battle of Copenhagen on April 2.</h3> <h3>这座雕像是为了纪念乔治·布拉格登·韦斯科特,威严号的船长。他在33年的功勋生涯后,在8月1日在阿布基尔取得的法国舰队胜利中光荣地倒下,享年46岁。</h3> <h3>这是为了纪念爱德华·帕克纳姆爵士。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Sir Edward Packham.</h3> <h3>参观过程我把它分为三个部分,由于时间关系,老师决定登顶优先,之后再游览主厅及地宫。</h3><h3>登高望远,是要付出代价的,从入口至塔顶一共有528节楼梯。底层部分楼梯尚且较为宽阔,随着高度的上升,楼梯也变得越来越窄。到达回音廊后,阶梯宽度缩小至仅容一人通行,高度也突然缩小,部分楼梯标注了“小心碰头”的字样,突然有一种身处密室的感觉。不过好在我们不多久就到达了第一个望远点。</h3><h3>During the visit, I divided it into three parts. Because of the time, the teacher decided to give priority to climbing the top, and then visited the main hall and the palace.</h3><h3>There are 528 stairs from the entrance to the top of the tower. The bottom part of the staircase is still relatively broad, with the rise of height, the staircase is becoming narrower and narrower. After arriving at the echo corridor, the width of the stairs was reduced to only one person, and the height was suddenly reduced. Some stairs were marked with the words "meet carefully", and suddenly there was a feeling of being in a secret room. Fortunately, we arrived at the first telescope soon.</h3> <h3>但是这里离地面仅53米,作一个短暂的修整,我们继续攀登剩余的152级阶梯。剩下的阶梯就更为陡峭,悬空加狭窄,偶尔还有一些抖动。低头向下看,能直接看到底部,令人胆颤心惊。有同学现场表示不会再来了。在经历了生理加心理的双重折磨20分钟后,我们终于来到了85米高的最高观景点。1967年前,111米高的它始终统治着伦敦的天际线,拥有傲世群“筑”的绝对权利。现在,大部分的楼也能被我们尽收眼底。俯瞰这座繁华的大都市,又何尝不是一种荣幸呢?</h3><h3>But it's only 53 meters above the ground. For a short time, we continue to climb the remaining 152 steps. The rest of the stairs were steeper, suspended and narrower, with occasional jitters. Looking down, you can see the bottom directly, which is frightening. Some students said on the spot that they would not come again. After 20 minutes of physical and psychological torture, we finally arrived at the highest scenic spot 85 meters high. Before 1967, it was 111 meters tall, which always dominated the skyline of London, and had the absolute right to "build" the world with pride. Now, we can see most of the buildings. Is it not an honor to overlook this prosperous metropolis?</h3> <h3>下到主厅后,我们将参观最后一个部分:地宫。</h3><h3>圣保罗大教堂的地下室,据说是欧洲最大的地下室,这里安葬着众多英烈或名人的灵柩或纪念碑等等。参观时有非常浓厚的历史感,地面的石砖上还刻着这里埋葬了谁,充满了凝重感。</h3><h3>When we get down to the main hall, we will visit the last part: the underground palace.</h3><h3>The basement of St. Paul's Cathedral is said to be the largest basement in Europe, where many coffins or monuments of heroes and celebrities are buried. There is a strong sense of history when visiting, and the stone bricks on the ground are carved with who is buried here, full of dignity.</h3> <h3></h3><h3>这个小的纪念堂有一座南丁格尔护士的纪念碑。</h3><h3>This small memorial has a monument to Nurse Nightingale.</h3> <h3>这是乔治·克鲁克沙克,艺术家,设计师,蚀刻师,画家。1792年9月27日出生于伦敦圣乔治布鲁姆斯伯里杜克街,1878年2月1日死于伦敦圣潘克拉斯汉普斯特德路263号,享年86岁。为了纪念他的天才和艺术,纪念他无以伦比的勤劳和为所有同胞所做的有价值的工作,这座纪念碑由最爱他的妻子伊丽莎·克鲁克沙克于1880年2月9日谦卑地放在这神圣的殿堂里。</h3><h3>This is George Krukshak, an artist, designer, etcher, painter. Born on 27 September 1792 on Buryduke Street, St. George Blooms, London, he died on 1 February 1878 at 263 Hampstead Road, St. Pancras, London, aged 86. To commemorate his genius and art, his unparalleled diligence and valuable work for all his compatriots, the monument was humbly placed in this sacred temple on 9 February 1880 by his beloved wife, Eliza Krukshak.</h3> <h3>这是为了纪念军士:佩格利、吉登斯。列兵:E.A.霍金斯、W.R.理查森。美国能源部J.T.布洛克克莱门茨、J.V.L.巴雷特、史密斯。1899-1902年南非第一区(大都会军)圣约翰救护旅的成员。</h3><h3>这个牌匾是区里官兵为表彰同志们尽忠职守而竖立的。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Sergeants: Pegley and Giddens. Private: E.A. Hawkins, W.R. Richardson. J.T. Block Clementz, J.V.L. Barrett, Smith, U.S. Department of Energy. A member of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade in South Africa's first district (Metropolitan Army) from 1899 to 1902.</h3><h3>This plaque was erected by the officers and soldiers in the district to commend comrades for their devotion to their duties.</h3> <h3>这是威廉·米德·林斯利,空军飞行员。死于1940年8月18日,一个为英格兰而牺牲的美国公民。</h3><h3>This is William Mead Linsley, an Air Force pilot. He died on August 18, 1940, an American citizen who died for England.</h3> <h3>这是为纪念10月21日被杀的乔治·达夫上尉,表彰他在特拉法加战役中的指挥。</h3><h3>This is in memory of Captain George Duff, who was killed on 21 October, in recognition of his command during the Battle of Trafalgar.</h3> <h3>为了上帝的荣耀。为了纪念上校约翰·厄尔德利·威尔莫特·英格里斯少校。在1837年的暴动中,他在加拿大的旁遮普1848-1849年的古吉拉特和塞吉战役中,以及1840年的穆尔坦被俘期间,以及1857年的印度兵变中,他在卢克瑙的驻军中服役了87天对抗压倒性的军队。</h3><h3>For the glory of God. In memory of Colonel John Ouldley Wilmot Inglis. During the riots of 1837, during the Battles of Gujarat and Serge in Punjab, Canada, from 1848 to 1849, during Murtan's captivity in 1840, and during the Indian mutiny in 1857, he served 87 days in Lucknow's garrison against the overwhelming army.</h3> <h3>查尔斯·托马斯·惠勒(1892-1974)雕刻家。</h3><h3>1956-1966年担任皇家学院院长</h3><h3>Charles Thomas Wheeler (1892-1974) sculptor.</h3><h3>1956-1966 President of the Royal College</h3> <h3>为了纪念乔治·克莱门特·马丁·奈特·穆斯(1844-1916),是一位医生,他工作了四十二年。另外,28年来一直是这座大教堂的风琴手。</h3><h3>In memory of George Clemente Martin Knight Moss (1844-1916), a doctor, he worked for forty-two years. In addition, he has been the organist of the Cathedral for 28 years.</h3> <h3>纪念乔治·弗兰普顿,雕塑家。</h3><h3>In memory of George Frampton, the sculptor.</h3> <h3>为了纪念R.B.S.的成员,他的其他朋友们把这块石碑竖立起来,作为他作为一个男人和雕刻家而受到尊敬的标志。</h3><h3>In memory of R.B.S. members, other friends erected the stone as a symbol of his respect as a man and sculptor.</h3> <h3>罗伯特·克拉夫迪夫斯(1834-1898),东伦敦和北伦敦人,经验丰富,常识丰富,热情,信仰,希望,同情,无论是作为穷人的伽瓦第,或是在慈善组织中,在帮助苏联人收复阵亡者的过程中。他把孩子们安置在人民的高处,或作为他的牧师的朋友和父亲,不辞劳苦地劳动,是一个深受爱戴的人。</h3><h3>Robert Kravdivs (1834-1898), from East London and North London, was experienced, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, religious, hopeful and sympathetic, whether as a poor Gawadi or in charitable organizations, in helping the Soviets recover the dead. He put his children on the high ground of the people, or as a friend and father of his priest, and worked tirelessly. He was a deeply loved man.</h3> <h3>由于路途遥远,时间不充裕,我们选择乘公交返回。双层红色巴士,这就是英国公交。内部的陈设与国内的公交车其实并无大的不同,但是每一层的面积会更小些,而且座位也更少。在我们上了车后,原本宽敞的车厢变得拥挤不堪,这可能是因为客流量不大,或是车次较多的缘故吧。另外,车上的窗户很少有能打开的,只有少数几小扇可以。可能与气温并不高有关。</h3><h3>Because of the long distance and insufficient time, we chose to return by bus. Double-decker red bus. This is British bus. The interior furnishings are not much different from those of domestic buses, but each floor is smaller and has fewer seats. After we got on the bus, the original spacious carriage became overcrowded, which may be due to the low passenger flow, or more trips. In addition, few s in the car can be opened, only a few small fans can be opened. It may be related to the low temperature.</h3> <h3>下午,课程的内容是星球,老师同样通过一些视频,一些资料来引入课程。第一节是语法课。在中国,大家都是独立完成题目;但在英国,老师让我们跟自己的同桌一起讨论结果,分析原因。如果看哪一对同学互相沉默不语,她会来督促大家要多讨论交流。我觉得这也需要一个宽松的教学环境,老师更看重学生解决问题的过程而非结果,那么学生就不会只想着答案而去抄同伴的答案。</h3><h3>In the afternoon, the content of the course is planet. Teachers also introduce the course through some videos and materials. The first lesson is grammar. In China, we all finish the topic independently, but in Britain, the teacher asked us to discuss the results with our deskmates and analyze the reasons. If you look at which pair of students are silent to each other, she will come to urge you to discuss and communicate more. I think it also needs a relaxed teaching environment. Teachers pay more attention to students'problem solving process rather than results. Then students will not just think about the answers but copy the answers of their peers.</h3> <h3>晚上,我们参加电影之夜活动,大家一起观看了《疯狂动物城》,现场安静,但是内容十分滑稽,大家不敢大笑,只好憋着嗤嗤的笑,会场充满了欢快的气氛。</h3><h3>In the evening, we participated in the movie night activities. We watched "Mad Animal City" together. The scene was quiet, but the content was very funny. We dared not laugh, so we had to laugh and sneer. The meeting hall was full of happy atmosphere.</h3>