英国游学|Day4:A wonderful day in Portsmouth.

Young Forever

<h3>美好的一天从美好的天气开始,早上九点,我们就开始了我们的朴茨茅斯一日游。内心还是有点小激动的,因为今天的行程主要是购物🛍️!</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>A nice day starts with the beautiful weather. At nine o 'clock in the morning, we started our day trip to Portsmouth. I am a little excited, because today's main schedule is shopping!</h3><h3 style="text-align: left;"><br></h3> <h3>沿途,老师向我们介绍一些标志性建筑和我们即将要去的三角帆塔。下面这几张红砖房子照片是英国最早的船只停放处。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Along the way, the teacher introduced some landmarks to us and the Spinnaker Tower where we were about to go.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>The photos following are some red brick houses which are the earliest places where the ships are parked.</h3> <h3>约半小时的车程,我们就到达今日的首个目的地——三角帆塔。一下车,远远就能望到那高高的三角帆塔。一行人穿过一条购物街🎒,迎面吹来的海风令人神清气爽。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>About half an hour's drive,we arrived at our first destination, the Spinnaker Tower. </h3><h3>As soon as we got off the bus, we can see the tower in the distance. We crossed a shopping street, and the sea breeze blowing in front of us was cool . Since it opens at 10 o'clock, we had to wait outside then the cold wind was blowing all the time. </h3> <h3>等待过程中,仰望着这高约170米的塔,内心十分震撼,对即将看到的风景多了一丝期待。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>During the waiting , I looked up at the tower which about 170 meters high. I was shocked by the view,and, had more expectation for the scenery I would see.</h3> <h3>十点终于到了,我们先是看了一段有关于这座塔的视频介绍,之后便乘电梯正式参观。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>It was ten o'clock. First we watched a video</h3><h3> which introduces the tower, and then we took the elevator to visit it officially.</h3> <h3>乘着电梯,我们很快就到达了第一层观景台,刚出电梯,眼前的壮阔景色十分令人心旷神怡,透过几乎是360°的玻璃,壮丽的景色尽收眼底,这种美是无法单用语言来描述的,相机也无法容纳这奇丽的风景。👣</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Taking the elevator, we quickly reached the first viewing platform. Just got out of the elevator,the magnificent scenery in front of us is very amazing. Through the glass of almost 360 ° around us, the scenery can be seen clearly. The beauty is beyond the deion. </h3> <h3>到了第二个观景区,我们就被那里的装饰给吸引了,而这种时候总少不了自拍📸。在这里,平常烦躁的心情和压力得到了舒缓。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>When we got to the second viewing area, we were attracted by the decoration there, and this time there is always self-timer. We can relieve the tiring and stress during the week-days.</h3> <h3></h3><h3>下面是一张折扣卡,如果我们想要买纪念品,拥有这张卡就享受八五折的优惠。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Here is a discount card. If we want to buy a souvenir, we can enjoy a 15% discount if we own this card. </h3> <h3>这是我们的地图,有了它,我们就有了自己的“目标”,每个人都踏着激动喜悦的步伐。<br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>This is our map, with which, we have our own "goal". Everyone is on the pace of excitement and joy. 🎁</h3> <h3>接下来便是最最期待的购物时间了,奥特莱斯在中国也不少,但英国的奥特莱斯与中国的还是有差别的。不仅是购物,这儿还可以看电影,打保龄球,电玩城之类的。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Next is the most anticipated time---shopping time. Outlets are also quite a lot in China, but there are still differences between </h3><h3>Outlets in the UK and China. What we can enjoy here is not only shopping , but also movies, bowling, video game and so on. </h3> <h3>这是老师推荐的其中一个店。💘<br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>This is one of the shops recommended by the teacher. 💘</h3> <h3>这是保龄球馆🎳。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>This is a bowling alley. 🎳</h3> <h3>五点准时集合,每个人手里几乎都提着大袋小袋的东西,连上虽是疲惫但更多的却是满足,毕竟难得的一次疯狂购物的机会,每个人几乎都没有放过。不过今天的经验告诉我,要理性消费啊!</h3><h3>与这儿告别后,我们就乘坐大巴回到奇切斯特,今天累并充实着......</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>We met at 5 o'clock, bags of a lot of things</h3><h3> in alomst everybody's hands. After all,this is a rare shopping opportunity.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>But today's experience tells me how important rational consumption it is! After saying goodbye to here, we took the bus back to Chichester. We felt tired but satisfied today. </h3><h3></h3>