<h3>📽Peppapig S3 2集</h3><h3>🔊Peppapig S3 </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>We built up a sand Mount Rushmore with Likenesses of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt were carved into sand.<br></h3> <h3>We went to find some shells.We got some conchs,tritons,scallops, vongoles, oysters, mussels,and live hermit crabs.</h3><h3>When the hermit crab escaped out of it's shell house,we saw the back end of its body really has a soft shell,its shell is very soft to keep it safe from enemies. </h3> <h3>We played the beach scavenger hunt.</h3><h3>I told Max that the tide is a falling and rising of the sea level,the water goes up and down as the sun,moon and earth interact each other with gravity.Gravity is the force that causes things to drop to the ground.</h3><h3>Then I droped a mineral water bottle to the ground to show him.</h3><h3>Max said the gravity is what keeps us on the ground.The gravity is weaker on the moon,so you can jump higher.</h3><h3>😇原来我担心的理解不了都在peppapig里面解决掉了,而且语言容易理解很多😉</h3> <h3>We didn't foget to be an environmently-friendly beach-goer.When we go across the rubbish that others have left behind,we picked it up and bin it,so that the beach stays as fun and family-friendly as possible.</h3> <h3>2019.8.1</h3><h3>To celebrate Max becoming a preschooler.</h3> <h3>We went to the brand new Life Insects Exhibition.We explored some arthropods,reptiles and insects,whatever,they are all invertebrate animals.</h3><h3>We met some new friends such as the unicorn beetle,Kallima inachus,ect.</h3> <h3>Secret clab</h3> <h3>Miss rabbit's day off</h3>