三帝钱-“钱到家” 乾隆/道光/嘉庆


<h3>  这三枚钱币中,尤其以乾隆通宝备受世人喜爱。清高宗乾隆皇帝于公元1735年即位,在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱。据闻,收藏“乾隆通宝”的人都会沾其“钱气”财运亨通,福泽连绵,其发展变迁为我们讲述了一个个不同朝代间兴衰的画面,是一个国家或一个朝代历史见证,文化见证的产物,意义深远,文物价值巨大。</h3> <h3>  Among the three COINS, qianlong tongbao in particular was loved by the world.Emperor qianlong of gaozong of the qing dynasty ascended the throne in 1735 AD. During his 60 years on the throne, he put his strategy of "civil governance and martial arts" into practice, creating the last brilliant and prosperous period in the feudal society. Later, it was widely said that wearing "qianlong tongbao" copper money could drive away disasters and evil spirits.According to reports, the collection of "qianlong tongbao" people will touch its "money gas" prosperity, prosperity, continuous blessing, its development changes for us to tell the story of the rise and fall of a different dynasty picture, is a country or a dynasty history witness, cultural witness products, far-reaching significance, great value of cultural relics</h3> <h3>  此组三帝钱,一组三件,分别有、乾隆通宝、道光通宝,嘉庆通宝、三枚钱币。三枚钱币均采用优质铜材精制而成,铸造精美,形制规整,品相精致,包浆醇厚,锈色古旧,钱文清晰,色泽明亮,成色匀整,古朴素雅,端庄大气,极具艺术观赏性,收藏价值颇佳。此组藏品由广东省福运来传媒有限公司推荐!藏品历经无穷岁月的洗礼,仍可保存完整,着实不易,尤其是三枚钱币都保存完好,更是难得,身价不凡,价值不菲,收藏意义颇佳。三帝钱原本在清朝中大量铸造使用,但由于一系列的历史原因导致三帝币急剧减少,目前其存世量十分罕见,经济价值弥足珍贵,投资收藏价值极佳。</h3> <h3>  This group three emperor money, a group of three, respectively, qianlong tongbao, daoguang tongbao, jiaqing tongbao, three COINS.Three COINS are made of high quality copper, cast beautifully, the shape is regular, the appearance is exquisite, the patching is mellow, the rust color is old, qian wen is clear, the color is bright, the fineness is even, simple but elegant, dignified atmosphere, very artistic appreciation, the collection value is quite good.This collection is recommended by guangdong fuyunlai media co., LTD.Collect through the baptism of infinite years, still can be saved complete, really not easy, especially 3 COINS are preserved in good condition, it is rare, social status is uncommon, value does not poor, collect meaning quite good.The money of the three emperors was originally cast and used in large quantities in the qing dynasty, but due to a series of historical reasons, the money of the three emperors decreased sharply.</h3> <h3>  三帝钱距今有200余年历史,有着长远悠久的历史以及文化底蕴,在钱币收藏市场中一直都是很受欢迎和追捧的古钱币之一,因此市场前景十分看好。三帝钱在钱币收藏市场中颇受玩家藏友们的欢迎,其在生活中亦受到百姓市民们的喜爱。因为五帝钱具有浓厚的古代文化,深深吸引着大量市民百姓们的兴趣。如今,随着时间的流逝,三帝钱非常稀少难寻,在钱币收藏市场中可谓是珍品,要凑齐此三枚极为不易,因而其市场价格十分高昂.</h3> <h3>  The money of the third emperor has a history of more than 200 years. It has a long history and cultural deposits. It has always been one of the most popular and sought after ancient COINS in the coin collection market.Money of 3 emperor collects the welcome that the player hides friends quite in coin market, its also get common people in the life love.Because of its rich ancient culture, wudi qian deeply attracted the interest of a large number of citizens.Nowadays, as time lapse, money of 3 emperor is very rare and hard to find, it may be said that is curiouser in coin collection market, want to gather together this 3 extremely not easy, consequently its market price is very high</h3> <h3>  三帝钱,钱体厚重,品相精美,包浆入骨,锈色自然,工艺非凡,钱币正反面纹饰清晰,钱文端庄,深邃流畅,素雅高贵,端庄大气,集艺术价值、历史价值、经济价值与实用价值为一身,百年难得一见,投资收藏价值相当不错,</h3> <h3>  Three emperor money, money body massiness, exquisite appearance, patina, rust color natural, special technology, grain clarity of the front side of coin, qian zhongshu dignified, deep smooth, simple but elegant noble, elegant atmosphere, set of artistic value, historical value, economic value and practical value for a suit, rarely seen in one hundred, investment collection value is quite good,</h3> <h3>深圳市中凡文化服务有限公司国内客户群体构成:商界人才、收藏协会、职场精英、各大银行VIP客户、企业商会成员、海外侨胞商会、赛车俱乐部、游艇俱乐部、高尔夫俱乐部会员、私人会所会员等.......</h3> <h3>由深圳市中凡文化有限公司征得:</h3><h3>吴先生;三帝钱 乾隆,道光,嘉庆,一组</h3><h3>议价中:有意者可咨询,</h3><h3>热线电话:13662621054(蔡经理)</h3>









