<h3><h3>研学第9天。今天我们要游览的是自然历史博物馆,欧洲最大的自然历史博物馆。有人说,博物馆是城市的一面镜子,是城市的灵魂,它储存着城市文明的基因,凝聚着城市文化的精髓,凸显着城市历史的纵深。</h3><h3>馆内藏有来自世界各地的7000万件标本,包括恐龙、各类化石、动植物和地质标本。它不仅藏品丰富,从外观来看,本身也就是座了不起的艺术品。它是维多利亚式建筑,形似中世纪大教堂,宏大气派。</h3><h3>由于时间实在有限,我只去了古生物、矿物、动物这几块地方。</h3><h3>The 9th day of study. Today we are going to visit the Museum of Natural History, the largest museum of natural history in Europe. Some people say that museums are a mirror of a city and the soul of a city. They store the genes of urban civilization, condense the essence of urban culture and highlight the depth of urban history.</h3><h3>The museum contains 70 million specimens from around the world, including dinosaurs, fossils, animals, plants and geological specimens. It is not only rich in collections, but also a great work of art in its appearance. It is a Victorian architecture, similar to the medieval cathedral, magnificent.</h3><h3>Because of the limited time, I only went to paleontology, minerals and animals.</h3></h3> <h3>走进正门,首先见到的是一幅较为完整的剑龙骨架。这也是迄今为止发现的最完整的剑龙化石骨架,只丢失了它的左前腿、尾巴的底部和其他一些小骨头。它于2003年在美国怀俄明州红峡谷牧场被发现,博物馆的科学家们为了保护这座极其脆弱的骨架,花了18个月的时间才把它挖出来。因为所有这些骨头都属于同一种动物,所以这个标本比以往任何时候都能更好地显示出剑龙在生活中的样子。</h3><h3>Entering the main entrance, the first thing I saw was a relatively complete skeleton of the stegosaurus. It is also the most complete skeleton of the stegosaurus found so far, with only its left foreleg, the bottom of its tail and other small bones missing. It was discovered at Red Canyon Ranch in Wyoming in 2003. Museum scientists spent 18 months digging up the extremely fragile skeleton to protect it. Because all of these bones belong to the same animal, this specimen is better than ever to show what the stegosaurus looked like in life.</h3> <h3>一抬头,见到的是一座扶梯伸入一个大地球(模型)中,应该是暗示我们将进入关于地下的展览。</h3><h3>As soon as I look up, you will see an escalator plunging into a large earth (model), which should indicate that we are going to enter an exhibition about the underground.</h3> <h3>走出电梯,我们进入了火山板块。对许多人来说,火山爆发带来恐惧、死亡和毁灭,改变了生活和文明的进程。对其他人来说,它也可以激发艺术、宗教和科学。在世界的某些地方,火山爆发是一个持续的威胁,但在英国,火山已经有5500万年没有爆发过了。</h3><h3>并非所有的火山都是一样的。通过在世界各地对它们的研究,科学家们知道,有些火山爆发剧烈且具有爆炸性,而另一些火山爆发则是缓慢流动的。两者都能让我们感受到我们脚下的巨大力量,并且塑造我们星球不断变化的面貌。</h3><h3>Out of the elevator, we entered the volcanic plate. For many people, volcanic eruptions bring fear, death and destruction, and change the course of life and civilization. For others, it can also inspire art, religion and science. Volcanic eruptions are a constant threat in some parts of the world, but in Britain they have not erupted for 55 million years.</h3><h3>Not all volcanoes are the same. By studying them around the world, scientists know that some volcanoes erupt violently and explosively, while others flow slowly. Both can give us a sense of the enormous power at our feet and shape the changing face of our planet.</h3><h3></h3> <h3></h3><h3>这里介绍了一些关于火山的知识,比如喷发:火山是地壳中的一个开口,在那里岩浆(一种炽热的熔融岩石、晶体和气体的混合物)喷发到地表。有时岩浆会更安静地喷发出美丽的熔岩流。</h3><h3>同时也有介绍一些典型例子,比如太平洋夏威夷群岛,它们是从海底升起的巨大盾形火山的顶端。</h3><h3>比如基拉韦厄火山,它是喷涌喷发型,以美丽的熔岩流而闻名。又或是莫纳罗亚火山,它是地球上最大的火山之一。</h3><h3>由于夏威夷群岛比较孤立,所以有着独特的动植物。比如涅涅鹅的脚特别擅长在尖锐的熔岩上行走。</h3><h3>Here is some knowledge about volcanoes, such as eruptions: volcanoes are an opening in the crust where magma (a mixture of hot molten rock, crystals and gases) erupts to the surface. Sometimes magma emits beautiful lava flows more quietly.</h3><h3>Typical examples are also presented, such as the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, which are the tops of giant shield volcanoes rising from the ocean floor.</h3><h3>Kilauea, for example, is an eruptive volcano known for its beautiful lava flows. Or Monaroa, one of the largest volcanoes on Earth.</h3><h3>Because the Hawaiian Islands are relatively isolated, they have unique flora and fauna. For example, the feet of the Nene goose are particularly good at walking on sharp lava.</h3> <h3>这是白云岩侵入。当岩浆通过这片粉红色的花岗岩时,它把它一分为二。然后,当富含铁和镁的熔融岩石冷却后,形成了深色的白云岩。</h3><h3>This is dolomite intrusion. When magma passes through the pink granite, it divides it into two parts. Then, when the molten rock rich in iron and magnesium cooled, dark dolomite was formed.</h3> <h3>这是一种熔岩,它的形成是由于熔岩流的表面冷却和硬化,而内部继续流动,将其破碎成尖角形状。</h3><h3>This is a kind of lava, which is formed by the cooling and hardening of the surface of the lava flow, while the internal flow continues, breaking it into a sharp shape.</h3> <h3>这种美丽的材料被称为贝利的头发,当微小的岩浆被抛向空中,被风吹向火山玻璃时,就会形成金丝。</h3><h3>This beautiful material is called Bailey's hair. When tiny magma is thrown into the air and blown into volcanic glass by the wind, it forms gold filaments.</h3> <h3>这个是帕霍霍熔岩。岩浆顺着火山流下,当表面开始冷却和凝固时,下面的熔岩继续流动,便形成了褶皱的外观。</h3><h3>This is Pahoehoe lava. As the magma flows down the volcano and the surface begins to cool and solidify, the lava below continues to flow, forming the appearance of folds.</h3> <h3>还有一些火山矿物。</h3><h3>There are also some volcanic minerals.</h3> <h3>这根长得像烟囱的东西是从太平洋下2200米处取来的。火山喷发时,过热的水流过这根管子,在流动的过程中沉积矿物质,就形成了它。</h3><h3>This chimney-like object was taken from 2,200 metres below the Pacific Ocean. When a volcano erupts, superheated water flows through the pipe, depositing minerals during the flow, forming it.</h3> <h3>这是个鼻涕虫头骨。这只灭绝的动物,大约有一只狗那么大,生活在2.3亿年前,在现在的南美和南非的陆地上漫游。因为它不可能在大洋中游泳,所以它的化石是这些地区曾经有联系的证据。</h3><h3>This is a slug skull. The extinct animal, about the size of a dog, lived 230 million years ago and roamed the land of present-day South America and South Africa. Because it is impossible to swim in the ocean, its fossils are evidence that these areas were once connected.</h3> <h3>这是个雪花石膏塔。它是德文郡公爵在1851年博物馆开幕时赠送给实用地质学博物馆,现在是地球画廊。</h3><h3>这个雪花石膏,最初来自斯塔福德郡的福尔德,1840-1849年由当时主要的石匠约瑟夫·霍尔雕刻而成。</h3><h3>This is an alabaster tower. It was presented to the Museum of Applied Geology by the Duke of Devonshire at the opening of the Museum in 1851 and is now the Earth Gallery.</h3><h3>The snowflake gypsum, originally from Ford, Staffordshire, was carved in 1840-1849 by Joseph Hall, the then main mason.</h3> <h3>再往前走,是地震展区。这里介绍了有关地震的知识,展示了一些地震地真实案例以及一些仪器和一些减少损失的技巧。</h3><h3>(介绍部分,可跳过)地震可以毫无预兆地发生,造成大规模的死亡和破坏。当地震发生时,我们会感到地面突然剧烈的震动,但它们是由地球表面缓慢移动的板块引起的。随着这些板块的移动,压力逐渐增大。</h3><h3>纵观历史,地震摧毁了世界各地的许多建筑,夺走了许多生命。但科学的发展可以帮助我们为未来的地震做好准备,并限制它们造成的损害。</h3><h3>Further on, it's the earthquake exhibition area. This paper introduces the knowledge of earthquakes, shows some real cases of earthquakes, some instruments and some techniques to reduce losses.</h3><h3>Earthquakes can occur without warning, causing large-scale death and destruction. When earthquakes occur, we will feel sudden and violent ground shaking, but they are caused by slow moving plates on the earth's surface. With the movement of these plates, the pressure increases gradually.</h3><h3>Throughout history, earthquakes have destroyed many buildings around the world and claimed many lives. But scientific developments can help us prepare for future earthquakes and limit their damage.</h3> <h3>张衡地动仪(模型)</h3><h3>Zhang Heng Geodetic Instrument (Model)</h3> <h3>世界上的风、水和冰流将大量的物质从侵蚀点运送到沉积点。这一块区域主要介绍了材料是如何移动的,以及在运输途中发生了什么。</h3><h3>Wind, water and ice currents in the world transport a large amount of material from erosion sites to sedimentary sites. This area mainly describes how materials move and what happens in transit.</h3> <h3>这个例子展示了冰有破碎岩石的能力。当水结冰时会膨胀。当冰结晶时,这种膨胀会施加足够大的力使岩石爆裂,或者随着时间的推移,使山脉崩塌。</h3><h3>This example demonstrates the ability of ice to break rocks. Water expands when it freezes. When ice crystallizes, this expansion exerts enough force to cause rock to burst or, over time, mountains to collapse.</h3> <h3>这个例子则展示了盐有分裂岩石的能力。当盐从渗入岩石的水中结晶出来时,它们就会膨胀,就像冰一样。它们的膨胀力使岩石产生应力并裂开。</h3><h3>This example demonstrates the ability of salt to split rocks. When salt crystallizes from water that seeps into rocks, it expands like ice. Their expansive force causes stress and cracks in rocks.</h3> <h3>这是一段石灰石路面,由裸露的岩石组成的平坦的路面,被分成平顶的斜坡区,这些斜坡区被称为“沙砾”的深沟相互分隔。</h3><h3>在上一个冰河时期,冰川冲刷了石灰岩上的土壤和植物,使其暴露在化学侵蚀之下。酸性雨水从平坦的表面流下,沿着岩石的接缝流下,把它们变成了沙砾。</h3><h3>石灰岩路面是一个独特的自然栖息地,需要数千年的时间才能形成。</h3><h3>不幸的是,切割和移除岩石所需的时间要少得多,而这正是对花园假山的巨大需求。如今,保护这些栖息地变得越来越有必要。</h3><h3>This is a limestone road, a flat surface of bare rock, divided into flat-topped slopes, which are called "gravel" deep ditches separated from each other.</h3><h3>During the last glacial period, glaciers washed away soil and plants on limestone and exposed them to chemical erosion. Acidic rainwater flows down flat surfaces and along joints in rocks, turning them into gravel.</h3><h3>Limestone pavement is a unique natural habitat that takes thousands of years to form.</h3><h3>Unfortunately, cutting and removing rocks takes much less time, which is a huge demand for garden rockeries. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more necessary to protect these habitats.</h3> <h3>这里还以小游戏的方式,来形象地告诉游客岩石是如何变化的,拉动开关,小球滚落,根据你的不同选择生成对应岩石,让游客易于接受理解。</h3><h3>Here is also a small game to vividly tell tourists how the rocks change, pull the switch, the ball rolls down, according to your different choices to generate the corresponding rocks, so that tourists can easily accept and understand.</h3> <h3>往下走,我们进入了化石馆,这里展览的是一系列化石,有海洋生物,也有陆地生物。</h3><h3>Down, we entered the fossil museum, where a series of fossils, including marine and terrestrial life, were exhibited.</h3> <h3>(这是一具不知名化石)在陆地上进化之后,一些爬行动物回到了海洋。海洋爬行动物要么生下幼崽,要么在陆地上产卵。它们的卵不能在水中生存,因为胚胎需要氧气。大多数大型海洋爬行动物在6500万年前灭绝,只留下海龟和鳄鱼仍然生活在今天。</h3><h3>(This is an unknown fossil) After evolution on land, some reptiles returned to the ocean. Marine reptiles either give birth to young or lay eggs on land. Their eggs cannot survive in water because the embryos need oxygen. Most large marine reptiles died out 65 million years ago, leaving only turtles and crocodiles alive today.</h3> <h3>这是我们下方的地球大厅里的剑龙化石的复制品,用来帮助科学家研究剑龙。这只剑龙的皮肤里嵌着19块骨质的背板。板块可能有助于剑龙物种互相识别,或者警告捕食者。它们也可能被彩色或有纹理的角蛋白覆盖。在这块钢板上标记血管位置的微小凹槽表明,它们可能也有助于通过热传递来控制剑龙的体温。</h3><h3>This is a replica of the stegosaurus fossil in the Earth Hall below us, which is used to help scientists study stegosaurus. The Stegosaurus had 19 bony backplates embedded in its skin. Plates may help the stegosaurus species identify each other, or warn predators. They may also be covered by colored or textured keratins. The tiny grooves marking the position of blood vessels on the plate suggest that they may also help to control the temperature of the stegosaurus through heat transfer.</h3> <h3>这是一些非凡的水晶,它们是天然的,尽管它们看起来更像现代艺术作品。它们是矿物黄铁矿的结晶体,通常被称为“傻瓜金”。如今,大多数硫铁矿都用来生产硫酸,这是一种工业上广泛使用的化学品。</h3><h3>These are some extraordinary crystals. They are natural, although they look more like modern works of art. They are crystals of the mineral pyrite, commonly known as "fool gold". Nowadays, most pyrites are used to produce sulfuric acid, which is a widely used chemical in industry.</h3> <h3>一些矿物展览</h3><h3>1是立方系统。方铅矿与萤石紫立方晶体的复合灰色立方晶体</h3><h3>2是六角形系统。浅蓝色六方绿柱石晶体群,发现于Salinas,Minas Gerais,巴西</h3><h3>3是三角系统。白云石灰色晶体,发现于西班牙纳瓦拉尤古伊</h3><h3>4是四方系统。黑绿色维苏威岩-雅库茨卡雅晶体,发现于俄罗斯西伯利亚。</h3><h3>5是正交系统。白云石莫布雷矿重晶石板状晶体,发现于英国坎布里亚弗里辛顿。</h3><h3>6是单斜系。深蓝蓝蓝铜矿水晶Chessy,发现于法国罗纳里昂</h3><h3>7是三临床系统。棕色透明晶体,发现于法国伊赛。</h3><h3>Some mineral exhibitions</h3><h3>1 is a cubic system. Composite grey cubic crystals of galena and fluorite violet cubic crystals</h3><h3>2 is a hexagonal system. Light blue hexagonal beryl crystal group, found in Salinas, Minas Gerais, Brazil</h3><h3>3 is a triangular system. Grey dolomite crystal, found in Navarroyougoi, Spain</h3><h3>4 is a quadrilateral system. Black-green Vesuvian-Yakutskaya crystal, found in Siberia, Russia.</h3><h3>5 is an orthogonal system. Dolomite mobreite barite slab crystal, found in Cambria Freesington, England.</h3><h3>6 is monoclinic system. Deep Blue Blue Blue Copper Crystal Chessy, Discovered in Ronald Lyon, France</h3><h3>7. Three clinical systems. Brown transparent crystal, found in Isai, France.</h3> <h3>右侧是一些精美的矿物,它们应该是人工打造的,有着不同的纹理,色彩鲜艳,在灯光的映照下闪闪发光。</h3><h3>On the right are some exquisite minerals, which should be artificially made, with different textures, bright colors, shining under the light.</h3> <h3>这是一块奇妙的石头,我们能从中看到一些“十字架”,但他们真的是这么多个吗?我们从另一边看,发现只有一个十字架,刻在水晶的背面。但穿过晶体的光线被分成两部分。一束光线直接穿过,另一束光线被折射走另一条路径。它们呈现出两幅图像。正是这种矿物的特殊内部结构使光以这种不寻常的方式活动。</h3><h3>这便是方解石——一种“冰岛晶石”的大晶体,因其尺寸和缺陷而引人注目,这块发现于冰岛雷亚德法约尔。</h3><h3>It's a wonderful stone. We can see some "crosses" from it, but are they really so many? Looking from the other side, we found that there was only one cross carved on the back of the crystal. But the light passing through the crystal is divided into two parts. One beam of light passes through directly, and the other is refracted along another path. They present two images. It is the special internal structure of this mineral that makes light move in this unusual way.</h3><h3>This is calcite, a large crystal of "Icelandic Crystal", which attracts attention because of its size and defects. This one was found in Reyad Fayol, Iceland.</h3> <h3>下了楼,我们进入蓝区,这里主要有一些大鱿鱼,大蓝鲸,恐龙之类的化石(或标本)。</h3><h3>这里展出的标本特别多,都栩栩如生,让人仿佛置身于大自然之中。展品都按照纲、目、科、属、种分类展出,体现出博物馆的摆放的展品的严谨。每个标本都是活灵活现,抓住了动物最为生动活泼的那一瞬。</h3><h3>Downstairs, we enter the Blue Zone, where there are some large squid, blue whale, dinosaurs and other fossils (or specimens).</h3><h3>There are many specimens on display here. They are very vivid and make people feel as if they are in nature. Exhibits are classified according to outline, order, family, genus and species, reflecting the rigorous display of exhibits in the museum. Each specimen is vivid, capturing the most vivid animal moment.</h3> <h3>这是一种已灭绝的哺乳动物:大地懒</h3><h3>这种巨大的地面树懒生活在南美洲凉爽、干燥的灌木丛和草原上,直到大约10000年前。乍一看,它的骨骼常常被误认为是恐龙的,但是巨大的地面树懒实际上是一种哺乳动物,一种已经灭绝的活树懒的近亲。它的学名,megatherium,意思是“大动物”。</h3><h3>最近在阿根廷发现的脚印表明,它走在像垫子一样的后脚上,尾巴从地上抬起。由于巨大的地面树懒没有其他天敌,故它的灭绝似乎与人类首次来到南美有关。</h3><h3>This is an extinct mammal: lazy earth</h3><h3>The giant ground sloth lived in the cool, dry shrubs and grasslands of South America until about 10,000 years ago. At first glance, its bones are often mistaken for dinosaurs, but the giant ground sloth is actually a mammal, a close relative of the extinct living sloth. Its scientific name, megatherium, means "big animal".</h3><h3>A recent footprint found in Argentina shows that it walks on a cushion-like hind foot with its tail lifted from the ground. Since the giant ground sloth has no other natural enemies, its extinction seems to be related to the first human arrival in South America.</h3> <h3>这是一个非常多种类的鸟类展览,所有鸟都密集且规律的分布着。第一眼望去好像百鸟争鸣的场面,令人感到震撼。</h3><h3>This is an exhibition of many kinds of birds, all of which are densely and regularly distributed. At first glance, it was shocking to see the scene of birds contending.</h3> <h3>这是一个机械装置,蝎子会有一些小活动,以此来给游客展示蝎子的运动状态。</h3><h3>This is a mechanical device, scorpions will have some small activities, in order to show tourists the movement of scorpions.</h3> <h3>走进博物馆的大厅,这里摆放着一个巨型的恐龙骨架,大约有3、4层楼那么高。大厅两侧布满了由罗马式的拱门和廊柱构成的走廊,在昏黄灯光的映衬下,显得特别神秘,仿佛我们正处在一座神秘的宫殿中。</h3><h3>Walking into the hall of the museum, there is a huge dinosaur skeleton, about three or four stories high. The hall is lined with corridors made up of Roman arches and porches. Against the backdrop of dim lights, it looks very mysterious, as if we are in a mysterious palace.</h3> <h3>这是一具长鼻象标本。大象是今天唯一活着的长鼻象。数百万年前,这个群体中还有更多的动物——比如生活在英国南部冰冻荒地的长毛猛犸象。</h3><h3>This is a specimen of a long-nosed elephant. Elephants are the only long-nosed elephants alive today. Millions of years ago, there were more animals in this group, such as woolly mammoths living in the frozen wastelands of southern England.</h3> <h3>这应该是一具蓝鲸模型,按真实比例做缩小处理。但还是非常庞大,镜头视野几乎无法容下,让人感到无比震撼。</h3><h3>This should be a blue whale model, scaled down in real proportion. But it is still very large, the lens field of vision is almost impossible to accommodate, people feel extremely shocked.</h3> <h3>这里还有一些展板,以图文并茂的形式来使游客更了解这些动物。</h3><h3>There are also some exhibition boards in the form of pictures and texts to make tourists know more about these animals.</h3> <h3>午餐。</h3><h3>Lunch</h3> <h3>接下来由于时间不足,所以我们便离开了博物馆。</h3><h3>Then we left the museum because of lack of time.</h3> <h3>下午,到了一周的分班时间,我们需要重新分班。</h3><h3>今天的上课内容与中国的教学方式有比上一周更多的相似。通过做一些题目(好像比上周更多了)来学习一些知识,但是引入问题的方式更富有一些趣味。</h3><h3>In the afternoon, when it comes to a week's shift time, we need to re-shift.</h3><h3>Today's lecture content is more similar to that of the previous week in China. Learn some knowledge by doing some questions (as if more than last week), but the way of introducing questions is more interesting.</h3> <h3>晚上,又是令大家愉快的自由活动时间。可能是因为附近有大商场的缘故,附近的人特别多,各个国家,各种肤色。但似乎只有一条路上人比较多。在商场背后,人流减小,夜晚的这里车辆稀少,酒吧里有许多人在喝酒聊天,有的人在街角站着就开始边喝边聊,他们并不赶时间,一个小时一瓶酒都喝不完,他们似乎是来聊天的,而不是喝酒的。</h3><h3>In the evening, it is also a pleasant free time for everyone. Maybe it's because there's a big shopping mall nearby. There are a lot of people in the vicinity, all countries, all kinds of skin color. But there seems to be only one road with more people. Behind the mall, there are fewer people, fewer cars at night, many people in the bar are drinking and chatting, and some people are standing on the street corner to start drinking and chatting. They are not in a hurry. They can't finish drinking a bottle of wine in an hour. They seem to be chatting, not drinking.</h3> <h3>研学第十天。今天我们要前往伦敦的科学博物馆。这已经是我们去过的第三个博物馆了,不过在有“博物馆之都”的伦敦,这也不奇怪了。</h3><h3>Tenth day of study. Today we are going to the Science Museum in London. This is the third Museum we've ever visited, but it's not surprising that London has the "Museum Capital".</h3> <h3>伦敦科学博物馆,是英国国立科学与工业博物馆的一部分,创建于1857年,保存并陈列有关在自然科学技术发展史上据有意义和对现代科技研究和探索也具有意义的实物。</h3><h3>科学博物馆的展览分为几个不同的主题,散布在三层楼的展厅里这些主题分别是:能量厅、现代世界、探索太空、钟表巨匠、飞行以及材料学。从大门一进来,首先迎接我们的是英国工业革命时的蒸汽机。它的外观让我联想到现在的发动机,让人有一种时代变迁之感。</h3><h3>The London Museum of Science, a part of the National Museum of Science and Industry, was founded in 1857 to preserve and display objects of significance in the history of natural science and technology, as well as in the research and exploration of modern science and technology.</h3><h3>The exhibition of the Science Museum is divided into several different themes, which are scattered in the three-storey exhibition hall: Energy Hall, Modern World, Exploration of Space, Masters of Clocks and Watches, Flight and Material Science. As soon as we enter the gate, we are first greeted by the steam engines of the British Industrial Revolution. Its appearance reminds me of the present engine, which gives people a sense of change of the times.</h3> <h3>这是一个水管锅炉的模型,亚瑟·伍尔夫首创(1819年)的为他的复合式发动机提供高压蒸汽的设计。这种锅炉是由J•E霍尔制造的,他也建造了发动机。今天发电厂仍在使用水管锅炉。</h3><h3>This is a model of a water-pipe boiler, pioneered by Arthur Woolf (1819) to provide high-pressure steam for his composite engine. The boiler was made by J. E. Hall, who also built the engine. Water-pipe boilers are still in use in power plants today.</h3> <h3>这是一台梁式发动机,1808年发明。利兹的马修·默里,在1805年开发了这种独立的光束引擎。还有侧杆发动机,更轻,更紧凑,非常适合在船舶上使用。这个模型是由德比的詹姆斯·福克斯建造的。</h3><h3>This is a beam engine, invented in 1808. Matthew Murray of Leeds developed this independent beam engine in 1805. There are side rod engines, lighter, more compact, very suitable for use on ships. The model was built by James Fox of Derby.</h3> <h3>卧式发动机,约1898年诞生。</h3><h3>这个模型展示了到19世纪末蒸汽动力在世界各地的传播程度,它是印度加尔各答一家黄麻厂的发动机,由约翰·穆斯格雷夫和博尔顿的儿子于1898年制造的。</h3><h3>Horizontal engines were born around 1898.</h3><h3>This model shows how steam power spread around the world by the end of the 19th century. It was the engine of a jute factory in Calcutta, India, built in 1898 by the sons of John Musgrave and Bolton.</h3> <h3>罗比下降阀发动机</h3><h3>下降阀蒸汽机是一种最有效的往复式发动机设计,它是在英国发展起来的,林肯的罗比成为其主要制造商之一。这个模型代表了由罗比制造的全尺寸发动机,由罗比的车间领班制造。</h3><h3>Robbie Descent Valve Engine</h3><h3>Down-valve steam engine is one of the most effective reciprocating engine designs. It was developed in the UK and Robbie Lincoln became one of its major manufacturers. This model represents a full-scale engine made by Robbie and made by Robbie's workshop leader.</h3> <h3>戴维的原版安全灯,1816年</h3><h3>18世纪的矿工们在明火的照耀下工作。这使他们面临着甲烷爆炸的危险。1812年费林煤矿发生了一次92人死亡的爆炸,人们便呼吁采用更安全的矿井照明方式。</h3><h3>汉弗莱·戴维爵士设计了一种灯笼,在这种灯笼中,火焰被一层金属丝网包裹,防止了沼气的燃烧。1816年在赫本煤矿成功地测试了两个显示灯中的一个,于是戴维灯在深部矿井被广泛应用。</h3><h3>David's original safety light, 1816</h3><h3>Miners in the 18th century worked under the light of open fire. This puts them at risk of methane explosion. In 1812, an explosion killed 92 people in Feilin Coal Mine, and people called for safer mine lighting.</h3><h3>Sir Humphrey David designed a lantern in which the flame was wrapped in a wire mesh to prevent the combustion of biogas. In 1816, one of the two display lights was successfully tested in Hepburn Coal Mine, so the David Lamp was widely used in deep mines.</h3> <h3>李斯特显微镜,它的重要性在于物镜的高质量,从中畸变和变色效应被消除到比以往任何时候都大的程度。它是由约瑟夫·杰克逊·李斯特于1826年设计的,由光学仪器制造商詹姆斯·史密斯制造。</h3><h3>由于李斯特的工作,复合显微镜成为一种重要的研究仪器。</h3><h3>Liszt microscopy, whose importance lies in the high quality of the objective lens, eliminates distortion and discoloration to a greater extent than ever before. It was designed by Joseph Jackson Lister in 1826 and manufactured by James Smith, an optical instrument manufacturer.</h3><h3>Because of Liszt's work, compound microscope has become an important research instrument.</h3> <h3>法拉第的磁铁和线圈。1831年,迈克尔·法拉第阐述了电磁感应的原理,他发现电流通过磁场时会在线圈中流动,这一发现后来被应用于电机、发电发电机和工业用电。</h3><h3>法拉第以汉弗莱·戴维爵士的助手开始了他的职业生涯,他在实验中使用了这里展示的磁铁和线圈。</h3><h3>Faraday's magnets and coils. In 1831, Michael Faraday expounded the principle of electromagnetic induction. He discovered that current flows through a coil when it passes through a magnetic field. This discovery was later applied to motors, generators and industrial electricity.</h3><h3>Faraday began his career with Sir Humphrey David's assistant, using the magnets and coils shown here.</h3> <h3>塔尔博特相机(发明于1836年)。这是第一台照相底片的照相机,从中可以制作出多种照片。它的设计以卢西达和暗箱照相机使用的辅助设备的光学原理为基础。</h3><h3>塔尔博特使用硝酸银和普通盐洗涤液制成的书写纸,利用木制照相机来开发这一工艺。这是对达盖尔系统的一个重大改进。</h3><h3>Talbot camera (invented in 1836). This is the first camera to take photographic negatives, from which many kinds of photographs can be produced. Its design is based on the optical principle of auxiliary equipment used in Lucida and darkbox cameras.</h3><h3>Talbot used silver nitrate and common salt detergent to make writing paper, and used wooden cameras to develop the process. This is a major improvement on the Daguerre system.</h3> <h3>库克和惠斯通的电报,发明于1837年</h3><h3>世界上第一个公共电报服务始于1839年,一端是这种装置,另一端是类似的仪器。它沿着伦敦帕丁顿到西德雷顿的大西部铁路行驶了21公里,利用了奥斯特最近的发现,导体中的电流可以移动附近的罗盘指针。</h3><h3>通过添加合适的编码系统,电力在发展中的铁路网找到了一个理想的市场,这是电力在长途通信中首次实际应用。</h3><h3>Cook and Whiston's telegram, invented in 1837</h3><h3>The world's first public telegraph service began in 1839, with such devices at one end and similar instruments at the other. It travels 21 kilometres along the Great West Railway from Paddington to West Dredton in London, using Oster's recent discovery that electric currents in conductors can move nearby compass pointers.</h3><h3>By adding appropriate coding system, power has found an ideal market in the developing railway network, which is the first practical application of power in long-distance communication.</h3> <h3>Laennec型听诊器</h3><h3>1816年雷内·莱内克发明的听诊器促成了19世纪初发生在巴黎的医学革命,这产生了一个新的疾病概念,即人体特定器官的一系列可观察到的变化,可以通过对死亡患者进行尸检来证实,由此产生的模型成为现代诊断医学的基础。</h3><h3>这台听诊器由文森特·梵高的医生保罗·加切特博士所有。</h3><h3>Laennec stethoscope</h3><h3>The stethoscope invented by Rene Leneck in 1816 contributed to the medical revolution in Paris in the early 19th century, which gave rise to a new concept of disease, i.e. a series of observable changes in specific organs of the human body, which can be confirmed by autopsy of dead patients. The resulting model became the basis of modern diagnostic medicine.</h3><h3>The stethoscope is owned by Dr. Paul Gachett, a doctor of Vincent Van Gogh.</h3> <h3>这个火箭机车是1829年在雷希尔举行的火车头试验中的明显赢家,确定了利物浦和曼彻斯特铁路的动力。它代表了设计的技术进步,多管锅炉和它仍然是所有早期铁路机车中最重要的部分。</h3><h3>The rocket locomotive was a clear winner in the locomotive test held in Rachel in 1829, defining the power of the Liverpool and Manchester railways. It represents technological advances in design, multi-tube boilers and it remains the most important part of all early railway locomotives.</h3> <h3>这是AVRO50飞机。一战时,这系列的飞机生产的格外多,它们参加了战争中最早的一次轰炸行动,也被用来进行反齐柏林巡逻。它坚固安全,飞行难度相对较小,由于战斗性能已被超越,它被用于飞行员指导。一战后,它继续作为皇家空军的标准训练机使用多年。良好的飞行品质也使它们在战后的“欢乐骑乘”和“飞行马戏团”运营商中广受欢迎。政府生产的带有备用发动机的飞机,然后它们在全国各地巡回演出。</h3><h3>AVRO504系列配备了各种旋转发动机,特别是侏儒和勒罗纳。这架飞机拥有最强大的发动机97.5千瓦的Clerget,可以达到大约153公里/小时。它是现存最原始的一战飞机之一。</h3><h3>This is the AVRO50. During World War I, these planes produced a great deal. They participated in the earliest bombing operations in the war and were also used for anti-Zeppelin patrols. It is robust, safe and relatively difficult to fly, and is used for pilot guidance because combat performance has been exceeded. After World War I, it continued to be used as a standard RAF training aircraft for many years. Good flying qualities also made them popular among post-war "Happy Riding" and "Flying Circus" operators. Airplanes with spare engines produced by the government then travel around the country.</h3><h3>The AVRO504 series is equipped with a variety of rotary engines, especially dwarfs and Lerona. The aircraft has the most powerful engine, 97.5 kW Clerget, which can reach about 153 km/h. It is one of the most primitive fighter planes in existence.</h3> <h3>威尔斯大教堂的钟机制,据说是在约1390年制造并在这里展出的,是世界上最古老的钟之一,也是一件极为重要的中世纪英国艺术品。</h3><h3>这个钟是科学博物馆最古老和最珍贵的展品之一,它每小时响一次。</h3><h3>钟表匠的智慧才智在历史上发挥了重要作用,今天的时钟仍然是现代科学、技术和工程的核心。</h3><h3>The bell mechanism of the Cathedral of Wales, which is said to have been manufactured in about 1390 and displayed here, is one of the oldest bells in the world and an extremely important work of medi British art.</h3><h3>This clock is one of the oldest and most precious exhibits in the Museum of Science. It rings every hour.</h3><h3>The wisdom of watchmaker has played an important role in history. Today's clock is still the core of modern science, technology and engineering.</h3> <h3>走上楼梯,我们进入二楼展厅,这里主要是展示一些新材料,比如用于制作防护服的材料,人造器官的材料等。下图中就是人造器官的材料。</h3><h3>我们的身体自然地排斥移植,但总有一天,我们能从它们中获益。电脑可以给我们新的生命,技术可以重建我们,甚至增强我们,但我仍然是我吗?</h3><h3>Walking up the stairs, we entered the second floor exhibition hall, where we mainly displayed some new materials, such as materials for making protective clothing, materials for artificial organs and so on. Here is the material for artificial organs.</h3><h3>Our bodies naturally reject transplants, but one day we can benefit from them. Computer can give us new life, technology can rebuild us, and even enhance us, but am I still me?</h3> <h3>一楼的小展厅,没有实物展品,但有一些用来给游客体验科技的仪器。</h3><h3>There are no physical exhibits in the small exhibition hall on the first floor, but there are some instruments for visitors to experience science and technology.</h3> <h3>乘电梯至二楼,这里有几个不同的展区,比如计算机,数学工具,测量工具等等。</h3><h3>Take the elevator to the second floor. There are several different exhibition areas, such as computers, mathematical tools, measuring tools and so on.</h3> <h3>首先是数学温顿画廊和计算机的力量展区。</h3><h3>The first is the Mathematics Winton Gallery and the Computer Power Exhibition Area.</h3> <h3></h3><h3>数学方面,展示了过去400年中21个关于人及其数学作品的历史故事。这些故事一起展示了人类如何试图用数学来理解和控制世界。<br></h3><h3>计算机方面,20世纪40年代末以来,我们长期使用着计算设备。它们快速对数字“1”和“0”进行简单的数学运算。之后我们发现可以用1、0来代表软件中的其他东西,所以它能算出任何可以用数字表达的东西。今天,计算机软件可以模拟任何东西。这里主要展览了一些计算机发展史上的产品</h3><h3>Mathematics shows 21 historical stories about people and their mathematical works over the past 400 years. Together, these stories show how humans try to understand and control the world in mathematics.</h3><h3>Computers, since the late 1940s, we have been using computing equipment for a long time. They perform simple mathematical operations on the numbers "1" and "0" quickly. Then we found that we could use 1 or 0 to represent other things in software, so it could calculate anything that could be expressed by numbers. Today, computer software can simulate anything. Here are some of the products in the history of computer development.</h3><h3></h3> <h3>这里显示的组件是查尔斯·巴贝奇完成的分析引擎的唯一部件之一。它是一个高性能的数学计算器。</h3><h3>1843年,罗夫雷斯解释说,发动机“除了数字之外,还可能作用于其他东西”。例如,它可以用数字来表达音符,她认为“数学真理”是“人类最能有效阅读创作者作品的工具”。</h3><h3>The components shown here are one of the only components of the analysis engine that Charles Babbage has completed. It is a high performance mathematical calculator.</h3><h3>In 1843, Rovers explained that the engine "may act on something other than numbers". For example, it can use numbers to express notes. She believes that "mathematical truth" is "the most effective tool for human beings to read creators'works".</h3> <h3>从1939年到1965年,这台办公室计算机被用于科学计算服务(SCS)。SCS成立于1937年,雇用受过数学训练的妇女使用这样的机器来解决广泛的实际数学问题。</h3><h3>这家公司就像现代通用计算机的人工版本,复杂的问题被分解成许多较小的计算,每个计算都由不同的员工进行。这所以解决问题的速度比只有一个人解决问题要快。</h3><h3>“在战争地图的早期阶段,需要尽可能快地进行大量精确计算的预测和军事部署。那些办公机器使我们能很快地完成工作。”</h3><h3>From 1939 to 1965, this office computer was used in Scientific Computing Services (SCS). SCS was founded in 1937 and employs mathematically trained women to use such machines to solve a wide range of practical mathematical problems.</h3><h3>The company is like a manual version of a modern general purpose computer. Complex problems are broken down into many smaller calculations, each of which is performed by different employees. That's why it's faster to solve problems than it's only one person.</h3><h3>"In the early stages of war maps, a large number of accurate predictions and military deployments need to be made as quickly as possible. Those office machines enable us to finish our work quickly.</h3> <h3>接下来是测量土地和地图、模型展区。</h3><h3>对测量展区。1828年,测量经纬仪Showri被带到爱尔兰Lough Foyle海岸的一个偏僻和不适宜居住的地方,Lough Foyle是爱尔兰北部海岸线上一个15英里长的河口。现场接收到的是来自英国军队的70名测量员,他们正在测量爱尔兰第一次勘测的基线,这是一个详细绘制该国地图的项目。</h3><h3>调查完成后,威斯敏斯特第一次获得了爱尔兰最偏远地区土地所有权的精确地图,并可以继续征税。</h3><h3>土地测量是最古老的数学实践之一,与航海、枪炮和土木工程有着共同的特点。数学包括测量三角形。结果可能意味着政府甚至帝国的兴衰。</h3><h3>Next is the survey of land and maps, Model Exhibition areas.</h3><h3>For survey exhibition area. In 1828, the theodolite Showri was taken to a remote and uninhabitable place on the coast of Lough Foyle, Ireland, a 15-mile-long estuary on the northern coast of Ireland. The field received 70 surveyors from the British Army who were measuring the baseline of Ireland's first survey, a project to map the country in detail.</h3><h3>After the survey was completed, Westminster obtained for the first time an accurate map of land ownership in the most remote areas of Ireland and was able to continue taxing.</h3><h3>Land survey is one of the oldest mathematical practices, which has common characteristics with navigation, guns and civil engineering. Mathematics includes measuring triangles. The result may be the rise and fall of governments and even empires.</h3> <h3>对地图和模型展区。我们生活在这样一个世界里,这个世界有许多的东西威胁着我们:广阔的大陆,危险的海洋,无限广阔的空间。</h3><h3>人类尝试用数学来使世界井然有序,这涉及到制作物理和虚拟的地图和模型,这样我们就可以探索、理解和控制我们周围的环境。</h3><h3>Exhibition area for maps and models. We live in a world where many things threaten us: vast continents, dangerous oceans, and infinite spaces.</h3><h3>Human beings try to use mathematics to make the world orderly, which involves making physical and virtual maps and models, so that we can explore, understand and control the environment around us.</h3> <h3>这是一个经纬仪,在今天得到了广泛的应用,无论是在大规模的地图绘制中,还是在敌对地区的武装部队中,还是在建筑工地和土木工程项目中。现代“全站仪”经纬仪不仅能测量距离和角度,还包含内置的结果记录装置。</h3><h3>This theodolite is widely used today, whether in large-scale map drawing, in the armed forces in hostile areas, or in construction sites and civil engineering projects. Modern "Total Station" theodolite not only measures distance and angle, but also includes built-in result recording device.</h3> <h3>这台机器被用来简化涉及三角形的计算,使用一种称为三角法的数学技术。它可以利用三角形的长度和角度来测量大面积区域。<br></h3><h3>操作员用机器把问题“画”在上面,接着使用拨号盘移动以形成所需大小的三角形。然后可以直接读出角度或长度。但是,由于价格的缘故,它没有流行起来。</h3><h3>This machine is used to simplify calculations involving triangles, using a mathematical technique called triangulation. It can use the length and angle of triangle to measure large area.</h3><h3>The operator uses the machine to "draw" the problem on it, and then uses the dial to move it to form a triangle of the desired size. Then you can read the angle or length directly. However, because of the price, it has not become popular.</h3> <h3>早期的测量员使用这样的仪器来测量一点和另一点之间的角度。无论在哪,测量员都在用三角形测量角度和长度。</h3><h3>首先,沿着平地测量短而准确的基线。然后,测量基线和远处点之间的角度。最后,利用三角法,可以计算到远处点的距离。</h3><h3>Early surveyors used such instruments to measure the angle between one point and another. Wherever they are, surveyors use triangles to measure angles and lengths.</h3><h3>Firstly, short and accurate baselines are measured along the flat ground. Then, the angle between the baseline and the distant point is measured. Finally, the distance to a distant point can be calculated by using the triangulation method.</h3> <h3>经纬仪是用来测量垂直和水平角度的。测量员可以利用三角法来测量更长的距离,并绘制整个国家的地理特征,这种做法被称为三角测量。</h3><h3>这台经纬仪是英国政府第一次对爱尔兰进行精确测量时使用的,它使爱尔兰农民土地能够被征税。</h3><h3>Theodolite is used to measure vertical and horizontal angles. Surveyors can use triangulation to measure longer distances and to map the geographical characteristics of the whole country, which is called triangulation.</h3><h3>The theodolite was first used by the British government to measure Ireland accurately, enabling Irish farmers to tax their land.</h3> <h3>在离出口不远处,是模拟海洋展区。</h3><h3>1953年1月31日星期六晚上,英国、荷兰和比利时遭遇了现代最严重的洪水之一。在向议会发表的一份声明中,丘吉尔将洪灾描述为“令人震惊和悲惨的灾难”。他承诺立即采取行动处理紧急情况及其后果。然后为海洋数学研究提供的资金大幅增加。</h3><h3>这里展览了一些用于观测、研究海洋,防治灾害的仪器</h3><h3>Not far from the exit, it is a simulated ocean exhibition area.</h3><h3>On the evening of Saturday, January 31, 1953, Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium suffered one of the worst floods in modern times. In a statement to Parliament, Churchill described the floods as "shocking and tragic". He promised to take immediate action to deal with emergencies and their consequences. Then the funding for marine mathematics research increased substantially.</h3><h3>Here are some instruments for observing and studying the oceans and preventing disasters.</h3> <h3>这个装置是由海洋学家石黑一郎制造的。它把北海分成了电网,电网的水流设计成与水的水流相呼应的样子。该模型有助于预测风暴潮的强度、位置和时间。</h3><h3>人们早就知道,巨浪是由强风和大气压力的变化引起的,但更想知道的是,巨浪将在何时何地达到多高。</h3><h3>The device was made by oceanographer Ichiro Ishiguro. It divides the North Sea into power grids, whose current is designed to correspond to that of water. The model is helpful to predict the intensity, location and time of storm surge.</h3><h3>It has long been known that giant waves are caused by strong winds and changes in atmospheric pressure, but it is more interesting to know when and where they will reach their heights.</h3> <h3>这台机器是物理学家兼工程师威廉·汤姆森发明的,用来预测潮汐运动。这在19世70年代是十分困难的。</h3><h3>首先,汤姆森从英国海岸线附近收集了大量的潮汐数据。然后,他用称为谐波分析将复杂的潮汐运动分解成一系列简单的分量,最后,他用这台机器将它们重新组合,以备将来的潮汐使用。只需转动手柄四个小时,他就有一年的潮汐预报。</h3><h3>The machine was invented by physicist and engineer William Thomson to predict tidal motion. This was very difficult in the 1970s.</h3><h3>First, Thomson collected a large amount of tidal data from the British coastline. Then he uses what he calls harmonic analysis to decompose complex tidal movements into a series of simple components. Finally, he uses the machine to recombine them for future tidal use. It takes only four hours to turn the handle and he has a year's tidal forecast.</h3> <h3>1953年1月,一场毁灭性的洪水袭击了北海沿岸,几乎淹没了伦敦。之后,政府计划在泰晤士河上建造一个巨大的屏障,以保护首都免受类似这样的灾难。</h3><h3>利用泰晤士河河口的精细数学模型开发的泰晤士河屏障最终于1982年完工。它的闸门通常水平放置在河床上,不妨碍运输,但当模型预测到紧急情况时,它们可以旋转到垂直位置。</h3><h3>In January 1953, a devastating flood hit the North Sea coast, almost submerging London. Later, the government plans to build a huge barrier on the Thames River to protect the capital from such disasters.</h3><h3>The Thames River barrier developed by using the fine mathematical model of the Thames estuary was finally completed in 1982. Its gates are usually placed horizontally on the river bed, without hindering transport, but when the model predicts an emergency, they can be rotated vertically.</h3> <h3>走着走着,我到了左边这一片的最后一个展区:了解天空</h3><h3>我们从一开始就试图了解天空,在盘旋的恒星和漫游的行星中寻找模式。</h3><h3>几何可以用于数学研究空间。它使我们能够绘制天空的地图,并建造我们能掌握的非凡的微型宇宙。</h3><h3>星盘就是这样一个微型宇宙。它是夜空的一种表示,利用赤平投影,将夜空变为二维。实际上,星盘是天文计算机。</h3><h3>Walking along, I arrived at the last exhibition area on the left: Understanding the sky.</h3><h3>We've been trying to understand the sky from the beginning, looking for patterns in the spiraling stars and wandering planets.</h3><h3>Geometry can be used in mathematical research space. It enables us to map the sky and build an extraordinary microcosm that we can master.</h3><h3>The chart is such a miniature universe. It is a representation of the night sky, using stereographic projection, the night sky into two-dimensional. In fact, the astronomical disk is an astronomical computer.</h3> <h3>天文钟是微型钟表宇宙,基于对恒星和行星运动几何学的详细数学理解,显示月球、恒星以及太阳的运动,给了我们一天中的时间。</h3><h3>珍贵。这一件是由塞缪尔·沃森制作的,他自称是国王查尔斯二世的“普通数学家”。它被誉为是为数学家艾萨克牛顿而制造的。有人说:“天空的机械不是神兽,而是时钟。”</h3><h3>Astronomical clocks are miniature clocks in the universe. Based on a detailed mathematical understanding of the geometry of the motion of stars and planets, showing the movements of the moon, stars and the sun gives us time in a day.</h3><h3>Precious. This one was made by Samuel Watson, who claimed to be King Charles II's "general mathematician". It is praised as being made for mathematician Isaac Newton. Some people say, "The machinery of the sky is not a divine beast, but a clock."</h3> <h3>星盘最初是由希腊和罗马天文学家在2000多年前开发的。据说,手持星盘意味着将宇宙的秘密握在手中。构造这样的仪器依赖于对数学技术的广泛了解。</h3><h3>The disk was originally developed by Greek and Roman astronomers more than 2000 years ago. It is said that holding a star disk means holding the secret of the universe in your hand. The construction of such an instrument depends on a wide understanding of mathematical technology.</h3> <h3>参观完这个展区,我们向前走,便进入了信息时代的展区。</h3><h3>这里讲述了200年来信息和通信技术的历史。</h3><h3>展馆分为六个“网络”:有线、广播、交换、星座、网络和小区。每个领域都展示了技术和基础设施,以及创造、使用和受每一次新的变革浪潮影响的人们的非凡故事。</h3><h3>After visiting the exhibition area, we went forward and entered the exhibition area of the information age.</h3><h3>Here is the history of information and communication technology over the past 200 years.</h3><h3>The Pavilion is divided into six "networks": cable, broadcasting, switching, constellation, network and community. Each area presents extraordinary stories of technology and infrastructure, as well as people who create, use and are affected by every new wave of change.</h3> <h3>喀麦隆国家移动运营商Camtel生产的移动电话,大约在2012年,作为陆地电话的替代方案,该手机仅在有限的地理区域运行。</h3><h3>Camtel, Cameroon's national mobile operator, produced a mobile phone that operates only in limited geographical areas as an alternative to terrestrial telephony in about 2012.</h3> <h3>中国制造商Tecno在2012年Tecno生产的T400手机,面向非洲市场,包括两张SIM卡空间等特殊功能。</h3><h3>Tecno, a Chinese manufacturer, made the T400 mobile phone in 2012 for the African market, including two SIM cards and other special functions.</h3> <h3>假冒黑莓手机,2012年的非法复制品比正版手机便宜,并附带了其他功能,如调频收音机。</h3><h3>Counterfeit BlackBerry phones, illegal replicas in 2012 are cheaper than legitimate phones, with other features, such as FM radio.</h3> <h3>2部假冒诺基亚手机,约2012年,低价假冒手机经中国和迪拜抵达喀麦隆。尽管质量参差不齐,它们还是很受欢迎。</h3><h3>Two counterfeit Nokia phones arrived in Cameroon through China and Dubai in about 2012. Despite their uneven quality, they are still very popular.</h3> <h3>太阳能手机,2012年该款手机在喀麦隆购买。</h3><h3>Solar cell phone, which was purchased in Cameroon in 2012.</h3> <h3>喀麦隆移动电话SIM卡,2012年SIM卡为移动用户提供了一个独特的电话号码,使他们与世界各地的人保持联系。</h3><h3>Cameroon Mobile Phone SIM Card, 2012 SIM Card provides mobile users with a unique phone number to keep in touch with people around the world.</h3> <h3>从信息展区再往前走,进入了一个类似于军事用品展示的基地,这里有飞机、发动机、武器等军事用品的展示。</h3><h3>Moving forward from the information exhibition area, we entered a base similar to the display of military supplies. There are displays of aircraft, engines, weapons and other military supplies.</h3> <h3>这是雷诺兄弟为1906年大奖赛制造的四个汽车发动机之一,甚至可能来自于赢得比赛的汽车。后来,由于增加了水泵和新的化油器,它被更换了,后来它可能为“波尔多维尔”号飞艇提供动力。</h3><h3>This is one of the four automotive engines that the Reynolds Brothers built for the 1906 Grand Prix, probably from cars that won the race. Later, with the addition of pumps and new carburetors, it was replaced, and later it might power the Bordeauville airship.</h3> <h3>这台发动机是由莱维斯有限公司从他们的五个小的二冲程摩托车发动机,使用一个由固体加工而成的五拐曲轴制造的。它是专门为一种轻型后掠机翼单翼飞机开发的。</h3><h3>This engine is made by Levis Limited from their five small two-stroke motorcycle engines, using a five-turn crankshaft made of solid. It is specially developed for a light swept wing single-wing aircraft.</h3> <h3>这是由比尔德莫尔-哈尔福德-普林格设计的发动机,有时也被称为Puma发动机,由Siddeley-Deasy汽车公司于1917年开发,它是从一种Austro-Daimler设计中衍生出来的,它被安装在各种飞机上,包括D.H.9,H.P.W8F客机和Avro Schneider赛车水上飞机。这也是弗兰克·哈福德最早承担的航空发动机项目之一,后来成为德哈维兰和纳皮尔发动机公司的著名设计师。</h3><h3>The engine, sometimes called Puma engine, was developed by Siddeley-Deasy in 1917. It was derived from an Austro-Daimler design and was installed on various aircraft, including D.H.9, H.P.W8F and Avro Schneider racing cars. Machine. It was also one of Frank Harford's earliest aeroengine projects, and later became famous designers of De Haveland and Napier Engines.</h3> <h3>这是差分发动机,是一种机械计算机器。它是由数学家和发明家查尔斯·巴贝奇设计的。他的目的是计算和打印数学表格,这比维多利亚时代的工程师、科学家和航海家使用的手工制作的表格更精确。<br></h3><h3>巴贝奇称他的机器为“差分引擎”,因为它使用有限差分法自动计算表。这种数学方法只涉及加法和减法,避免了乘法和除法的机械化。</h3><h3>This is a differential engine. It's a mechanical computer. It was designed by mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage. His aim was to calculate and print mathematical tables, which were more accurate than the hand-made tables used by Victorian engineers, scientists and navigators.</h3><h3>Babbage called his machine a "differential engine" because it used the finite difference method to compute tables automatically. This mathematical method only involves addition and subtraction, avoiding the mechanization of multiplication and division.</h3> <h3>这个木门是从伦敦市中心一座18世纪的建筑中抢救出来的,1912年被拆除。门的周围加上了一个普通的房子,以给它更高的地位,这表明居住者是一个受过古典教育的绅士。今天,英国人仍然在其他不起眼的建筑中添加古典特色,因为古典建筑在英国的想象力和文化中占有很强的地位。</h3><h3>The wooden door was rescued from an 18th century building in central London and demolished in 1912. A common house was added around the door to give it a higher status, indicating that the occupant was a gentleman with classical education. Today, the British still add classical features to other humble buildings, because classical architecture occupies a strong position in British imagination and culture.</h3> <h3>也许最著名的加密系统是谜机。这是一个早期的例子。谜机是一种机电设备,旨在抵抗先进的数学技术的代码破坏。</h3><h3>Perhaps the most famous encryption system is the puzzle machine. This is an early example. Riddle machine is an electromechanical device designed to resist code destruction by advanced mathematical technology.</h3> <h3>亚里士多德半身石膏像。</h3><h3>Aristotle's bust in plaster.</h3> <h3>苏格拉底半身石膏像。</h3><h3>Socrates bust</h3> <h3>荷马半身雪花石膏像。</h3><h3>Homer's half-length snowflake plaster</h3> <h3>这是两件男性半身石膏像。石膏原件的复制品是在瓦特的复印机里做的。为了切割大理石,瓦特做了一些特殊的切割工具,或者说是毛边,因为它们的形状,他称之为“松果工具”。然而,由于消耗体力太大,他只做了一些大理石制品。</h3><h3>These are two male busts in plaster. A copy of the original plaster was made in Watt's copier. In order to cut marble, Watt made some special cutting tools, or fur edges, because of their shape, he called them "pineal tools". However, he only made some marble products because of the heavy workload.</h3> <h3>Niobe半身石膏像。传说在双胞胎阿波罗和阿耳特弥斯杀死她的孩子后,她便变成了一座哭泣的石像。</h3><h3>Niobe bust. Legend has it that after the twins Apollo and Artemis killed her child, she became a crying stone statue.</h3> <h3>这是一座女性手拿着卷轴的石膏铸模。</h3><h3>瓦特有两个类似的手持卷轴的铸模,一个是男性,一个是女性。它们都有一个字符串循环,可以挂起存储。</h3><h3>This is a gypsum cast with a scroll in her hand.</h3><h3>Watt has two similar hand-held scrolls, one male and one female. They all have a string loop that suspends storage.</h3> <h3>这是丘比特和普赛克的石膏像。</h3><h3>This is a plaster figure of Cupid and Psyche.</h3> <h3>这是新发现的詹姆斯·瓦特半身石膏像。有人说它可能由雕刻家卢修斯加哈根制作。它来自瓦特车间发现的一个模具,它的来源一直是个谜。</h3><h3>This is the newly discovered bust of James Watt. Some say it may have been made by sculptor Lucius Gahagan. It comes from a mould found in Watt Workshop, and its origin has always been a mystery.</h3> <h3>这是詹姆斯·瓦特的工作台。</h3><h3>这个工作台原来在瓦特的车间里。现在已经被移走了,这样我们就可以更近距离地观察它。</h3><h3>三座瓦特的半身像坐在长凳上,两座是雕塑家彼得·特瑞利的,一座是弗朗西斯·钱特里爵士的。</h3><h3>在工作台上的其他物品中,有瓦特不成功的半旋转蒸汽机的模型,还有他的发动机计数器,用来记录发动机的工作行程。</h3><h3>在工作台下面,瓦特存放着各种各样的设备,包括笛子制造工具和约西亚·韦奇伍德制作的长陶瓷管,用于化学实验。</h3><h3>This is James Watt's desk.</h3><h3>The workbench used to be in Watt's workshop. Now it has been removed so that we can observe it more closely.</h3><h3>Three busts of Watt sit on benches. Two are sculptor Peter Trelli and one is Sir Francis Chantry.</h3><h3>Among other items on the workbench were Watt's unsuccessful model of a semi-rotating steam engine and his engine counter, which was used to record the engine's travel.</h3><h3>Underneath the workbench, Watt stores a variety of equipment, including flute-making tools and long ceramic tubes made by Josiah Wedgwood, for chemical experiments.</h3> <h3>午餐</h3><h3>Lunch</h3> <h3>又到了大家喜爱的上课时间。课前,我们玩了一个击炸弹传纸条的游戏,以词语接龙的规则说出对应单词,当炸弹爆炸时看纸条落在了谁的手上。玩完这个游戏,大家都精神了许多。</h3><h3>上课时,老师以“进化/成长”为主题,教给我们一些语法知识。同学们还上台给大家讲述本组的研究成果。</h3><h3>It's our favorite class time again. Before class, we played a game of bombing and passing notes. We said the corresponding words according to the rules of word-to-word. When the bomb exploded, we could see who had the notes on. After playing the game, everybody was much more energetic.</h3><h3>In class, the teacher teaches us some grammar knowledge with the theme of "evolution/growth". Students also came to the stage to tell you about the research results of this group.</h3> <h3>晚上,学校组织同学们参加卡拉OK,但是许多同学想进行一些别的活动,正巧楼上有桌球,桌上足球等游乐项目,正好满足了大家的需求。</h3><h3>In the evening, the school organizes students to participate in karaoke, but many students want to do some other activities. It happens that there are billiards, table football and other recreational items upstairs, which just meet the needs of everyone.</h3>