万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1904期No.189 Jason 打卡 D20


⏰190805-0808(周一-周四)<br><br>🌈主题:0a-u10 Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!<br>📽️动画:0a-10 Zoom!Zoom!Zoom! 🌿pepper pigS1 31-36<br><br>🎶音频:Pepper pigS1.31-36 🌿0a1-12<br><br>📚分级&英文绘本 🌿理解性阅读海尼曼(易)10本 (中)2本 🌿指读海尼曼(易)每天2本🌿0a-10 Zoom!Zoom!Zoom! <br> 📚中文绘本<br> <h3>🌏Supplementary🌏</h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>🎉Game🎉</p><p>D:Jason,let's play a game,we are in a rocket.Sit well,ready,go!</p><p>J:I want drive the rocket.</p><p>M:OK.We are floating in the space.</p><p>M:Look,what is this?</p><p>J:Moon!</p><p>M:Yes,what are these?</p><p>J:Stars.</p><p>M:Touch the star.Well down.</p><p>M:How many stars are there?</p><p>J:One,two,three.......ten!</p></font></h3> <p>M:Yes,there are ten stars.Do you want to pick a star?<br>J:Yes!<br>Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!We're going to the moon~<br>Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!We're going to the moon~Ready?5,4,3,2,1,go!<br>M:Wow,you got a star.<br>过程省略<br>M:How many stars did you got?<br>J:Five.</p><p>没法拍照,因为爸爸不在家,老母亲全程扛着这个40斤的壮汉。。。玩游戏是个体力活!</p> 🍭Hand craft🍭<br>M:Let's make a rocket.<br>1. Create the rocket body<br>The first thing you'll need to do is construct the main body of your rocket, to ensure a comfortable flight for all space explorers. Cut completely through the bottle in a straight line about three-quarters of the way down from the cap. Next, draw a circle on one side of the bottle near the top using the marker pen. Carefully cut out this circle.&nbsp; <h3><font color="#010101"><h3>2. Make your rocket aerodynamic</h3><h3>Now to make sure your rocket is built for speed. Take the pieces of cardboard box and mark out four matching fin shapes. Now draw two concentric circles on the cardboard, one slightly smaller than your discarded circle of bottle plastic and one slightly larger than it. You should have created a roughly 2cm thick ring which will form your rockets .Carefully cut out your fins and . Next unravel your toilet roll tube and reshape</h3><h3>it into a nose cone. Secure the cone over the bottle top with tape.Cut two small lengths of your thicker cardboard tube to form thrusters.</h3><h3>3. Paint your rocket</h3><h3>Next lets make your rocket stand out from the crowd. Wrap the nose cone in tin foil and tape it down. Do the same with the .Wrap the body of your rocket in colored paper of your choosing.Paint your fins in colours of your choosing,and paint the thrusters black.</h3></font></h3> 4. Add the finishing touches<br>Using the glue stick, attach the frame, fins and thrusters to your rocket body. Use some clay to create lights.<br>5. Launch in 10.9.8<br>Finally, it's time to blast off! Cut strips of colored paper and glue them into the ends of the thrusters to create a fiery trail as the rocket soars upwards. You're ready to go to the moon.<br> <h3><font color="#010101">这个手工有点难,全程都是妈妈在说,娃的输出很少,很专心地在帮我做火箭。</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>🎉Game🎉</p><p>M:What is this?</p><p>J:Ladder!I can got the earth,mommy.</p><p>M:Where is your rocket?</p><p>J:Here!</p><p>M:Let's play the game.</p><p>J:OK</p><p>M:Your rocket is floating in the space.</p><p>J:Floating~floating~floating~</p><p>M:Which planet do you want to go?</p><p>J:Sun.</p></font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">M:Wow!The sun is too hot. We need to fly away from it.</font></h3> J:We can go to the moon.<br>Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!We're going to the moon~<br>Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!We're going to the moon~Ready?5,4,3,2,1,go! <h3><font color="#010101"><p>J:The next&nbsp;planet is earth.My rocket fly in home.</p></font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>J:Next planet is this.</p><p>M:This is venus.</p><p>J:Is it hot?</p><p>M:Yes,it's&nbsp;hotter than the earth.It is the hottest planet in the&nbsp;solar system.Which planet is the coldest in the solar system?</p><p>J:冥王星。</p><p>M:Now pluto is not part of the solar system.The coldest planet is neptune.</p></font></h3> <p>J:Mommy,here is my sapce house.&nbsp;</p><p>M:Space house?</p><p>J:Space house is 国际空间站。<br>M:It 's called international space station in english.<br>J:Space station.It is with the earth.</p><p>M:What dose ‘with earth’means?</p><p>J:It means one is moon, one is earth,moon with earth like this.(一通比划)</p><p>M:Oh,I know.The moon revolves around the earth.</p><p>J:Yes,the space house like moon.</p><p>M:Yes!The international space station&nbsp;revolves around the earth.</p><p>J:Yes,the space station like moon with earth,mommy.</p> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>J:I have a space car.Mommy,look,this is my space car.</p><p>M:I think it looks like a space shuttle.</p><p>J:I need rocket,put it on the space car.This car can go to the moon.</p><p>J:Space shuttle is on the rocket.</p></font></h3> <p>J:Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!We're going to the moon~<br>&nbsp;Zoom!Zoom!Zoom!We're going to the moon~Ready?&nbsp; &nbsp;5,4,3,2,1,go!</p><p>M:Your&nbsp;space shuttle is&nbsp;floating in the space.</p><p>J:The rocket is fall down.My&nbsp;space shuttle is flying.</p> <h3><font color="#010101">J:I want go to venus,earth,moon,mars,jupiter.(只去会念的几个,哈哈)</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p><br></p></font></h3> <p>M:Now,let's play another way,this bicycle is your rocket.We are going to somewhere.</p><p>Zoom,zoom,zoom.We're going to the bathrooom.<br>Zoom,zoom,zoom.We're going to the kitchen.<br>Zoom,zoom,zoom.We're going to the door.<br>Zoom,zoom,zoom.We're going to your bedroom.</p><p>Ready?5,4,3,2,1,go!<br></p> J:Mommy,wait,run fast,I need shoes.<br>M:Ok.Do you want to wear your helmet?<br>J:Yes!Mommy,help me. <p>M:Zoom,zoom,zoom.We're going to the piano!<br></p><p>J:Mommy,I want play the piano.</p> <h3>🍭Hand craft🍭</h3><h3>The moon makes no light, the moon gets</h3><h3>light from the sun, like we do. The Moon is</h3><h3>like a mirror. It reflects the suns light.</h3><h3>Make this with black paper board.Cut a</h3><h3>circle in the middle so you can fit your</h3><h3>head in it. Get some clay. Make a a ball with half white and half black.</h3><h3>Place the balls on the paper board.Make</h3><h3>a 'sun'at the top of the page.</h3><h3>Put your head in the circle and look around.</h3><h3>Now you can see how the moon looks as it</h3><h3>goes around us. The moon travels around</h3><h3>the earth anti-clockwise.</h3> <h3>论爸爸是工科男的一百个好处,哈哈!分分钟给拼了个火箭基地🚀</h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>🌞Field trip🌞</p><p>参观国家海洋博物馆,其中一个展厅是关于天文的。</p></font></h3> <h3>最近实在太忙太忙,这次FT有空单独整理出来。</h3>