<h3>⭐listening: 佩奇Season1,循环倾听者里的“收藏”文件夹。</h3><h3>⭐video:没看</h3><h3>⭐reading:清汉1第五单元指读</h3> <h3>指读五指歌</h3> <h3>看图读牛津树what a mess</h3> <h3>field trip: play with the colors</h3><h3>m:We will make a snow painting. This match is no kind of like....</h3><h3> s:Super light clay.</h3><h3> m:Yeah, but look at Its name it's called EVA snow painting.Which painting would you like to choose?</h3><h3> s:Ice cream.</h3><h3> m: I knew you would choose that. Take the painting now let's sit at the table. Here is a sample. You can do the colors according to the sample picture. Or you can choose the color, whatever you like.</h3><h3> s:OK.</h3><h3> m:What's on the Top?</h3><h3> s:Cherry.</h3><h3> m:Yes it is cherry.</h3><h3> Mom, I like chocolate flavored ice cream. I need black snow.</h3><h3> m:Wait wait. But the black snow doesn't go well with the black line. Have about making a rainbow flavored ice cream. It'll be beautiful.</h3><h3>s:okay.</h3><h3> m:How many layers of Ice cream do u see.</h3><h3>s:1,2,3,4,5, five layers.</h3><h3> m:Maybe you're right. But mom thinks this bottom layer belongs to the cone part.</h3><h3>s:oh, yeah.</h3><h3>颜色的游戏实践过好几次,有直接用彩色画笔,也有用颜料,也玩过超轻黏土。</h3><h3>m: Let's play with the colors. try to mix red and yellow and see if the color will change.</h3><h3>s: It's orange.</h3><h3> m:Yeah look at here. Red plus yellow is orange.</h3><h3> s:Yellow plus blue is green. Blue and red is purple.</h3><h3>m: Great. And I will try to mix white with orange. what will we get?</h3><h3>s:i don't know.</h3><h3>m:look, it's skin color.</h3><h3>s:这叫肉色。</h3><h3>m:or 肤色。</h3><h3>mommy, i want to make a car.</h3><h3>m:Can you show me how to make a car? . Because mama doesn't know how to make car.</h3><h3>s:就是先做一个半圆,再搓个条,加四个轮子呀!</h3><h3> m:Oh,it sounds really easy. First we make a semicircle Like this as the roof. Then we rub,rub,rub a long stick. Now what are you making?</h3><h3>s:circle.</h3><h3>m:oh, u mean the round wheels.</h3><h3>s:look, a car. i made it.</h3><h3>m:Yeah, it's very cute car and u can paste it beside ur ice cream.</h3><h3>玩钓鱼玩具</h3><h3>m: What are you doing now?</h3><h3>s: I'm fishing.</h3><h3>m: Oh you're fishing and you're fishing with the fishing rod. Where all the fish swimming.</h3><h3>s: They are swimming in a swimming pool.</h3><h3> m:All right. Or you can say they r in the fish pond. Hey, do you know what's in the fish?</h3><h3>s: I don't know. (拎起来,看到里面的磁铁) Oh, magnet.</h3><h3></h3><h3>m: Yeah, that's why they can swim in the pond.</h3> <h3>m: where r u swimming?</h3><h3>s:im swimming in a swimming pool.</h3><h3>m: yeah, and it's a paddling pool. u can kick ur legs to make big splash.</h3><h3>s:妈妈你看我能憋气</h3><h3>m: wow, good! can u hold ur breath for 10 seconds?</h3><h3>s: no.</h3><h3>try blowing bubbles in the water, holding breath, floating on the water.事后补充救生圈和臂圈 life bouy, arm pad</h3><h3><br></h3>