

<h3>研学第七天,今天的目的地是温莎城堡,是世界上历史最悠久也是最大的有王室居住的城堡。</h3><h3>On the seventh day of study. today's destination is Windsor Castle, the oldest and largest royal castle in the world.</h3><h3>早餐</h3><h3>breakfast</h3> <h3>出发站,与昨天的布莱顿火车站有些区别,更宽敞明亮,也更新,众多的检票口意味着效率也将更高。</h3><h3>The departure station is somewhat different from yesterday's Brighton Railway Station. It's more spacious and bright, and it's also updated. The numerous ticket checkpoints mean that it will be more efficient.</h3> <h3>温莎火车站。可能是城市规模较小的缘故,火车站也比较简单小巧,老式的砖土结构。三三两两的乘客,整体显得十分冷清。</h3><h3>Windsor Railway Station. Maybe because of the small size of the city, the railway station is also relatively simple and compact, old-fashioned brick structure. Passengers in twos and threes, as a whole, seemed very cold.</h3> <h3>出了火车站,走了没多远便可以望到用花岗岩砌筑的城堡,雄踞与小山丘之上,高耸入云,气势雄伟,挺拔壮观。从下往上看,仿佛是座天上堡垒。</h3><h3>Out of the railway station, within a short walk, you can see the castle built of granite, standing on the hills, towering into the clouds, magnificent, tall and spectacular. From the bottom up, it looks like a heavenly fortress.</h3> <h3>走到城堡外围时,映入眼帘的是巍峨耸立的城墙和塔楼,在战争时期,这些铜墙铁壁对于抗击敌军一定起到了重要的作用。</h3><h3>When we reached the outskirts of the castle, we could see the towering walls and towers, which played an important role in fighting the enemy during the war.</h3> <h3>本以为进入之路畅通无阻,但事实恰恰相反。城墙外的人群排出的队伍一眼望不到头,弯弯曲曲似一条长龙。</h3><h3>The road to entry was supposed to be unimpeded, but the opposite was true. Outside the city wall, the crowd of people could not see the end at a glance, bending like a long dragon.</h3> <h3>在等待了不到半小时后,我们终于进入了游客入口。不过在真正进入城堡之前,还要在一个屋子里等待安检。</h3><h3>走进城堡,立马就被其高大坚固的城墙,此起彼伏的建筑,精美雕琢独居风格的哥特式窗户所吸引,不得不说这座宏伟的建筑能满足我对王子公主的童话故事、外国文学名著中关于城堡描述的所有想象,甚至更加梦幻与神秘。</h3><h3>After less than half an hour of waiting, we finally entered the tourist entrance. But before you actually enter the castle, you have to wait in a room for security checks.</h3><h3>Walking into the castle, I was immediately attracted by its tall and solid walls, its ups and downs of buildings, its gothic s with exquisite carving and solitary style. I have to say that this magnificent building can satisfy all my imaginations about the castle in the fairy tales of Princess and princess, foreign literary masterpieces, and even more fantastic and mysterious.</h3> <h3>在随手拍摄时,发现高塔上升的是英国国旗,所以今天女王不在家。</h3><h3>During the follow-up shooting, it was found that the British flag was on the tower, so the Queen was not at home today.</h3> <h3>沿城墙行走,抬头望见温莎城堡中央的高岗上,耸立着一座古老的圆塔,是古代的炮垒,约是12世纪时建造的。听说现在城垣上还设有鼓炮。后来乔治四世在其上增添了冠顶部分,它便成为古堡内的最高建筑。</h3><h3>Walking along the wall, I looked up and saw an ancient round tower on the high hill in the center of Windsor Castle. It was an ancient fortress built in the 12th century. It is said that there are still drums on the city walls. Later, George IV added a crown to it and it became the tallest building in the castle.</h3> <h3>靠近城墙,向下一看,一片翠绿闯入视线。不得不感叹古堡的绿化工作做的确实好。小溪,绿草,鲜花,女王能在如此好的环境下工作,一定能有一个清醒的头脑,有一个高的工作效率。</h3><h3>Close to the city wall, look down, a verdant green burst into view. I have to lament that the greening work of the castle is really good. Streams, green grass, flowers, the Queen can work in such a good environment, there must be a clear mind, a high efficiency.</h3> <h3>向前直走,穿过一扇城门,便到达了玩偶博物馆。玛丽皇后喜欢各种模型,所以她在贵族的公寓上建造了一间巨大的玩偶屋,由埃德温·鲁琴斯设计。室内的家具与画像也是由他在19世纪30年代设计的,玩偶博物馆里珍藏的是玛丽皇后非常喜欢的各个玩偶和各个房间的缩小版模型。但是很遗憾,今天参观的时候里面博物馆正在维修,我们只得听着讲解隔空欣赏了。</h3><h3>Go straight ahead and through a gate to the Doll Museum. Queen Mary liked all kinds of models, so she built a huge doll house on the noble apartment, designed by Edwin Rutchens. The interior furniture and portraits were also designed by him in the 1930s. The Doll Museum contains miniature models of dolls and rooms that Queen Mary likes very much. But unfortunately, the museum was being repaired when we visited it today, so we had to listen to the explanations and enjoy them in the partition.</h3> <h3>来的早不如来的巧,恰好见到皇家卫队巡逻。依然是那身猩红色紧身短上衣和那顶高高的熊皮帽。步伐声铿锵有力,动作规范整齐,兢兢业业守护者城堡的安全。</h3><h3>It's better to come earlier than to come, just to see the Royal Guard patrol. Still the scarlet jacket and the tall bearskin hat. Strong and vigorous steps, regular and orderly movements, conscientious guardian of the castle's safety.</h3> <h3>向下走,我进入了城堡内部,里面收藏了许多皇家名画和珠宝。可能是由于城堡仍在使用的原因,内部是禁止拍照的。一进入,首先展出的收藏品是一些装饰精美的碗碟,琳琅满目,令人看不过来。因不能拍照,以我眼见,找了相似网络图协助解说</h3><h3>Down, I entered the castle, where many royal paintings and jewelry were collected. Possibly because the castle is still in use, photography is forbidden inside. Once in, the first collection on display is some beautifully decorated dishes and bowls, which are dazzling and invisible. Because I couldn't take photos, in my eyes, I found a similar network diagram to help explain.</h3> <h3>随着人群的移动,我进入了下一个房间。这是一个极大的大厅,四周挂了许多的画,都是人物画像,顶端有华美的水晶吊灯。许多人在此驻足观看。惊叹于皇家城堡的富丽堂皇,赞叹于画像的精美逼真。</h3><h3>As the crowd moved, I entered the next room. This is a huge hall, surrounded by many paintings, are portraits of people, with beautiful crystal chandeliers at the top. Many people stop here to watch. Marvel at the magnificence of the Royal castle, admire the beauty of the portrait lifelike.</h3> <h3>下一个房间应该是女王的餐厅,纯白的桌椅整齐摆放,窗外柔和的光线射入屋内。</h3><h3>The next room should be the Queen's dining room, with white tables and chairs neatly arranged and soft light outside the shining into the room.</h3> <h3>拐个弯,又进入一个新的金碧辉煌的房间。墙上和顶上是大片大片的金色雕刻物,尽显出皇家气派。</h3><h3>Turn a corner and enter a new splendid room. On the walls and on the top are large pieces of golden sculptures, showing the Royal style.</h3> <h3>直走,穿过一道门,又是一个大厅,中间以栅栏隔开。转弯处展览着一些古代士兵的头盔、护甲,还有金色的盆和类似于奖杯一样的物品。</h3><h3>Go straight through a door, another hall, fenced off in the middle. Around the corner were some ancient soldiers'helmet and armor, as well as golden basins and trophy-like items.</h3> <h3>下一个房间是一间画室,墙上挂满了许多画。这些绝美的油画仿佛在讲述着曾经发生在这个家族身上的事。有一家人的日常生活场景,也有单人的画像,可以从中窥探到一些历史的事情。</h3><h3>The next room is a studio with many pictures hanging on the wall. These beautiful paintings seem to be telling about what happened to the family. There are scenes of the daily life of a family, as well as portraits of a single person, from which we can get a glimpse of some historical events.</h3> <h3>再往前走,就进入了一间类似于接待厅的房间。里面陈列着一些瓶、表盘等。还能看见来自我们大天朝的瓷器。</h3><h3>Go further and enter a room similar to the reception room. There are some bottles, dials and so on. Porcelain from our heavenly Dynasty can also be seen.</h3> <h3>在房间的尽头,即可窥见下一个房间,就是女王的寝室了。寝室里最重要的自然是床,女王的床上挂着翠绿色的帘子,余下的与我们自己家的床其实并无大的不同之处,只是做工要精细得多,上面的花纹,绣上去的图案无不是大工匠的手笔。</h3><h3>At the end of the room, you can see the next room, the Queen's dormitory. The most important thing in the dormitory is the bed. The queen's bed is covered with emerald curtains. The rest of the bed is not different from our own. It's just much more elaborate. The patterns and embroidery on the bed are all craftsmen's handwriting.</h3> <h3>不知不觉,我们就走到了最后一个房间。这个房间的灯光格外的昏暗。这里应该就是类似于一个门厅这样子的房间。出口的两边还有两个雕塑,是威风凛凛的骏马。</h3><h3>Before we knew it, we went to the last room. The light in this room is particularly dim. This should be a room like a lobby. There are also two sculptures on both sides of the exit, which are majestic horses.</h3> <h3>走出城堡,无意中发现右手边新建造了一所教堂,抱着好奇的心理,我们进入参观。</h3><h3>正如初次见到城堡一样的震撼,这所教堂里的庄严肃穆,美轮美奂的设计,虔诚祷告的信教徒,让人移不开眼睛。神圣之地不允许拍照。</h3><h3>Walking out of the castle, I found a new church on my right hand. With curiosity, we went to visit it.</h3><h3>Just like the shock of seeing the castle for the first time, the solemnity of the church, the beautiful design of the church and the devout prayers of the believers make people unable to move their eyes. Photographs are not allowed in holy places.</h3> <h3>结束城堡之旅,又到了大家喜爱的购物环节。但是我并没有这方面的需求,我决定放慢脚步,随处逛逛,感受温莎这座小城的人文风情。</h3><h3>The end of the castle tour, and to everyone's favorite shopping link. But I don't have the need for it. I decided to slow down, go around and feel the humanities of Windsor.</h3> <h3>偶遇街头歌手。这个微胖的小伙子,一定十分的热爱音乐,崇尚艺术。歌声其实也挺不错。这个职业的收入其实不太稳定,可能好,也可能差;有时观众喜欢听,会得到大家的赞赏,鼓励以及一些小奖励;如果大家不爱听,便可能遭到冷嘲热讽。但他有梦想,一只话筒一把吉他,便能在街头纵情歌唱,不论受到什么苦难,我们应该要尊敬、敬佩他。</h3><h3>Occasionally meet a street singer. This slightly fat young man must be very fond of music and advocate art. The singing is actually quite good. In fact, the income of this profession is not stable, may be good, may be bad; sometimes the audience likes to listen, will be appreciated, encouraged and some small rewards; if you do not like to listen, you may be ridiculed. But he has a dream, a microphone and a guitar can sing in the street, no matter what suffering, we should respect and admire him.</h3> <h3>路边教堂旁的十字架。</h3><h3>A cross beside a roadside church.</h3> <h3>不知不觉,走到了一座公园旁。阳光明媚,正是伸展筋骨,放松娱乐的好时候。大人孩子各自在公园闲聊玩耍。</h3><h3>Unconsciously, he came to a park. The sunshine is a good time to stretch and relax. Adults and children chat and play in the park.</h3> <h3>这个小区在公园附近,规模不大,楼层也不高。大都沿街分布,这与国内的封闭式小区是完全不同的。可能是因为本世纪初学者们认为这会妨碍社会不同人群之间的沟通交往,增加种族隔离与阶级固化的风险,所以大家逐渐就形成了一种开放小区的概念,或是归功于政府立法的作用,利物浦模式的影响等等。</h3><h3>The community is near the park, small in scale and low in floors. Most distribute along the street, which is totally different from the closed community in China. It may be that beginners of this century believe that this will hinder communication between different groups of people in society and increase the risk of apartheid and class consolidation, so people gradually formed the concept of an open community, or due to the role of government legislation, the impact of the Liverpool model and so on.</h3> <h3>晚上,我们在公园运动。这里草地宽阔,同学们可以踢足球,玩飞盘,跳绳等,还能自己组织起来玩一些小游戏。天色渐渐暗了下来,有的同学还是舍不得离开,继续玩着自己的小游戏,笑声一浪接一浪。</h3><h3>In the evening, we play sports in the park. The grassland is wide. Students can play football, Frisbee, rope skipping, etc. They can also organize themselves to play some games. The sky gradually darkened, some students still reluctant to leave, continue to play their own games, laughter waves after waves.</h3> <h3>研学第八天,今天早上我们要去格林尼治天文台,体会脚踏东西经的感觉。</h3><h3>On the eighth day of our study, this morning we are going to Greenwich Observatory to experience the feeling of stepping on the East-West passage.</h3><h3>早餐</h3><h3>Breakfast.</h3> <h3>这里的火车站,与国内的在城市间奔驰的火车有些不同,它已经成为了城市内运送乘客的工具,在城市的不同地方来回穿梭。</h3><h3>The railway station here is somewhat different from the Mercedes-Benz trains running between cities in China. It has become a means of transporting passengers in the city, shuttling back and forth in different parts of the city.</h3> <h3>下了火车,我们前往格林尼治天文台,世界上著名的综合性天文台。</h3><h3>天文台在一座小山上,山不高也不起眼,但正所谓“山不在高,有仙则灵”。天文台的建造使这里迎来了众多游客。</h3><h3>从大门进入,首先要穿过一片大草地,爬上一小段陡坡,就能看见天文台的标志性建筑。</h3><h3>After getting off the train, we went to Greenwich Observatory, the world's famous comprehensive observatory.</h3><h3>The Observatory is on a hill. The hill is neither high nor noticeable, but what it calls "mountains are not high, fairies are spiritual". The construction of the Observatory has brought many tourists here.</h3><h3>When you enter through the gate, you first need to cross a large grassland and climb up a small steep slope to see the landmark building of the Observatory.</h3> <h3>这是天文台门口的一个钟,以24小时计算。我们抵达时是9点16分。这个钟还有它的名字:牧羊人时钟。它是世界上最早的电子钟。可以把自己的表和它对一下时间,一定准确无误。</h3><h3>This is a clock at the entrance of the Observatory, calculated in 24 hours. We arrived at 9:16. The clock also has its name: Shepherd's Clock. It is the earliest electronic clock in the world. You can match your watch with it in time. It must be accurate.</h3> <h3>天文台不远处,有一座詹姆斯•沃尔夫将军的雕像,这是以为英国远征加拿大的陆军将领。</h3><h3>Not far from the Observatory, there is a statue of General James Wolfe, who was supposed to be a British Army General on an expedition to Canada.</h3> <h3>从小山上眺望城市。</h3> <h3>这就是著名的0度经线了。经线两边标记着各个城市的经度,脚踏经线两侧,就是同时位于东西经了。</h3><h3>This is the famous 0 degree longitude. The longitude of each city is marked on both sides of the meridian, and the foot on both sides of the meridian is located at the same time in the East-West meridian.</h3> <h3>这副画主要描述了因经度问题而导致的严重后果。</h3><h3>在17世纪,由于航海技术不准确,许多船只遭到毁坏。在水手们知道他们在海上的确切位置(纬度和经度)之前,船只经常因搁浅而受损。</h3><h3>This painting mainly describes the serious consequences caused by longitude problems.</h3><h3>In the 17th century, many ships were destroyed because of inaccurate navigation technology. Before sailors knew their exact position at sea (latitude and longitude), ships were often damaged by grounding.</h3> <h3>海洋经度可以通过天文观测得到。月亮在恒星背景下的正常运行,几乎可以像时钟指针在刻度盘上一样被读出。这样我们就能得出经度。但这种方法需要非常精确的星图和表格来预测月球在任何一天穿过天空的路径。为了掌握这一方法,水手还需要广泛的天文学知识、高等数学知识和能够从移动的船上精确测量恒星运动的仪器,这个便是其中一个。</h3><h3>The longitude of the ocean can be obtained from astronomical observations. The normal motion of the moon in a stellar background can be read almost as a clock pointer on a dial. So we can get longitude. But this method requires very accurate star maps and tables to predict the path of the moon through the sky on any given day. In order to master this method, sailors also need extensive knowledge of astronomy, advanced mathematics and instruments that can accurately measure the motion of stars from moving ships. This is one of them.</h3> <h3>这个些是哈里森发明的校对时间的仪器(一代)。发明这个一代仪器大约用了他五年的时间。1736年,在一次往返里斯本的海上航行中对它进行了测试。哈里森非常晕船,但计时员工作了。这是当时已知的最精确的仪器,但是仍不够精确,不足以赢得200万美元的奖励。</h3><h3>These are Harrison's Time-Calibrating instruments. It took him about five years to invent this generation of instruments. In 1736, it was tested on a sea voyage to and from Lisbon. Harrison was very seasick, but the timekeeper worked. It was the most accurate instrument known at the time, but it was still not accurate enough to win a $2 million award.</h3> <h3>这是哈里森的二代时间仪器。也叫“h2”。它有一个从主弹簧传递均匀力的移除器和一个简化的温度补偿。然而,哈里森意识到平衡杆存在一个根本性的缺陷,这意味着它仍然会受到船的运动的影响,于是他在1740年放弃了对“h2”的研究。</h3><h3>This is Harrison's second generation time instrument. Also known as "h2". It has a remover that transmits uniform force from the main spring and a simplified temperature compensation. However, Harrison realized that there was a fundamental defect in the balance rod, which meant that it was still affected by the motion of the ship, so he abandoned the study of "h2" in 1740.</h3> <h3>这是最初安置在胡桃木纹镶板后面的两个时钟之一。在1730年代,这只钟被改装成了国内的长箱钟。它至少在19世纪40年代属于莱斯特伯爵,1994年它被带回到格林威治。表盘是原装的,运动显示在对面墙上的一个单独的橱窗里。当在镶板后面时,这两个钟“与天空保持着良好的一致性”,然后弗拉姆斯泰德便证明他的理论,即地球以恒定的速度旋转,从而形成了“天的方程”,并开始了他绘制恒星的伟大任务。</h3><h3>This is one of the two clocks originally placed behind the walnut panels. In the 1730s, the clock was converted into a domestic long box clock. It belonged to the Earl of Leicester at least in the 1940s and was brought back to Greenwich in 1994. The dial is original and the movement is displayed in a separate on the opposite wall. When they were behind the panels, the clocks were "in good agreement with the sky", and Framstein proved his theory that the earth rotates at a constant speed, thus forming the "equation of heaven" and embarking on his great task of drawing stars.</h3> <h3>这两个汤姆逊钟是由托马斯·汤普森于1676年制造的。约翰·弗兰斯特德的遗孀把它们装进了朗格钟。一个现在在博物馆里,另一个在这里展出。</h3><h3>These two Thomson clocks were made by Thomas Thompson in 1676. John Frankstead's widow put them in the Langer Bell. One is now in the museum, the other is on display here.</h3> <h3>这个长的望远镜管是1765年以前在CTAGON房间使用的那种复制品,加里·盖德纳·格林威治在大约1995年制作的雷皮卡望远镜管。他能通过向上或向下移动固定在窗户上的梯子的横档来调整视角。</h3><h3>This long telescope tube is a replica of the one used in CTAGON room before 1765. Gary Gardner Greenwich made the Repika telescope tube in about 1995. He can adjust the angle of view by moving up or down the crossbar of the ladder fixed to the .</h3> <h3>这是枚玫瑰帝国勋章,在1872年被赠送给了乔治,以感谢他主持了巴西帝国的访问。</h3><h3>This is a Medal of the Rose Empire, which was presented to George in 1872 to thank him for presiding over the visit of the Brazilian Empire.</h3> <h3>1855年12月6日,一场冬天的大风把时间球从观察室的屋顶吹到院子里。英国皇家天文学家乔治·比德尔·艾里爵士的儿子休伯特·艾里便画了这幅水彩画来记录这一事件。</h3><h3>On December 6, 1855, a Winter Gale blew the time ball from the roof of the observation room to the yard. Hubert Alley, son of Sir George Biedel Ali, the British Royal astronomer, drew this watercolor to record the event.</h3> <h3>三次邀请之后,乔治终于接受了政府在1872年提出的爵士头衔,声称他现在可以支付所需的费用。这把剑是他宫廷礼服的一部分。</h3><h3>After three invitations, George finally accepted the government's Jazz title in 1872, claiming that he could now pay for it. This sword is part of his court dress.</h3> <h3>乔治与许多横跨欧洲的学者一起工作。这些勋章由英国、瑞典和普鲁士颁发,显示了他的声望。</h3><h3>George worked with many scholars across Europe. These medals were awarded by Britain, Sweden and Prussia, demonstrating his prestige.</h3> <h3>在19世纪30年代,造船业越来越多地使用钢铁制造船上的磁罗盘。因为乔治设计了计算方法,使航海家能够解决一些问题,他便收到了这个礼物。</h3><h3>In the 1930s, steel was increasingly used in shipbuilding to make magnetic compasses on ships. George received the gift because he designed a calculation method that enabled the navigator to solve some problems.</h3> <h3>在19世纪50年代,切斯特的商人热衷于通过改善通往城市的河道来增加贸易。乔治就潮水高度提供了建议,以确保大型船舶能到达内陆港口。为了表彰他的工作,便赠予他这个墨水架</h3><h3>In the 1950s, Chester businessmen were keen to increase trade by improving the waterways leading to cities. George advised on tidal height to ensure that large ships could reach inland ports. In recognition of his work, he was given the ink stand.</h3> <h3>1875年,乔治被任命为伦敦市的自由人。为了纪念这一时刻,他被赠送了一个精美的小盒,这个小盒是用微型望远镜和地球仪个性化的,以表彰他的工作。</h3><h3>In 1875, George was appointed a free man in London. To commemorate this moment, he was presented with a beautiful small box personalized with a miniature telescope and a globe in recognition of his work.</h3> <h3>这是一个相机,卢西达,也是一个光学工具,用作绘图辅助工具。乔治和他的儿子休伯特都喜欢用它,后来在他的医学研究中也广为使用。</h3><h3>This is a camera, Lucida, and also an optical tool for drawing aids. George and his son Hubert liked it, and later it was widely used in his medical research.</h3> <h3>这是乔治·比德尔·艾尔爵士(1801-1892)的雕像,1858年,为了表彰乔治的成功,他这尊半身像是由当时最负盛名的雕刻家约翰·亨利·福利制作的。它于1858年在皇家学院展出。</h3><h3>This is the statue of Sir George Biedel Al (1801-1892). In 1858, in recognition of George's success, the bust was made by John Henry Welfare, then the most famous sculptor. It was exhibited at the Royal College in 1858.</h3> <h3>这张照片拍摄于1860年代,展示了整个无忧无虑的家庭。幸存的大女儿希尔达和父母坐在长椅上。安诺、奥斯蒙德、克里斯塔贝尔、休伯特和威尔弗里德坐在草地上。</h3><h3>This photo, taken in the 1860s, shows the whole carefree family. Hilda, the surviving eldest daughter, sat on the bench with her parents. Anno, Osmond, Christabel, Hubert and Wilfred sat on the grass.</h3> <h3>这是乔治,约翰·科利尔在1883绘了这幅画。乔治在服役45年后于1881年退休并离开住在格林威治公园边缘的火焰之家。他现在是个鳏夫,他的女儿安诺和克丽丝塔贝尔照顾他。之后乔治继续研究天文学理论,直到1892年1月去世。</h3><h3>This is George. John Collier painted the picture in 1883. George retired in 1881 after 45 years of service and left the Flame House on the edge of Greenwich Park. He is now a widower, and his daughters Anno and Kristabel take care of him. George continued to study astronomical theory until his death in January 1892.</h3> <h3>图左上的望远镜是1844年,一位俄国海军上将把它送给乔治的。孩子们用它来看星星,看河上的船。</h3><h3>像他们的父亲一样,活泼的孩子们喜欢数学。这里的尺子是他们学习时用的。后来,在威尔弗里德和休伯特的卡雷森工程和医学中也广泛用到了数学。</h3><h3>The telescope on the left was given to George by a Russian admiral in 1844. Children use it to look at the stars and the boats on the river.</h3><h3>Like their father, lively children like mathematics. The ruler here is used for their study. Later, mathematics was also widely used in Wilfred and Hubert's Carlison Engineering and Medicine.</h3> <h3>这些卡片是在19世纪20年代制作的,当时天文玩具和游戏在中产阶级家庭很流行。当被光线照射时,每张卡片上的针孔都会显示出星座的图案。</h3><h3>These cards were made in the 1920s, when astronomical toys and games were popular in middle-class families. When illuminated by light, the pinholes on each card show the pattern of the constellation.</h3> <h3>这是一个机械装置,它包括一个展示水星、金星和地球轨道的机制。日历比例显示一年中的某些时候哪些星座是可见的。</h3><h3>This is a mechanical device that includes a mechanism for displaying the orbits of Mercury, Venus and the Earth. Calendar ratios show which constellations are visible at certain times of the year.</h3> <h3>这只早期的钟摆钟是伦敦的钟摆制造者约翰•弗罗曼蒂尔于1660年左右制造的。</h3><h3>This early pendulum clock was made by John Fromantil, the pendulum maker in London, around 1660.</h3> <h3>这张照片显示的是圣阿尔菲日教堂,格林威治,前景是威斯敏斯特大教堂和圣保罗大教堂。</h3><h3>This picture shows St. Alfidge Cathedral, Greenwich, with the prospect of Westminster Cathedral and St. Paul Cathedral.</h3> <h3>这座18世纪的挂钟有着典型的时代特征,它有一个银色的表盘。</h3><h3>This 18th century wall clock has typical characteristics of the times. It has a silver dial.</h3> <h3>午餐</h3><h3>lunch</h3> <h3>下午,我们又回到了班级,准备进行新一周的课程。经过了三天的无课时间,第一节课果然是让我们自由聊天,互相询问都干了什么,也可以聊聊别的话题,比如别国的气候,人文,对方的生活等。</h3><h3>第二节课是复习课,我们通过玩一些小游戏,做一些小题目比如。。来复习了一下上个星期学习的语法以及其它知识。</h3><h3>In the afternoon, we returned to the class to prepare for a new week of classes. After three days without classes, the first lesson is to let us chat freely, ask each other what we have done, and also talk about other topics, such as climate, humanities, the other's life, etc.</h3><h3>The second lesson is a review lesson. We play some games and do some small topics, such as... Let's review the grammar and other knowledge we learned last week.</h3> <h3>晚餐。</h3><h3>dinner.</h3> <h3>晚上我们去逛了逛大英图书馆,顺带去看了下国王十字火车站。这是一个大型的铁路终点站,哈利波特中假想的9¾站台就在这。</h3><h3>In the evening, we visited the British Library and the next King's Cross Railway Station. This is a large railway terminal, where Harry Potter's imaginary platform 9 is located.</h3> <h3>车站的设计者:路易斯•库比特。</h3><h3>Designer of the station: Louis Cubbit.</h3> <h3>大英图书馆,英国的国家图书馆,是世界上最大的学术图书馆之一。</h3><h3>The British Library, the National Library of England, is one of the largest academic libraries in the world.</h3> <h3>走进图书馆,大家都在静静的阅读。果然,不管在何处,图书馆安静的环境是不会变的。</h3><h3>Entering the library, everyone is reading quietly. Sure enough, no matter where, the quiet environment of the library will not change.</h3> <h3>我们参观了图书馆的一楼,这里展览了图书馆珍藏的文物典籍。</h3><h3>We visited the first floor of the library, where we exhibited the cultural relics and classics collected by the library.</h3> <h3>清末邮票。</h3><h3>Stamps at the end of Qing Dynasty.</h3> <h3>敦煌文书。</h3><h3>Dunhuang documents.</h3> <h3>拉丁文版的圣经。</h3><h3>Latin version of the Bible.</h3> <h3>文艺复兴时期,意大利出版的用拉丁文写成的阿拉伯科学书籍。</h3><h3>During the Renaissance, Italian scientific books in Latin were published.</h3> <h3>文艺复兴的书籍。</h3><h3>Renaissance books.</h3> <h3>最后,介绍一下这里的镇馆之宝——《大宪章》,也叫《自由大宪章》。是英国封建时期的重要宪法性文件之一,还是英国君主立宪制的法律基石</h3><h3>Finally, I would like to introduce the treasure of the town hall here, the Grand Charter, also known as the Grand Charter of Liberty. It is one of the important constitutional documents in the feudal period of England and the legal cornerstone of British monarchy constitutionalism.</h3> <h3> 24:00 July 31</h3>