<h3>研学第三天</h3><h3>早晨,在阳光的照耀中醒来。签到,刷牙,洗脸,集合,前往食堂。</h3><h3>Third day of research</h3><h3>In the morning, wake up in the sunshine. Check in, brush your teeth, wash your face, gather and go to the canteen.</h3> <h3>每日早餐。面包,麦片,牛奶……(</h3><h3>Breakfast every day. Bread, cereal, milk</h3> <h3>吃完早餐,就要去上课了。英国人讲究守时,9:00的课在8:55时就应该到达教室,等待老师的到来。</h3><h3>After breakfast, we will go to class. The English are punctual. The 9:00 class should arrive at 8:55 and wait for the teacher to arrive.</h3> <h3>经过一早上的课程,我发现英国人应该更喜欢寓教于乐。他们将需要教给我们的东西用一种我们感兴趣的方式教给我们。这可以使得我们专心地听课,也更易于我们吸收知识。</h3><h3>在课堂上,同学们自由讨论,在遇到一些特殊的问题时,还可以利用手机上网查阅资料。</h3><h3>After a morning course, I found that English people should prefer to teach and enjoy themselves. They will teach us what they need to teach us in a way that interests us. This makes it easier for us to concentrate on our lessons and absorb knowledge.</h3><h3>In the classroom, students are free to discuss, and when they encounter some special problems, they can also use mobile phones to access information online.</h3> <h3>一下课,同学们都礼貌地和老师打招呼,说声“再见”“明天见”。</h3><h3><h3>After class, the students politely greeted the teacher and said "Good-bye" and "See you tomorrow".</h3></h3> <h3>常规午餐。玉米,炸土豆,蔬菜沙拉……</h3><h3>Regular lunch. Corn, fried potatoes, vegetable salad.</h3> <h3>吃完午饭,经过约半小时左右的休息,我们开始了伦敦半日游。阔步于泰晤士河畔, 寻找伦敦眼,大本钟,唐宁街首相府,皇家骑卫队,圣詹姆斯公园,白金汉宫,特拉法加鸽子广场。<br></h3><h3>After lunch and about half an hour's rest, we started a half-day tour of London. Walking along the Thames River, looking for London Eye, Big Ben Bell, Downing Street Prime Minister's House, Royal Mounted Guard, St. James Park, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Pigeon Square.</h3> <h3>路上在过大桥时,碰巧遇见了议会大厦。</h3><h3>议会大厦(Houses of Parliament)是英国议会(包括上议院和下议院)的所在地。 该建筑包括约1,100个独立房间、100座楼梯和4.8公里长的走廊。尽管今天的宫殿基本上由19世纪重修而来,但依然保留了初建时的许多历史遗迹。</h3><h3>On the way across the bridge, I happened to meet the Parliament Building.</h3><h3>The House of Parliament is the seat of the British Parliament (including the House of Lords and the House of Commons). The building consists of about 1,100 separate rooms, 100 stairs and 4.8 kilometers of corridors. Although today's palaces were largely rebuilt in the 19th century, many of the original historical relics.</h3> <h3> 议会大厦毗邻泰晤士河,巍峨耸立,在白厅大道上格外引人注目,是伦敦最有名的象征建筑之一。这座建于维多利亚时期的歌特式建筑恢弘磅礴,雕刻装饰精致绝伦,充满浓郁的英国古典气息。议会大厦不仅是英国君主政体的象征,同时也代表着英国民主政治的精神。</h3><h3> 到了现在,议会大厦和大本钟已经基本算是一体的建筑了。</h3><h3> 对于路过的大本钟,由于它还在维修中,所以我们只能是看看它维修时的样子了。匆匆路过。</h3><h3>The House of Parliament, adjacent to the Thames River, stands tall and stands out on Whitehall Avenue. It is one of the most famous symbolic buildings in London. This Victorian Gothic building is magnificent, exquisitely carved and decorated, full of rich British classical flavor. The House of Parliament is not only the symbol of the British monarchy, but also the spirit of British democracy.</h3><h3>By now, the Parliament Building and Big Ben are basically one building.</h3><h3>For the passing Big Ben, it is still under repair, so we can only see what it looks like when it is being repaired. Passing by in a hurry.</h3> <h3>一路上走来,发现了许多的古老建筑,大都磅礴大气。英国人应该很喜欢这样的古老建筑。走在街上,这样的建筑物比比皆是。</h3><h3>Along the way, many ancient buildings were found, most of which were magnificent. English people should like such old buildings very much. Walking in the street, such buildings are everywhere.</h3> <h3>威斯敏斯特大教堂(The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster),通称威斯敏斯特修道院(Westminster Abbey,意译为西敏寺),坐落在伦敦泰晤士河北岸。</h3><h3>我们去的时候恰逢教堂关闭,所以只能在外面观赏这座精美绝伦的大教堂了。其他教堂在它的面前都只能黯然失色,不愧是英国中世纪建筑的主要代表。</h3><h3>The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, commonly known as Westminster Abbey, is situated on the North Bank of the Thames in London. </h3><h3>We went when the church was closed, so we had to look out at this magnificent cathedral. Other churches can only be eclipsed in front of it, which deserves to be the main representative of medi architecture in England.</h3> <h3>唐宁街10号(10 Downing Street),位于英国首都伦敦威斯敏斯特,威斯敏斯特区白厅旁的唐宁街,一所乔治亚风格建筑物。传统上是第一财政大臣的官邸,但自从此职由首相兼领后,就成为今日普遍认为的英国首相官邸。其设计朴实的黑色木门,缀上白色的阿拉伯数字“10”,成为了人所共知的标记。</h3><h3>No. 10 Downing Street, a Georgian-style building, is located in Downing Street near Whitehall in Westminster, London. Traditionally the residence of the First Chancellor of the Exchequer, it has been widely recognized as the residence of the British Prime Minister since it was assumed by the Prime Minister. Its simple black wooden door, decorated with the white Arabic numeral "10", has become a well-known symbol.</h3> <h3>英国皇家卫队,全称为英国陆军皇家近卫师团(英文:Household Guards Division of the British Army )是直辖于白金汉宫的英国皇室、皇家设施警卫部队。</h3><div>游客们都靠近卫兵身旁拍照,但我瞥见卫兵骑着骏马在岗楼内,一段时间换一次岗。他们在岗楼内时忍受着类似马厩的臭味,出了岗楼又要接受烈日的照耀,我对他们的敬佩之情油然而生。</div><div>The Royal Guard, known as the Royal Guards Division of the British Army, is the Royal and Royal Facilities Guard Force directly under Buckingham Palace.</div><h3>Tourists were all close to the guards to take pictures, but I caught a glimpse of the guards riding horses in the guard building, changing posts for a while. They endure the stink of stables when they are in the guard building. When they come out of the guard building, they are also exposed to the scorching sun. My admiration for them arises spontaneously.</h3> <h3>穿过皇家卫队的阅兵场,向前直走,我们便到达了圣詹姆斯公园。烈日炎炎,走进公园,便感觉进入了一个世外桃源。市民与游客在此小憩休闲,野餐,散步,晒太阳的游客随处可见。鸽子也一群群,或是一只只悠闲地散步,有时还有松鼠在地上蹦跳或是在树上上窜下跳。</h3><h3>圣詹姆斯公园(St Jam es's Park)。面对白金汉宫的圣詹姆斯公园(St. Jamess Park),原本是圣詹姆斯宫的鹿园,17世纪时查理二世聘请法国景观设计师重新造景,19世纪初在英国著名建筑师纳许进一步美化之下,至今成为伦敦市中心最美丽的公园。</h3><h3>Crossing the Royal Guard parade and going straight ahead, we arrived at St. James Park. In the scorching sun, when you walk into the park, you feel like you have entered a paradise. Citizens and tourists can enjoy relaxation, picnics, walks and sunshine everywhere. Pigeons also flock together, either for a leisurely walk, sometimes for squirrels to jump on the ground or jump up and down trees.</h3><h3>St Jam es's Park. Facing St. James Park of Buckingham Palace, which was originally the deer park of St. James Palace, Charles II hired French landscape architects to redesign the landscape in the 17th century. In the early 19th century, with the permission of famous British architects, St. James Park has become the most beautiful park in central London.</h3> <h3><h3>白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)是英国君主位于伦敦的主要寝宫及办公处。宫殿坐落在威斯敏斯特,是国家庆典和王室欢迎礼举行场地之一,也是一处重要的旅游景点。今天游玩时白金汉宫升的是英国国旗,说明女王现在并不在此地(女王在时,白金汉宫升皇家旗帜)。白金汉宫在英国的地位就好像我们的天安门广场,韩国的青瓦台一样。宫殿规模庞大,气势恢宏。绿草,大树,美丽的鸟,和(毒)煦(辣)的阳光。在这下午游玩的最后一站,大家都很开心。</h3><h3>Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London. Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.</h3><h3>The British flag was hoisted at Buckingham Palace today, indicating that the Queen was not here (when the Queen was there, the royal flag was hoisted at Buckingham Palace). Buckingham Palace has the same status in Britain as our Tian'anmen Square and South Korea's Tsing Wa Tai. The palace is huge and magnificent. Green grass, big trees, beautiful birds, and warm (hot) sunshine. At the last stop of this afternoon's tour, everyone was very happy.</h3></h3> <h3>常规晚餐。今天是各种土豆。土豆泥……</h3><h3>Regular dinner. Today is a variety of potatoes. Mashed potatoes...</h3> <h3><h3>吃过晚饭,我们即将前往卡拉OK厅(其实根据我查到的资料,英国是基本上没有卡拉OK的 )。</h3><h3>这里的卡拉OK厅,整体的布局其实与我们亚洲的卡拉OK厅并无太大的差别,只是空间扩大了许多。但他们有一位主持人。他才是整场的主导人物,想要唱歌的人在他的安排下依次上台,堪比文艺汇演。主持人还要兼顾歌曲风格的平衡,比如在连续有人演唱抒情的慢歌后,他就会建议来一首鼓点强烈的曲子,防止气氛变得昏昏欲睡。</h3><h3>同学们在厅里随着热烈活泼的音乐节奏活动着,还有几名唱歌较好的同学上台献唱,大家都玩得不亦乐乎。在要回到宿舍时,许多人还依依不舍,希望下一次还能再来。</h3><h3>After dinner, we are going to the Karaok Hall (actually, according to the information I have found, there is basically no Karaok in Britain).</h3><h3>The overall layout of the Karaok Hall here is not much different from that of our Asian Karaok Hall, but the space has expanded a lot. But they have a host. He was the dominant figure in the whole show, and the people who wanted to sing came on stage in turn under his arrangement, which was comparable to the performance of literature and art. The host also needs to balance the style of the song. For example, after someone sings a lyric slow song in succession, he will suggest a strong drum to prevent the atmosphere from becoming drowsy.</h3><h3>Students in the hall with warm and lively music rhythm activities, there are several better singers on stage to sing, we all had a lot of fun. Many people are still reluctant to return to their dormitories, hoping to come again next time.</h3></h3> <h3>最后,大家回到宿舍休息,结束一天的行程。</h3><h3>Finally, everyone returned to the dormitory to rest and finish the day's journey.</h3> <h3>今天应该是第四天了。8:00集合,7:55时人依然只有几个。</h3><h3>集合完毕,清点人数,前往食堂。</h3><h3>Today is supposed to be the fourth day. At 8:00, there were still only a few people at 7:55.</h3><h3>After gathering, count the number of people and go to the canteen.</h3> <h3>早饭结束,我们前往教室。由于天气有一些热,加上昨晚有的同学没有睡好,教室里的许多人是疲倦的。老师便让我们玩一种独特的游戏。类似于词语接龙,只是将词语改为单词。经过三四轮的循环,游戏结束,大家也都精神了许多。</h3><h3>上了几天课后,我发现在第一节课,老师更愿意花大量的时间在培养我们的口语应用能力上,几个简单的问题,同学之间可以讨论很久,我们的口语应用能力就慢慢地提高了。</h3><h3>After breakfast, we went to the classroom. Many students in the classroom were tired because of the hot weather and some students didn't sleep well last night. The teacher let us play a unique game. Similar to word after word, just change words into words. After three or four rounds of cycling, the game ended, and everyone was much more energetic.</h3><h3>After a few days of classes, I found that in the first class, teachers would rather spend a lot of time on training our oral application ability. Several simple questions can be discussed for a long time between students, and our oral application ability will gradually improve.</h3> <h3>午饭时间。</h3> <h3>下午,我们将坐船游泰晤士河,欣赏美丽、壮观的伦敦塔桥,伦敦眼以及沿途景色。</h3><h3>In the afternoon, we will take a boat tour of the Thames River to enjoy the beautiful and spectacular Tower Bridge, the London Eye and the scenery along the way.</h3> <h3><h3>碎片大厦(The Shard)是伦佐·皮亚诺设计的位于伦敦泰晤士河南岸的大厦,高达1017英尺(309.6米),是全欧洲第二高的大厦,仅次于莫斯科水星城。(修建完成后为西欧最高建筑)。碎片大厦的整体形态是下宽上窄,最后顶部的塔尖渐渐消失在空中,就像16世纪的小尖塔或高桅横帆船的桅杆。建筑的形式以伦敦具有历史性的尖顶和桅杆为基础而设计。</h3><h3>碎片大厦的设计师曾说过:“碎片大厦只是一个能经受风吹雨打的闪亮尖塔,它没有什么任何傲慢和权势的意思。”这座高楼的外观可以用“闪亮”来形容,11000个玻璃薄片组合起来,构成了大厦的“皮肤”。如果把所有碎片平铺,可以覆盖8个足球场。</h3><h3>The Shard, designed by Renzo Piano on the South Bank of London's Thames, is 1017 feet (309.6 meters), the second tallest building in Europe after Mercury City in Moscow. The tallest building in Western Europe after completion. The overall shape of the debris building is wide and narrow, and the top spire gradually disappears into the air, like the small spire of the 16th century or the mast of a high mast sailing boat. The architectural form is based on London's historic spires and masts.</h3><h3>The designer of the Debris Tower once said, "The Debris Tower is just a shining steeple that can withstand the wind and rain. It has no sense of arrogance or power." The appearance of the tall building can be described as "shiny" , 11,000 glass sheets combined to form the "skin" of the building. If all the debris is laid flat, it can cover eight football fields.</h3></h3> <h3>伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),是一座上开悬索桥,位于英国伦敦,横跨泰晤士河,因在伦敦塔(Tower of London)附近而得名,是从泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥(泰晤士河上共建桥15座),也是伦敦的象征。该桥始建于1886年,1894年6月30日对公众开放,将伦敦南北区连接成整体。</h3><h3>在19世纪下半叶,随着伦敦东区商业的上升发展,带动了对伦敦桥下游一座穿过泰晤士河的新桥梁的需求。但这座桥不能建成是传统的固定桥,因为将会切断当时位于伦敦桥和伦敦塔之间的港口设施,[1]假如新桥太低的话船就无法开到码头了。1870年泰晤士河下的一条人行地道开通了,但它依然无法取代一座新的桥梁的需要。</h3><h3>这座可以从中间“打开”的桥,让我们为之惊叹。桥身分为上、下两层,上层为宽阔的悬空人行道,两侧装有玻璃窗,行人从桥上通过,可以饱览泰晤士河两岸的美丽风光;下层可供车辆通行。当泰晤士河上有万吨船只通过时,主塔内机器启动,桥身慢慢分开,向上折起,船只过后,桥身慢慢落下,恢复车辆通行。</h3><h3></h3><h3>一眼望去,如同城堡般的主塔塔身上铺设的花岗岩与波特兰石在阳光下闪耀着淡淡的光泽,暗灰的底色中白色的窗棂如同宝石般镶嵌在塔体上,窗棂外的护栏微微向外突出,让主塔显得更加立体,浑然一体的塔体顶部,四角上的小尖塔将塔顶围在其中,如同护卫一般,金色的塔顶如同一座王冠发散出耀眼的光芒,让人眼神迷离。</h3><h3>Tower Bridge is an overhead suspension bridge across the Thames River in London, England. It is named after the Tower of London. It is the first bridge from the Thames Estuary (15 bridges on the Thames), and it is also a symbol of London. The bridge was built in 1886 and opened to the public on 30 June 1894, linking the north and south of London as a whole.</h3><h3>In the second half of the nineteenth century, with the rise of business in the East End of London, the demand for a new bridge across the Thames River downstream of London Bridge was boosted. But the bridge could not be built as a traditional fixed bridge because it would cut off the port facilities between the London Bridge and the Tower of London at that time. [1] If the new bridge was too low, the ship would not be able to reach the wharf. In 1870, a pedestrian tunnel under the Thames was opened, but it still could not replace the need for a new bridge.</h3><h3>We marvel at the bridge that can be "opened" from the middle. The bridge body is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer is a broad suspended sidewalk with glass s on both sides. Pedestrians can enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Thames River through the bridge. The lower layer can be used by vehicles. When tens of thousands of tons of ships pass through the Thames River, the machine in the main tower starts, the bridge body slowly separates and folds upward. After the ship passes, the bridge body slowly falls down and resumes the traffic.</h3><h3>At first glance, the granite and Portland stones laid on the main tower like a castle shine faintly in the sunshine. The white lattices in the dark grey background are set on the tower like gems. The guardrails outside the lattices stand out slightly, which makes the main tower more three-dimensional and integrated on the top and corners of the tower. The small steeple surrounds the top of the tower like a guard, and the golden top of the tower is like a crown shining with dazzling light.</h3> <h3><h3>伦敦眼(The London Eye)[1],坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界上首座、同时截至2005年最大的观景摩天轮,为伦敦的地标及出名旅游观光点之一。“伦敦眼”在夜间便化成了一个巨大的蓝色光环,大大增添了泰晤士河的梦幻气质。</h3><h3> 作为伦敦的地标,伦敦眼展现出了无与伦比的观赏性。虽然只是乘坐游船经过,但这巨大的圆形转盘还是把我们给惊艳到了,它仿佛有一种神奇的魔力,能把每个人的视线都吸引过去,痴迷于它。</h3><h3>The London Eye, situated on the Thames River in London, UK, is the world's first and largest Ferris Wheel as of 2005. It is one of London's landmarks and famous tourist attraction.The London Eye becomes a huge blue halo at night, which greatly adds to the dreamlike temperament of the Thames River.</h3><h3>As a landmark of London, the London Eye shows unparalleled ornamentation. Although we were just passing by on a cruise ship, we were amazed by the huge circular turntable, which seemed to have a magic power to attract everyone's attention and fascinate us with it.</h3></h3> <h3>不同角度看伦敦眼。视角不同,世界也会不同。</h3><h3>Look at the London Eye from different angles. Different perspectives will lead to different worlds.</h3> <h3>这便是伊丽莎白塔(Elizabeth Tower),我们都叫它大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,伦敦的标志性建筑。</h3><div>伊丽莎白塔是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。它每15分钟响一次,敲响威斯敏斯特钟声。</div><div>This is Elizabeth Tower, which we all call Big Ben, the Bell Tower of Westminster Palace, one of the world's most famous Gothic buildings, the landmark of London.</div><h3>Elizabeth Tower is located on the Thames River in London, England. It is one of the landmarks of London. It rings every 15 minutes, ringing the Westminster bell.</h3> <h3>晚餐时间</h3><h3>dinner time</h3> <h3></h3><h3>吃完晚饭,打卡购物店:westfield购物中心。</h3><h3>Westfield韦斯特菲尔德,它是全球最大的上市股票市值的零售物业集团,在全球设有119个高品质购物中心。</h3><h3>购物中心非常大,有0层,一层,负一层……各种你想要的东西在这里你都能找得到。对于一些时间紧张而想把英国好东西一网打尽的游客们来说,这里就是极佳的购物场所。除了一些普通商城会售卖的东西外,这里还有卖美食,儿童乐园,电影院……</h3><h3>正因为购物中心太大了,所以在逛的时候一定要时刻注意自己的位置。好在这里很多地方都有地图。</h3><h3>After dinner, punch-in shop: West Field Mall.</h3><h3>Westfield Westfield is the world's largest retail property group with market capitalization of listed stocks. There are 119 high-quality shopping centers in the world.</h3><h3>Shopping malls are very large. They have 0 floors, 1 floor, and 1 negative floor. You can find everything you want here. For some tourists who are nervous for time and want to get rid of all the good things in Britain, this is an excellent place to shop. In addition to the things that ordinary malls sell, there are also food, children's paradise, cinemas...</h3><h3>Because the shopping mall is too big, you must always pay attention to your location when you go shopping. Fortunately, there are maps in many places here.</h3><h3></h3>