

<h3>  2019年暑假,11名充满活力的老师和同学们集合,准备开启为期16天的英国研学之旅,大家兴奋又激动。</h3><h3> 路线上,先从三明站乘动车到福州,再从福州长乐机场乘飞机至香港机场,最后由香港机场乘飞机至伦敦。</h3><h3>In the summer vacation of 2019, 11 energetic teachers and students gathered to prepare for a 16-day study tour in Britain. Everyone was excited and excited.</h3><h3>On the route, we first take a train from Sanming Station to Fuzhou, then take a plane from Fuzhou Changle Airport to Hong Kong Airport, and finally take a plane from Hong Kong Airport to London.</h3> <h3>成功抵达伦敦,迎接我们的是年轻美丽的小姐姐和帅气的小哥哥。早就听说英国人富有幽默感,他们也不例外。</h3><h3>Successfully arrived in London and we were greeted by beautiful young ladies and handsome little brothers. It has long been said that English people have a good sense of humour, and they are no exception.</h3> <h3>经过一个小时左右的车程,我们抵达伦敦大学。大家从老师那领取了宿舍钥匙,在宿舍先进行修整。</h3><h3>宿舍是单人间(英国人崇尚独立),干净、整洁。窗户宽敞,房间明亮。可以俯瞰街景。</h3><h3>After about an hour's drive, we arrived at University of London. Everyone got the dormitory keys from the teacher and repaired them in the dormitory first.</h3><h3>The dormitory is a single room (the British advocate independence), clean and tidy. The s are spacious and the room is bright. A view of the street</h3> <h3>由于身处异国他乡,为了团队之间便于联络,以及同学们与家人联系,我们装上了英国的电话卡。</h3><h3>Being in a foreign country, in order to facilitate the communication between the team and the students and their families, we installed the British telephone card.</h3> <h3>在宿舍小小的修整后,我们在当地大学生的带领下,前往禧年花园(Jubilee Garden)游玩。禧年花园坐落于伦敦南岸,西以泰晤士河为边,南侧即是伦敦眼。这是一个绿意盎然的繁茂公园,大片的绿色植物让公园变得生机勃勃。儿童在草地上嬉戏玩耍,大人们在散步闲聊。</h3><h3>After the small renovation of the dormitory, we went to the Jubilee Garden under the leadership of the local college students. The Jubilee Garden is situated on the South Bank of London, with the Thames River to the West and the London Eye to the south. It's a lush green park. Large areas of green plants make the park vibrant. Children are playing on the grass while adults are walking and chatting.</h3> <h3>从公园回到宿舍楼,时间正是中午,到了我们的开饭时间,于是我们直接前往食堂。食堂进入需要饭卡,进入后领取主食前还需要给服务员餐券。午餐不是套餐,而是自助餐。先领取主食,接着可以拿一块蛋糕,一些蔬菜,挤一些酱汁,倒一些饮料。虽然说英国人更喜欢煎炸等的食物,但这里也有绿色蔬菜,水果等,菜式齐全(还有麻婆豆腐嗷),学生并不会营养摄入不全。</h3><h3>Back from the park to the dormitory building, it was noon, and it was time for us to have dinner, so we went directly to the canteen. The canteen entry requires a meal card, and the waiter's meal voucher is also required before the main meal is collected. Lunch is not a set meal, but a buffet. First get the staple food, then take a cake, some vegetables, squeeze some sauce, pour some drinks. Although the British prefer fried food, there are also green vegetables, fruits and other dishes (as well as Mapo tofu), and students do not have inadequate nutritional intake.</h3> <h3>吃完午饭,等待着我们的是分班测试。测试的目的只是为了能对我们进行更好的教学,并不需要对此感到焦虑。</h3><h3>After lunch, we are waiting for a shift test. The purpose of the test is only to teach us better, and there is no need to feel anxious about it.</h3> <h3>测试结束之后,经过短暂的课间休息时间,我们开始上课(虽然这件教室可能是我们第一次也是最后一次来)。由于分班结果并未出来,所以我们中国学生是在一起上课的。老师们上课很有活力,经常会有一些肢体语言或发出一些“奇怪”的声音,来活跃气氛。整个课堂十分轻松愉快,大家也都认真听讲,积极回答。</h3><h3>After the test, after a short break, we started our class (although this classroom may be our first and last visit). As the result of the division of classes did not come out, so we Chinese students are taught together. Teachers are very active in class. They often have some body language or make some "strange" sounds to activate the atmosphere. The whole class was very relaxed and happy. Everyone listened carefully and answered positively.</h3> <h3>下课后,又到了晚饭时间。由于大家刚到达英国,坐了十几个小时的飞机,一路舟车劳顿,还得要倒时差,所以今晚暂时还没有活动,大家在宿舍休息,有需要的同学可以在老师的带领下去超市补充物资。</h3><h3>After class, it's dinner time again. As we have just arrived in Britain, we have been on a plane for more than ten hours, a boat, a train and a jet lag, so we have no activity tonight, we are resting in the dormitory, students in need can go to the supermarket under the guidance of the teacher to supplement supplies.</h3> <h3>走过路过都不能错过的街景。</h3><h3>You can't miss the street scenery when you pass by.</h3> <h3>第二天</h3><h3>早晨在阳光的沐浴中醒来,由于纬度的原因,英国的白天时间是比较长的。</h3><h3>醒来后没多久,烟雾警报器突然响了,大家都以为是误报,集合时间快到了,大家也都陆陆续续到了楼下。到楼下了,才发现已有好多人在楼下,各国的学生都在了。他们的意识都很好,与我们悠哉游哉下楼甚至不把警报当一回事的中国学生不同,听到警报就马上开始逃生。这不禁让我有点担心,这次不知道是误按了警报按钮还是烧水触发了警报,又或者是校方为了让我们熟悉如何逃生而引发等等,万一下一次是真的,我们又会如何应对呢?</h3><h3>The second day</h3><h3>Wake up in the sun in the morning, because of latitude, the British daytime is longer.</h3><h3>Shortly after waking up, the smoke alarm suddenly sounded. Everyone thought it was a false alarm. The gathering time was approaching. Everyone went downstairs one after another. Downstairs, only to find that there are many people downstairs, students from all over the world. They are very conscious. Unlike the Chinese students who walk downstairs and don't even take the alarm seriously, when they hear the alarm, they immediately start to escape. This makes me a little worried. This time I don't know whether the alarm was pressed by mistake or the water was boiling to trigger the alarm, or whether the school triggered the alarm in order to let us know how to escape and so on. In case it is true once, how will we deal with it?</h3> <h3>早餐是十分西式的,烤面包片、松饼、麦片、冰牛奶、热咖啡……各种食物应有尽有。只是英国人确实没有喝热饮的习惯,除了咖啡其他饮料全是冷的。。。</h3><h3>Breakfast is very Western style, toast, muffin, cereal, iced milk, hot coffee... All kinds of food are available. But the British do not have the habit of drinking hot drinks, except coffee, other drinks are all cold...</h3> <h3>吃完饭先不急着上课 ,根据昨天的测试情况,要先来分个班。</h3><h3>分班后,我们跟随老师来到了一个新教室。并不像国内需要课前规范,这里直接就开始上课了。接下来也不是用什么教案上课,先是让大家互相介绍,互相认识。介绍完后,每个人要挨个起来介绍同桌的人。接下来给了我们一张图片,两个问题,让我们自主讨论。最后,给了我们六句话,让我们据此举一些例子。这些应该都是为了让我们互相认识,熟悉彼此。</h3><h3>Don't rush to class after dinner. According to yesterday's test, we have to come to separate classes first.</h3><h3>After the division, we followed the teacher to a new classroom. Unlike the need for pre-school norms in China, classes begin here directly. Next is not a lesson plan, first let everyone introduce each other and know each other. After the introduction, each person should introduce his deskmate one by one. Next, we have a picture and two questions. Let's discuss them independently. Finally, let's give us six sentences. Let's give some examples of this. These should all be for us to know each other and get to know each other.</h3> <h3>午餐时间</h3> <h3></h3><h3>大英博物馆(British Museum),又名不列颠博物馆,位于英国伦敦新牛津大街北面的罗素广场。该馆成立于1753年,于1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的世界五大博物馆之一。博物馆收藏了世界各地许多文物和珍品及很多伟大科学家的手稿,藏品之丰富、种类之繁多,为全世界博物馆所罕见。</h3><h3>The British Museum, also known as the British Museum, is located in Russell Square north of New Oxford Street in London, England. Founded in 1753 and officially opened to the public on January 15, 1759, the museum is the world's oldest and most magnificent comprehensive museum and one of the world's largest and most famous five museums. Museums collect many cultural relics and treasures from all over the world and manus of many great scientists. Museums around the world are rare for their rich and varied collections.</h3> <h3>博物馆整体十分的庞大,其中的藏品更是包罗万象。活动时间只有两小时,而藏品却有无数件。我们只能匆匆地浏览。即使走路走得腰酸腿痛,我们也不敢停下,生怕浪费了这宝贵的参观机会。</h3><h3>The Museum as a whole is huge, and its collection is all-encompassing. The activity lasted only two hours, but there were countless pieces in the collection. We can only skim through it in a hurry. Even though we walk with sore backs and legs, we dare not stop for fear of wasting this valuable visit opportunity.</h3> <h3>大英博物馆拥有藏品800多万件,由于受空间的限制,99%的藏品还未能展出。藏品主要还是英国在18至19世纪中用武力手段掠夺得来的。漫步在博物馆使我们明白了一个道理:抢一个人的东西是抢劫犯,抢全世界的东西才是大英博物馆。</h3><h3>The British Museum has more than 8 million collections. Due to space constraints, 99% of the collections have not yet been displayed. The collections were mainly plundered by British forces in the 18th to 19th centuries. Walking in museums has taught us a truth: robbers rob people's things, robbing the world's things is the British Museum.</h3> <h3>参观完博物馆,老师还带我们去了赫赫有名的伦敦大学,参观一下主校区。这所在英国排行前五的大学,光是远观建筑就已经足够震撼。但是由于一些因素的关系,我们只能在离门不远处拍些照片,没能深入观察也是一个小遗憾吧。</h3><h3>After visiting the museum, the teacher took us to the famous University of London to visit the main campus. This is the top five university in the UK. Visual architecture alone is shocking enough. But because of some factors, we can only take some pictures near the door. It's a pity that we can't observe it deeply.</h3> <h3>最后,回到宿舍,已是晚餐时间。值得一提的是,晚餐居然有米饭!</h3><h3>Finally, back to the dormitory, it's dinner time. It's worth mentioning that there is rice for dinner!</h3> <h3>吃完晚饭后,同学们在宿舍修整,回想今天所经历的事。需要补充物资的同学在老师的带领下前往超市。</h3><h3>After dinner, the students repaired their dormitories and recalled what they had experienced today. Students who need supplementary materials go to the supermarket under the guidance of their teachers.</h3>