

<h3>📕Curious Geoge 红3个</h3><h3>📽3BU1-6</h3><h3> Peppapig S3 2集</h3><h3>🔊Peppapig S3 2集</h3><h3>👉🏻过本周书目的重点错词</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3><b>Spider man and criminal game</b></h3><h3>I heard that there has been a lot of crimes in the city recently.Bank robberies, burglaries, and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.</h3><h3>You are our friendly neighborhood-spider man.I'll be your helper.</h3><h3>Let's go to punish evil.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Look,There are someone did the vandalism of other one's car.</h3><h3>There is a person is assaulting other ones.</h3><h3>There are problems of gang violence. </h3><h3>That man was arrested for drunk driving last month.</h3><h3>This month there were five burglaries and a mugging.</h3><h3>There were three burgaries on their block last month.</h3><h3>(A block of apartments or offices is a large building containing them. 大楼</h3><h3>A block in a town or city is an area of land with streets on all its sides, or the area or distance between such streets. 街区)</h3><h3>The function of law is to punish evil.</h3><h3>So let's find out all the suspects,and the police officer will arrest them all.</h3><h3>Put handcuffs on them and put them all in prison.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>Commit a crime:</b>to do something illegal.</h3><h3><b>Criminal</b>:someone who does something illegal.</h3><h3><b>Steal</b>:to make money or things from someone illegally.</h3><h3><b>Vandalism</b> is the deliberate damaging of things, especially public property. </h3><h3><b>Burglary:</b>someone commits a burglary, they enter a building by force and steal things.</h3><h3><b>Assault</b>:the crime of physically attacking someone .</h3><h3><b>Arson</b> is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building or vehicle. </h3><h3><b>Mugging</b>:If someone mugs you, they attack you in order to steal your money. </h3><h3><b>Suspect</b> is a person who the police or authorities think may be guilty of a crime. </h3> <h3>Thief is when one person or group takes from another person any object,money,or infornation without permission.</h3><h3>A person who has been convicted (If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a court of law.)of theft may be called a thief.</h3><h3>The practice of engaging in theft is also called stealing.There are many different types of theft,sunch as pickpocketing and shoplifting.</h3><h3>&nbsp;</h3><h3>Stealing is a crime and is illegal almost everywhere. Thieves steal things sometimes because they want to have something for themselves or because they want to sell something for money. Sometimes thieves will come up with plans to rob a store,bank,house,or person and sometimes they will just see a chance to steal something and take it.If caught,thieves can face jail time and will have a criminal record for the rest of there's lives.</h3> <h3><b>Pickpocketing</b> is one of the oldest and most widespread crimes in the world. </h3><h3>Back pocket wallet thefts are common in everwhere in the world.Especially at some placewhere are very crowded, for example, the shopping mall or tourist attractions.</h3><div>The most common types of theft committed </div><div>Distractions:In the pickpocketing world, distraction can get pretty elaborate. </div><h5><b>Example1</b>:There is someone close to you creates a sudden distraction such as asking the time or for directions. If this happens, this could be a setup for someone getting ready to steal your wallet or valuables.</h5><h5><b>Example2</b>:Two members of a team might stage a fight while the third member takes advantage of the inattentive crowd.</h5><h5><b>Example3</b>: Child pickpockets may try to show something to a mark, like a drawing or a toy, while other children sneak up from behind. </h5><h5><b>Example4</b>:Another common trick is to surreptitiously spray someone with bird droppings, or a convincing facsimile, and then offer to help clean it off.</h5><div><br></div><h3>Money scams have been separating people from their cash for hundreds of years. We nees to learn what you can do to protect yourself.Outsmart these thieves with an under clothing money pocket for travel that safeguards your valuables, even in crowds.</h3><h3>我和宝爸默契出演各种骗局😂,不过娃爸穿着实在太暴露,此处照片略</h3> <h3><span style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961);">Look,this pickpocket appears to <font color="#ed2308">be engrossed in</font> a magazine while sneaking a hand from under his jacket into the mark's purse.</span></h3><h3><font face="-webkit-standard"><span style="white-space: normal; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">By the time the victim realizes what's happened, the pickpocket is long gone. And since no weapons are involved, pickpockets who do get caught face minimal jail time.</span></font></h3> <h3><b>shoplifting</b> is the criminal action of stealing goods from a store while pretending to be a customer.</h3><h3>Shoplifting is the unnoticed theft of goods from an open retail establishment. Shoplifting typically involves a person concealing a store item on their person, in pockets or under clothes and leaving the store without paying for it. </h3> <h3>A child may also not have her property rights respected at home. If a child's toys and clothes are taken without permission by other family members she may feel that at school she can take other children's pencils and crayons and classroom supplies without feeling guilty.</h3><h3>Sometimes kids steal just because they want something.</h3><h3>We talked about if you realy want something badly,but your parents don't want to buy you,then what should you do.</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Fantastic bubble festival</h3><h3>I'll show you how to fill your water gun.We can also call it "loading" your gun.</h3><h3>First, let's fill up our bucket with some water.</h3><div>It is hard to fill up the water gun in a shallow place.</div><h3>You need depth so you can stick your water gun in enough to get all the water you need.</h3><h3>Yes.</h3><h3> Now hold it vertically, keep the handle pointed towards the ground and the point of the gun towards the sky.</h3><h3>Put the end of the gun in the bucket and keep it there while you pull the handle up.This brings water into the gun.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Do you know how does that bring water into the gun?<br></h3><h3><span style="font-size: 17px;">When we pull the handle, the suction pulls water into the empty barrel of the gun.</span></h3><h3>Then, when we push the handle back in, it creates pressure, which shoots the water back out of the gun.</h3><h3>Looks like your water gun is fully loaded!</h3><div>Why don't you give it a try?</div><h3>If you angle it up towards the sky, you can make the water go further.</h3><h3>You better watch out.<span style="font-size: 17px;">I'm a good shot!</span></h3><h3>Let the battle begin!</h3><h3>昨天做的bubble wand都没用上,这根本不是泡泡液,是一种泡沫😅😅😅</h3>