
Emily Smile

A teacher affects eternity and we can never tell where the influence stops. 老师的影响力是永恒的,我们永远不知道这影响力会止步何处。 Learning intention   学习目标 <ul><li>Introduce Gardner's Multiple Intelligence style of learning</li></ul> 介绍加德纳多元智能理论 Learning  content   学习内容 An odd advertisement that an adorable golden fish should make the sound like a dog when a cat wants to eat it demonstrates the importance of learning a foreign language, marking the beginning of the productive day. <h3>白板上出现一个古怪的广告:当一只猫想吃金鱼时,这只可爱的金鱼竟然发出狗叫声。这则广告说明了学习外语的重要性,也标识着充实一天的开始。</h3> Patsy made response to the questions about education inquired by us. For example, how to manage the whole class efficiently? She provided her detailed and vivid introduction, some of which is available, while some of which doesn't work. Patsy对我们关于教学方面的问题作了回复,比如说如何有效控制课堂。她给出具体且生动的描述。有些可行,而有些对我们不太合适。 During this period, Patsy introduced Australian schools with pictures sent by her husband last night, ranging from school uniforms to various after-shool activities. What they really attach importance to is that education is to meet children's needs.&nbsp; 在这个过程中, Patsy 通过图片介绍了澳大利亚的学校, 这些都是昨晚她丈夫传过来的。范围从学校的制服,到各式各样的课外活动。他们所强调的核心观就是教育是为了满足孩子们的需要。 Brainstorming <p style="text-align: center;">  头脑风暴</p> <h3 style="text-align: right">--- How to learn English well</h3><h3 style="text-align: center;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ---如何学好英语</h3> <p>Each group answered the following questions one by one, such as:<br>I improve my English by ....<br>The easiest part to learn English is ....<br>The most difficult part to learn English is...&nbsp;</p><p>At last, we got lots of valuable and significant ideas about how to learn English.&nbsp;<br></p><p><br></p> <p><br></p><p>每组逐个回答下面的问题。比如,</p><p>我如何提高英语……<br>学英语最容易的部分……<br>学英语最困难的部分……<br>最后,我们获得宝贵且有用的建议。<br></p><p><br></p> Making up a story <p style="text-align: center;">编一个创造性的故事</p> Beginning with two words 'one day' , each group just wrote down one sentence and switched the sheet to the next group to continue the story. Finally, the last group completed a creative ending of the story. When we read the funny and innovative stories, we burst into laugh ,which were really interesting.&nbsp; 起始于两个单词——有一天,每组写下一句话,然后传递给下一组继续编这个故事,直到最后一组完成这个故事的结尾。当我们阅读这些有趣且创意的故事时,教室里哄堂大笑,因为太有意思了。 Multiple Intelligence <p style="text-align: center;">多元智能理论</p> <h3>Patsy gave out the Multiple Intelligence Worksheet, asking us to complete each section by placing a number one two or three. According to the total score for each section, we put the dots and then jointed the dots to finish the bar chart.</h3> Patsy分发了多元智能表,让我们填数字完成每一项的得分。根据每项的总分数,打上点,然后连接这个点,形成一个"心电图"。 She introduced Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence, which includes eight types of intelligence, ranging from linguistic competence to naturalistic competence. From her explanation, if one student gets high score in visual section, he may have a good sense of direction, have potential in pictures and do well in art activities. As a teacher, he or she should apply mind maps instead of traditional note taking. 她介绍了霍华德•加德纳的多元智能理论,该理论包含八个技能,从语言技能到自然技能。根据她的解释,如果一个学生在视觉技能方面得高分,那么他会有一个很好的方向感,在绘画方面有天赋,擅长艺术。因此,作为老师,他应该采用思维导图,而非传统记笔记的方式来针对性教学。 <h3 style="text-align: left">Howard Gardner, a prominent psychologist from Harvard, defined eight intelligences in 1983, claiming that all humans have various strengths which define the way they think, learn and interact in the world. Gardner believes that education can be improved by knowledge and application of these intelligences which address the individual nature of each student.</h3> 霍华德加德纳,来自哈佛大学杰出的心理学家,他在1983年时提出了人类八项技能。在他看来,人类有各种技能。因为这些技能,决定了每个人在思维,学习以及接触世界的方式上有所不同。通过对这些技能的了解与应用,能够折射出学生的本能,从而对教学有帮助。 In the afternoon, Patsy combined Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligence and Bloom's six thinking levels, with the aim of stimulating individual potentials through various activities like songs, drawings or chants.&nbsp; 在下午,Patsy把加德纳多元智能理论与布鲁姆六层次认知水平理论结合起来,旨在通过各种方式,如歌曲绘画等来激发每个人的潜能。 Learning reflection 学习体会 Today we touched advanced western educational theories for the first time, which helped us understand teaching better. Difficult as it was to learn all the theories, we were willing to take on the new challenges. Keep it in mind that the harder we work, the more progress we'll make. 今天我们首次接触到了西方先进的教学理论,对我们的教学有很大的帮助。尽管于我们而言,很难理解全部的教学理论,但我们愿意接受新的挑战。只有越努力,才能取得更大的进步。 <p style="text-align: left;">图片、编辑: 张培培 赵慧雯</p><p style="text-align: left;">文字:陈五娟</p><p style="text-align: left;">审核:赵熙僖 丛赟 施丽</p>