

<h3>《墨彩飞扬——中国56个民族舞蹈绘画集》是对生活的感恩,对生活的赞美,也是为世界献上的表现中国国画艺术与舞蹈艺术之美的一束小花。 让我们一同走进诗画的境界吧。 Dancing Colors—the Painting Collection of 56 Folk Dances of China have been painted to express a deep gratitude for their continued existence through the continuous efforts of local dancers who keep the old traditions alive as a compliment to their ancestors and to life. This collection is also a salute to the world, in the combined forms of Chinese Painting and Dancing. Let’s journey together into the world of the poetry of dance and art.<br></h3> <h3>普米族舞蹈 普米族的音乐与舞蹈有密切联系,普米族诗歌几乎没有不用于演唱的,民歌演唱则大多伴有舞蹈:连臂踏歌,牵手而舞。普米族人在“打跳歌”中唱道:“笛声不停莫歇脚,舞场上没有陡岩子,脚底板下没有刺,跳它个地动山也摇”。 Pumi Dancing The dance of the Pumi has a close relation with the music. It could be said that, all Pumi poems can be sung, and all folk songs of the Pumi people go with dances so that the people sing and dance at the same time. As the song Datiaoge goes “never stop dancing unless the whistling stops, there is no cliff in the dance hall, there is no prick under your feet, let’s dance crazily to shock the whole world”.<br></h3> <h3>塔吉克族舞蹈 塔吉克族舞蹈以模拟雄鹰为特色。舞蹈以各种技巧表现雄鹰的起落、盘旋、追逐、捕猎以及扶摇直上的气势与姿态,伴之以塔吉克族特有的乐器“纳依”(一种用鹰骨制成的短笛),舞乐相偕,充满了浓郁的西域风情。 Tajik Dancing The main feature of the Tajik dance lies in the imitation of the eagle. Various dancing skills are used to express how the eagles fly up and down, circling in the sky, hunting, and embody the imposing postures of eagles swooping steeply down. A special Tajik instrument the “Nayi” (a piccolo made from eagle bone) has been adopted to accompany the dancing. The dance and music embrace the bold style of the western region.<br></h3> <h3>白族舞蹈 白族民间舞蹈有七十多种,最具代表性的是“霸王鞭舞”。霸王鞭轻巧灵活,舞动时发出清脆的声响,由此产生舞蹈的节律与美感,深受白族女子喜爱。“霸王鞭舞”与“仗鼓舞”、“花灯舞”合称为白族的三朵艺术奇葩。 Bai Dancing There are more than 70 dances of the Bai ethnic group, with the most representative one called “King’s Whip Dance”. The king’s whip is flexible and agile. The dancers glide to the dance rhythm all the while waving their arms in a beautiful flowing motion that is much loved by the girls of Bai. The “King’s Whip Dance” together with the “Zhang Drum Dance” and the “Festival Lantern Dance” are called 3 master pieces of art of the Bai people. <br></h3> <h3>水族舞蹈 水族民间舞蹈有“铜鼓舞”、“斗角舞”等,以“铜鼓舞”历史最为悠久。“端节”是水族丰收以后的盛大节日。“端节”的活动场地叫“端坡”。届时,各村寨的人们伴着铜鼓、芦笙的乐声,来到“端坡”上尽情歌舞,欢度节日。 Shui Dancing The Shui people have folk dances like the “Bronze-drum Dance” and the “Bullfight Dance”. Of all their dances the “Bronze-drum Dance” has the longest history. The “Duan Festival” is the big day after the harvest for the Shui people. The celebration is held on “Duan Puo”, where the Shui from different areas come together to sing and dance to the rhythm of the bronze drum and the Lusheng.<br></h3> <h3>   傣族舞蹈 傣族居住的地区山川秀丽,孔雀很多,在傣族人心目中,孔雀是美丽、善良、吉祥、幸福的象征。傣族的“孔雀舞”婀娜多姿,舞蹈的基本体形是“三道弯”,“三道弯”来自孔雀,来自逶迤的山峦,也来自傣族少女的妩媚。 Dai Dancing The Dai people live among beautiful mountains and rivers. There are a lot of peacocks. These are the symbols of beauty, goodness, luck and happiness in the mind of the Dai. The “Peacock Dance” is pretty and charming. The basic body shape of their dancing is “3 curves”, which represent the peacock, the meandering mountains, and the graceful young girls of the Dai.<br></h3> <h3>   布朗族舞蹈 布朗族有个传说:远古时期,人类遭受了大洪灾。蜜蜂把天神带来搭救人类,人类获救,繁衍至今。按照天神的旨意,人类给蜜蜂做桶,让它住在里面,永远和人类相依相伴。“蜂桶鼓舞”是人与动物之间和谐相处的美好诗篇。 Blang Dancing Local legend of the Blang says that in ancient times, human beings suffered due to a serious flood. The immortal was asked by bees to save the world and thanks to their help humanity survived and propspered. Therefore, the immortal decreed that humans should make home casks for bees, feed them, and live together with them forever. Based on this, the “Bee-cask Drum Dance” was created to praise the harmonious relationship between humans and animals.<br></h3> <h3>布依族舞蹈 布依族的“花包舞”又称“糠包舞”。相传布依族少女用丢花包的方式选择如意郎君,这一习俗流传下来逐渐形成了“花包舞”。丢花包时男女分列,对面相掷,载歌载舞。舞蹈动作有蹉步向前、转身、退步等,舞姿柔和优美。 Buyi Dancing The “Flower Bag Dance” of the Buyi ethnic group is also called the “Bran Bag Dance”. It is said that young Buyi girls used to choose their lovers by throwing flower bags. This custom was handed down and gradually became the “Flower Bag Dance”. Girls and boys dance and sing in 2 rows face to face and throw the flower bags to each other. There are dancing motions like stepping forward with feet rubbing, turning around and stepping back all done with soft and graceful dancing postures.<br></h3> <h3>   土族舞蹈 “安昭舞”是土族地区流传最广的集体歌舞,有“安昭舞”就有“轮子秋”。最初的“轮子秋”是将大车轱辘竖起来做成秋千,随着车轮的旋转,人们在秋千上作出雄鹰展翅、猛虎下山等各种舞蹈动作,从而营造出欢快热烈的气氛。 Tu Dancing The “Anzhao Dance” is the most popular group dance among the Tu people and is always accompanied by the “Wheeling Dance”. At the very beginning, a felloe is bristled and made into a swing. While a wheel turns people on the swing make dance movements like those of soaring eagles and fierce tigers dashing down from a mountain. The whole spectacle creates a warm and joyful atmosphere.<br></h3> <h3>哈尼族舞蹈 哈尼族民间舞蹈源远流长,据考证,云南省元江县哈尼族祭祀舞蹈中的动作姿态,与当地原始岩画中的舞蹈图像相似。白鹇鸟是哈尼族的吉祥鸟。哈尼人喜欢用棕榈树叶当扇子,模仿白鹇鸟翩翩起舞,表示对生活的赞美。 Hani Dancing The folk dancing of the Hani people has a very long history. This is evidenced by the local primitive cliff paintings of dancers whose movements and postures are the same as the ritual dances of Hani people who live in the town of Yuanjiang in Yunnan province. The silver pheasant is the lucky bird of the Hani. The Hani like using palm leaves as fans and dancing as the silver pheasant to show their appreciation for life. <br></h3> <h3>   纳西族舞蹈 纳西族妇女服饰的特点是戴有七个白色的圆形饰物,俗称“披星戴月”。在纳西族古老的“东巴经”中,用象形文字作标记,对各类舞蹈的姿态、场位、造型、动律以及配器等都作了详细记录,这就是被誉为稀世奇珍的“东巴舞谱”。 Naxi Dancing The Naxi women usually wear 7 white roundels which they called “wearing the moon and stars”. In the ancient “Dongba Text” of the Naxi people the various dancing postures, positions, modeling, rhythm and orchestrations are all detailed in hieroglyphics. This is honored as the rare treasure “Dongba Dancing Notation”. <br></h3> <h3>   土家族舞蹈 土家族有独特的山歌和舞蹈,传统的“摆手舞”表现农事、渔猎活动,具有浓厚的土家气息;“茅古斯舞”是纪念土家族祖先开拓荒野,立家创业的舞蹈,舞者身披草衣树皮,舞姿古朴,极具原始风情。 Tujia Dancing The Tujia people have unique folk songs and dances, such as the traditional “Hand-waving Dance” which mimics activities like farming and fishing two communal activities of the Tujia. The “Maogusi Dance” commemorates the ancestors of the Tujia people for opening up the wilderness and establishing their communal families. The dancers are covered with grasses and the rinds of trees and the dancing motions exude simplicity. This combination makes the dance look very primitive.<br></h3> <h3>   景颇族舞蹈 景颇族舞蹈以规模宏大著称。“目瑙纵歌”是数百人、上千人一齐跳的大型舞蹈。“2012中国•德宏国际目瑙纵歌节”出现了万人狂欢的场面,一万八千多人共同起舞,创造了“世界最大规模的景颇族目瑙纵歌舞”世界纪录。 Jingpo dancing Jingpo dancing is known for its large scale. “Munao Zongge” (means Let’s dance together) and is a large group dance for hundreds and even thousands. There have been up to 18 thousand people dancing together at a “Munao Zongge Festival in China • Dehong 2012”. This set a world record for “the largest dance of Munao Zongge in the world”.<br></h3> <h3>拉祜族舞蹈 云南省澜沧拉祜族自治县地处西南边陲,是电影“芦笙恋歌”诞生的地方。拉祜族离不开芦笙,“芦笙舞”是拉祜族最富民族特色的集体舞蹈。民谚“谷子黄,拉祜欢,山山岭岭芦笙狂”,正是拉祜族芦笙歌舞盛况的真实写照。 Lahu Dancing The Lancang Lahu Autonomous town in Yunnan province is located in the south-west border area, where the movie “Lusheng Love Story” was filmed. The Lahu people always have their Lusheng (a reed-pipe wind instrument), and the “Lusheng Dance” is the group dance of the Lahu. The proverb saying “the millet turns yellow, and the Lahu people celebrate with Lusheng over the mountains” is an apt deion of the spectacular event of how the Lahu dance and sing with the music of the Lushengs during their celebrations.<br></h3> <h3>羌族舞蹈 羌族舞蹈以“跳沙朗”最为流行,它与流行在四川、藏北地区的藏族“锅庄舞”形式上有相似之处:众人拉手而跳,载歌载舞。汶川大地震使羌族舞蹈遭受重创,人才遇难,资料被毁。搶救保护羌族文化,刻不容缓。 Qiang Dancing The most popular dance of the Qiang is called the “Shalang Dance”. Its form shares certain similarities with the Tibetan “Guozhuang Dance”: people singing and dancing joyously hand in hand. Since the Wenchuan earthquake, Qiang dancing is facing serious deterioration due to the loss of talented dancers and the loss of historical artifacts. Immediate efforts are being made to ensure the protection of the Qiang culture and dancing.<br></h3>