

<h3>《墨彩飞扬——中国56个民族舞蹈绘画集》是对生活的感恩,对生活的赞美,也是为世界献上的表现中国国画艺术与舞蹈艺术之美的一束小花。 让我们一同走进诗画的境界吧。 </h3><h3>Dancing Colors—the Painting Collection of 56 Folk Dances of China have been painted to express a deep gratitude for their continued existence through the continuous efforts of local dancers who keep the old traditions alive as a compliment to their ancestors and to life. This collection is also a salute to the world, in the combined forms of Chinese Painting and Dancing. Let’s journey together into the world of the poetry of dance and art.<br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>   哈萨克族舞蹈 哈萨克族能歌善舞,“可爱的一朵玫瑰花”就是哈萨克族民歌。 哈萨克族舞蹈离不开奔腾的骏马、翱翔的雄鹰、洁白的天鹅……,具有浓烈的草原生活气息,表现了哈萨克族彪悍、豪放的风格。 Kazak Dancing The Kazak people are good at singing and dancing. The well-known “A Lovely Rose” is the folk song of the Kazak. Their dances mimic the movements of galloping horses, soaring eagles and lilied swans, which show the strong vitality of the prairie and the bold style of the Kazak.<br></h3> <h3> 撒拉族舞蹈 “骆驼舞”是撒拉族的传世之作,表现了撒拉族祖先含辛茹苦,万里迢迢的东迁史,表现了坚韧不拔的民族精神。“骆驼舞”多在男婚女嫁的喜庆日子表演。“艳姑”在撒拉语中是“新嫁娘”的意思,即“骆驼舞”的表演对象。 Salar Dancing The “Camel Dance” is considered a masterpiece passed down from generation to generation. It tells the story of how the ancestors of the Salar people trudged thousands of miles to the east enduring all kinds of hardships. The dance shows the unremitting spirit of the Salar. Usually the “Camel Dance” is performed during happy occasions or festivals. “Yangu”, which means bride in the Salar dialect, is the performance object of this dance.<br></h3> <h3>彝族舞蹈 “阿细跳月”是彝族支系阿细人的集体舞蹈,由于多在月光下起舞,被称为“阿细跳月”。一年又一年,一代又一代,“阿细跳月”像清爽的山风,像欢快的小溪,像燃烧的火把,伴随着彝族人的生活。 Yi Dancing “Ah-xi Dance under the Moon” is the group dance of the Ah-xi people (one Yi ethnic branch). It is called this because they mostly dance under the moon. There are several forms of the dance. Some are like a fresh mountain breeze, some like a lively stream and some like the heat from a burning torch. The dance mirrors the lives of the Yi people.<br></h3> <h3></h3><h3> 维吾尔族舞蹈 “赛乃姆”是新疆维吾尔族的表演性舞蹈,其形式是自由进场,互相邀请,即兴发挥。舞蹈中的打指(两指打响)、移颈(移动脖子)、扬眉、旋转等动作,以其微颤的动律、多变的姿态、高超的技巧而闻名中外。 Uygur Dancing “Sainaimu” is the performing dance of Uygur in Xinjiang, with the form of dancers’ free entries, mutual invitations and impromptu dancing. Motions, by the dancers, like finger snaps, neck movements, eyebrows moved up and down, and spinning during the performance are famous all over the world for their lightly trembling rhythm, dynamic postures and excellent skills.<br></h3><h3></h3> <h3>藏族舞蹈 藏族不同地区的自然环境和经济条件形成了多种多样的舞蹈形式,如牧区的“锅庄”,农区的“弦子”等。藏族舞蹈松胯、弓腰、曲背等基本动作,与高原地区的劳动生活,与虔诚的宗教礼仪有密切关系,给人以长袖善舞的难忘印象。 Tibetan Dancing Due to different natural environments and economic conditions across different areas where the Tibetan people live, various Tibetan dances have been developed. These include the “Guozhuang Dance” in the pasturing area, and the “Xianzi Dance” in the agricultural area. The basic motions of Tibetan dance such as relaxing the crotch, bending the waist and back are very close to the every day work life on the Tibet plateau region. They also reflect some of the devout religious rituals practiced by the people. The dances involve the skillful, graceful use of long sleeves.<br></h3> <h3>塔塔尔族舞蹈 塔塔尔族民间舞蹈将音乐、诗歌、舞蹈融为一体,吸收了维吾尔族、俄罗斯族、乌孜别克族舞蹈的某些特点,又具有自己的独特风格。著名的塔塔尔族民歌“在那银色的月光下” 意境悠远,曲调优美,经久不衰。 Tatar Dancing The Tatar dancing is an integration of music, poems and dancing. It contains certain dancing characteristics of the Uygur, Russian, and Uzbek people but also has special features of its own. The well-known Tatar folk song “Under the Light of the Silver Moon” has a profound significance, a beautiful melody and an enduring message.<br></h3> <h3> 侗族舞蹈 “耶”是侗歌的一种,形式为一领众和。“多耶”是数十名乃至上百名男女青年围在一起载歌载舞。侗族大歌被认为是“在单调的东方民歌中发现了和声”,“是最有魅力的复式音乐”。侗族舞蹈就是形体的侗族大歌。 Dong Dancing “Yeeh” is one kind of Dong song, in the form of one lead vocal and many backup vocals. “Duo Yeeh” refers to dozens or even hundreds of youth singing and dancing in a circle together. The Dong Great Song is deemed as the “harmony discovered among the monotonous lives of oriental people”, and the “most charming compound music”. Dong dancing is the essence of the Dong Great Song.<br></h3> <h3>佤族舞蹈 佤族女子酷爱长发,以长发为美,习惯于长发披肩。“甩发舞”是佤族女子显示自己美丽和象征她们已经长大、成熟的舞蹈。猛然甩动的长发好似巨浪翻腾,又如龙飞凤舞,表现出佤族女性奔放、粗犷的性格。 Va Dancing The Va women love long hair. It is regarded as a sign of beauty so women have very beautiful long hair. The Va girls perform the “Hair Dance” to show their beauty and to symbolize that they have grown up and are now mature. The strong waving of their long hair looks like the surges and flying of the dragon and phoenix, which embody the bold and straightforward nature of the Va women. </h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>满族舞蹈 祭祀舞蹈在满族舞蹈中占有重要地位,包括“腰铃舞”、“萨满舞”等。舞蹈动作富于变化,特别是铃声与鼓声的和谐配合,别具一格。祭祀舞蹈最初表达的是对神灵的崇敬、赞美、祈求之情,现在已经发展成为舞台艺术的一部分了。 Man Dancing Ritual dances are important in Man Dancing, including the “Waist Bell Dance”, the “Shaman Dance” and many more, all with dynamic dancing movements, especially the nicely coordinated bell and drum that make the dances so unique. The ritual dances initially expressed respect to the Man’s god. The dances were used as a way to convey compliments and prayers. Now these have been developed into part of the stage performance.<br></h3> <h3>瑶族舞蹈 鼓是气势,舞是威风。有史以来,人类社会的鼓和舞是分不开的。瑶族的“长鼓舞”有文武、大小之别,舞者可以一手执鼓,一手拍击,边击边舞;也可以将鼓斜挂在肩上,双手拍击,演奏的方法很多,民间有“三十六套”之说。 Yao Dancing The Drum is where the vigor comes from, and dancing is where the power comes from. Since the beginning of human society, the drum has been inseparable from the dance. The “Long-drum Dance” of the Yao has many forms from soft to rough and big to small. The dancers hold the drum with one hand and beat it with the other, dancing and beating or they can also hang the drum on one shoulder, so that both hands can beat the drum. There are many ways to play and the saying of “36 sets of playing” is popular among the people.<br></h3> <h3> 高山族舞蹈 “杵舞”从舂米劳动演变而来。跳“杵舞”时,妇女们头戴鲜花,身穿艳丽的传统服装,手持木杵,环臼而立,随着舂米的节奏齐声唱和,歌声、杵声铿锵悦耳。这种原始的歌舞后来成为台湾日月潭八景之一,名为“番家杵聲”。 Gaoshan Dancing The “Pestle Dance” originated from the activity of rice pounding. Women with flowers in their hair and colorful traditional clothes hold the pestles and stand around the mortar, singing together with the rhythm of pounding. The pounding sounds powerful while at the same time the singing is soothing. In time this original dancing developed into one of the Eight Views of the Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan, which is known as “Fanjia Sound of the Pestle”.<br></h3> <h3>壮族舞蹈 壮族舞蹈源远流长,著名的“花山崖壁画”记录了壮族先民庆祝丰收,祭祀水神的大型歌舞场面。壮族还定期举行唱山歌会,“歌仙”刘三姐就是歌手的典型代表。歌舞不分家,著名的壮族舞蹈有“舂堂舞”、“采茶舞”等。 Zhuang Dancing Zhuang dancing has a long history. The well-known “Flower Cliff Wall Painting” recorded the grand musical scene of the Zhuang nationality’s ancestors while celebrating the harvest and offering sacrifices to the water god. There are also folk song concerts held regularly. One particular singer, Liu-sanjie, is very popular. Songs and dances cannot be separated, and there are famous Zhuang dances like the “Chong Tang dance” and “Tea Plucking Dance”.<br></h3> <h3>柯尔克孜族舞蹈 柯尔克孜族主要聚居在新疆帕米尔高原与天山南麓地区。受草原文化熏陶,柯尔克孜族舞蹈具有游牧民族舞蹈的特点:热情奔放、风趣滑稽、舞姿优美。舞蹈大多来源于生活,如“花毡舞”、“挤奶舞”、“纺线舞”等等。 <br></h3><h3>Kirgiz Dancing The Kirgiz mainly inhabit the Xinjiang Pamirs and the south side of the Tianshan mountains. Influenced by the prairie culture, Kirgiz dancing shares certain features with the dance of the horde with passion and enthusiasm, humor and fun, all combined into the beauty of dancing. Their dances originated from daily activities, which are reflected in the “Tapestry Dance”, the “Milking Dance” and the “Threading Dance”.<br></h3> <h3>俄罗斯族舞蹈 俄罗斯族舞蹈伴随着手风琴的旋律,活泼开朗,热情奔放,有独舞、双人舞、集体舞等。“踢踏舞”是俄罗斯族风情独具的舞蹈,妇女们边跳边挥手绢,男人们边跳边吹口哨,有时琴师也加入跳舞的行列边拉边跳,极具艺术感染力。 Russian Dancing The Russian dancing is vivid and enthusiastic because people dance with the accompaniment of the accordion. There are solo dances, pair dances, and group dances. The “Tap Dance” is full of Russian amorous feeling with the women dancing and waving her handkerchiefs; the men dancing and whistling; and sometimes, even the accompanists join the performance, dancing while playing their instruments. The dancing atmosphere of the Russian people has a strong artistic attraction.<br></h3>