

<h3>  恒方大风车幼儿园以孩子生活经验为基础,引导孩子们去发现问题、解决问题,感受合作、分享、创造的快乐。充分发挥环境的教育功能,将“科学探索、创意美术、绘本阅读、体智能、烘焙等特色教育”融于一日活动中,让孩子在潜移默化中接受环境的熏陶。培养大方、自信、自律、气质高雅的儿童,奠定孩子的品位人生。</h3> <h5>Based on the children's life experience, Hengfang Windmill Kindergarten guides children to discover problems, solve problems, and feel the joy of cooperation, sharing and creation. Give full play to the educational function of the environment, and integrate "scientific exploration, creative art, picture book reading, physical intelligence, baking and other special education" into one-day activities, so that children can accept the environment in the subtle. Cultivate children who are generous, confident, self-disciplined and elegant, and lay the child's taste and life.</h5> <h1><font color="#39b54a">  接下来请跟随我的脚步一起来看看大风车幼儿园的小朋友丰富多彩的学习和生活活动!</font></h1> <h3><br></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">Next please follow my footsteps to see the windmill kindergarten children colorful learning and life activities!</font></h3> <h1><font color="#167efb">  科探馆---幼儿生活中处处有科学,科学教育一直是幼儿园教育的重要内容。因此,我们幼儿园为幼儿创造良好的科学活动条件,激发幼儿的探索兴趣,促进幼儿主动探究。</font></h1> <h3><font color="#010101">  There is science everywhere in children's life, and science education has always been an important part of kindergarten education. Therefore, our kindergarten for children to create good scientific activity conditions, stimulate children's interest in exploration, promote children to explore actively.</font></h3> <h1>看看我们听老师讲解的多认真呀⬇</h1><h3>Let's see how seriously we listen to the teacher⬇</h3> <h1>自己动手尝试➡探索➡发现➡解惑</h1><h3> Try it yourself➡explore➡found➡To reassure</h3> <h1><font color="#ff8a00">  烘焙馆——烘焙课主要培养孩子们学会一种生活技能,因此烘焙活动不但充分让孩子们在玩中学,学中玩并通过动口、动脑、动手,亲身体验学习一种制作过程,并让孩子们以探究的方式学会烘焙的方法。</font></h1> <h3>Bake shop -- baking classes teach kids a life skill, so baking activities not only teach kids how to learn by playing, but also learn a cooking process by talking, thinking, and doing, and learn how to bake in an exploratory way.</h3> <h3>小小厨神上线啦~</h3><h3>The little kitchen god is online~</h3> <h3>品尝自己动手制作的食物,满满的幸福感❤</h3><h3>Taste homemade food and feel happy.</h3> <h3>托班的我们也自己动手哦,别看我们年纪小,本领可真不小👍</h3><h3>We do it ourselves.Although we are young, we are quite capable.</h3> <h3>自己制作的果盘赢得了评委的高分,是不是特别棒.......The homemade fruit bowl won high marks from the judges, isn't it great😁</h3> <h1><font color="#b04fbb">  美术馆——儿童创意美术表现形式丰富,不拘泥于材料的限制,没有专业的绘画形式划分,可以运用所有的美术形式进行表达,儿童创意美术是体现儿童独特想法和开阔儿童思维的极佳方式。</font></h1> <h5>Art gallery -- children's creative art is rich in expression forms, not limited by materials and without professional classification of painting forms. All art forms can be used for . Children's creative art is an excellent way to reflect children's unique ideas and broaden children's thinking.</h5> <h3>看一下小朋友的精彩创作吧!</h3><h3>Take a look at the wonderful creations of children.</h3> <h1><font color="#808080">  陶艺馆——学陶艺是手、眼、脑协调互动的过程,儿童的智力发展起源于动作,而学陶艺的过程不仅可以开发幼儿的智力,还可以发展他们的感知力、观察力和创造力,提高幼儿的动手能力。</font></h1> <h5>Ceramic art museum -- learning ceramic art is a process of hand, eye and brain coordination and interaction. Children's intellectual development originates from movement. Learning ceramic art can not only develop children's intelligence, but also develop their perception, observation and creativity, and improve children's hands-on ability.</h5><h3></h3> <h3>看👀我们自己动手制作,涂色,看到成品,很有成就感哦!See us diy, coloring, see the finished product, very sense of achievement!</h3> <h1><font color="#39b54a">  绘本馆——绘本不仅是讲故事,学知识,而且可以全面帮助孩子建构精神世界,培养多元智能,国际公认“绘本是最适合幼儿阅读的图书”。</font></h1> <h5>Picture book library -- picture books not only tell stories and learn knowledge, but also help children to construct their spiritual world and cultivate multiple intelligences. It is internationally recognized that picture books are the most suitable books for children to read.</h5> <h3>悦读童年•体味成长,悠悠时光,常伴书香</h3><h3>总有一段文字影响生命的成长。</h3><h3>Enjoy your childhood enjoy your growth,Long time, often with the fragrance of books</h3><h3> There is always a paragraph of text affect the growth of life.</h3> <h3>托班的我们也是爱看书的小朋友😄</h3><h3>We are also fond of reading.</h3> <h3></h3><h1><font color="#167efb"> 电影放映厅——电影这种最直观、形象的教育形式是孩子们最乐意接受的学习方式。不仅丰富了幼儿的文化生活,也让孩子们增长了社会经验,让孩子们的人生中又多了一次经历,也给他们的童年留下了美好的回忆。</font></h1> <h5>Film screening hall -- the most intuitive and visual form of education is the most willing way for children to learn. It not only enriches children's cultural life, but also increases their social experience, and gives them another experience in life, leaving them with happy memories of childhood.</h5> <h3>我们要看电影喽~🎥🎥🎥</h3><h3>老师们精心为我们准备了好看的英文电影✌</h3><h5>We're going to see a movie</h5><h5> The teachers carefully prepared good English movies for us</h5> <h3>看电影怎么少的了检票环节呢?</h3><h3>满满的仪式感哦!</h3><h3>看看老师制作的电影票也是很契合主题哦!</h3><h3>为老师点赞👍</h3><h5>How come there's so little check-in at the movies?</h5><h5> Full sense of ceremony!</h5><h5> Look at the film tickets produced by the teacher is also very fit theme oh!</h5><h5> Is teacher thumb up!</h5> <h1><font color="#010101">  “培养完整儿童”是我园的办园宗旨,为了让孩子有一个快乐的童年回忆,我们以大手拉小手、老师携家长的形式,引导老师、家长一同关注孩子的学习和生活,让家园携手共进,让我们的孩子健康成长。</font></h1><h5>"To cultivate complete children" is the purpose of my garden, in order to let the children have a happy childhood memories, we take the form of big hands, teachers with parents, guide teachers and parents to pay attention to the children's study and life, let the home hand in hand, let our children grow up healthily.</h5> <h3>看到这里,是不是已经被我们丰富多彩的暑期活动深深吸引了呢?</h3><h3>你想拥有同款幸福美好的幼儿园时光吗?</h3><h3>赶紧拿起手机联系我们吧!😎⬇⬇⬇</h3><h5>See here, have been our colorful summer activities deeply attracted it?</h5><h5> Do you want to have the same kind of happy kindergarten time?</h5><h5> Pick up the phone and contact us!⬇⬇⬇</h5> <h3>地址:青岛西海岸新区香江路155号(东方国际金融中心东侧)</h3><h3>热线电话:16653211778(同微信号)</h3> <h3>快来加入我们吧🎉🎉🎉</h3><h3>等你哦!😁😁😁</h3>









