<h3><br></h3><h3>1a7 walking,walking (打卡:下篇)</h3><h3>Walking,walking,walking,walking.</h3><h3>Hop,hop,hop,hop,hop,hop.</h3><h3>Running,running,running,running,running.</h3><h3>Now,let's stop.Now let's stop.</h3><h3>🐢^_^🐇Games</h3><h3>The Hare🐰 and the Tortoise🐢 </h3><h3>龟兔赛跑(根据海尼曼故事玩的游戏)</h3><h3>Hare:I am a Hare.I am the fastest animal of all.I am loud and like to brag自吹自擂 a lot.No on could ever beat me in a race.</h3><h3>Tortoise:I am a Tortoise.I am the slowest animal of all.But I’m quiet and kind.</h3><h3>We will have a race.We are at the start line.</h3><h3>On your marks各就各位,get set-go!The race begins.</h3><h3>Hare:I take off like a ricket!This will be a easy race for me!</h3><h3>Tortoise:I walk slowly along the path.Let him say what he wants.I will just keep going.</h3><h3>Hare:I am far ahead of the Tortoise.I can take my time消磨时间 and still win the race.I stop to eat and drink untill I am very full and sleepy.Then I take a nap.</h3><h3>Tortoise:I am very tired but I don't stop.I walk past the sleeping Hare.I am almost at the finish line.</h3><h3>Hare:I wake up.I find that I am far behind the Tortoise!I run as fast as I can.But it's too late.The Tortoise crosses the finish line and wins the race!</h3><h3>Tortoise:Slow and steady wins the race.慢而稳,赛必胜!</h3><h3>🐢^_^🐇Handcrafts and games</h3><h3>Making a bunny and playing finger games.</h3><h3>Materials:one white paper,one pink paper,glue,scissors,wiggly eye and color pens.</h3><h3>Cut out the body,stubby tail,ears and head of the bunny from the white paper.</h3><h3>Cut out the inside of the ears from the pink paper/paint the inside of the ears pink.</h3><h3>Stick/glue/paste/put all the body parts together.</h3><h3>Glue the wiggly eyes on the head/draw eyes.</h3><h3>Draw the bunny's nose and mouth.</h3><h3>Punch 2 holes on the body.</h3><h3>Bunny puppet is done.</h3><h3>We can play a finger game with the bunny puppet.Walking,walking.Hop,hop.Running,running.Stop,stop.Kick the ball.</h3><h3>🐢^_^🐇Supplementary</h3><h3>Sea Turtle and Tortoise and Bunny</h3><h3>海龟、陆龟的相同点和不同点,以及兔子的拓展。(找一些图片和短视频给孩子看看区别,边看边讲,就很直观了)</h3><h3>Turtles乌龟 include sea turtles海龟,tortoises陆龟 and so on.</h3><h3>We all have shells on our backs for protection.</h3><h3>I am a sea turtle.I have a hard,streamlined流线型的 shell and a stubby tail.I can't hide my head in the shell.(百度百科:sea turtle海龟是不能把头缩进壳里的,turtle包括海龟、陆龟、水龟、各种龟,这点有点打绞绞)I crawl slowly,but I have big flippers so I can swim fast.I have claws.I live in the water all the time except laying eggs in the sand of the beach.I don't take care of my babies.I am omnivores杂食的.I like to eat plants and other animals.I live a long life.</h3><h3>I am a tortoise.I have a hard,domed圆顶的 shell like a house and a stubby tail.I can hide my head in my shell.My legs are short.I have sharp claws.I crawl slowly.I am not good at swimming.I live on the land.I lay eggs and then take care of my babies for about 80 days after birth.I am herbivores植食的.I like to eat many kinds/types of plants.I live a long life,too.The oldest tortoise is more than 180 years old.Do you remember that story about Granny Tortoise’s Birthday?</h3><h3>I am a cute bunny.I'm very gentle and shy.I have two long ears and one stubby tail.Look at my 2 front teeth门牙.Funny?My fur is very soft.I'm good at hopping and running.I'm herbivorous.Ilike to eat plants.carrots are my favorite food.</h3><h3><br></h3>