<h3></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">屯留五中“少年强 勇担当 立志勤学 </font></b></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">喜迎七十华诞”英语演讲赛决赛</font></b></h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>两个班,六场月赛,近70位选手,孩子们的积极参与让我喜出望外!</p><p>三个月,100多天,近一万单词,孩子们的认真备稿让我坚定付出!</p></font></h3> <h3 style="text-align: center">主持人:<font color="#ed2308">孙语桐 马艺柔 仝敬怡 王竹溪</font></h3><p style="text-align: center;">青春靓丽,挥洒自我!</h3><p style="text-align: center;">中英结合,彰显魅力!</h3> <p><br></p> 青春是用来奋斗的!一号选手王晶煦用自己朴实的语言告诉我们:越努力,越幸运!努力的样子,七彩着色!<br><br>If you are too tired to carry on, please remember the words in your heart, hey, come on! <h3><font color="#010101"><p>岁月从不败美人!二号选手邢加祎说道:真正的美的是骨子里的美,一生优雅,不骄不躁。</p><p>Life is graceful ,not arrogant or rash.We should live gracefully and grow old gracefully .</p></font></h3> <p>正视压力,拼搏进取!三号选手巩桠昕告诉我们用好压力这把双刃剑,怀梦而行,化解压力,全心努力!</p><p>I hope my sharing can relieve your pressure. I hope everyone can achieve your dreams.<br></p> <p>地球母亲,呵护天使!四号选手宋艺坤用生动的北极熊故事及李恩童的榜样行为呼吁我们保护环境,点滴努力,从我做起!</p><p>Small steps can make a big difference.If we all can action together.We can change the world.<br></p> <p>岁月如好,只是有人替你负重前行!五号选手胡思雨向四川凉山英雄致敬——国之栋梁,最美逆行者,最平凡的冲锋!</p><p>Everything will be good , because there is someone for you to carry the weight forward.<br>Students , try hard and to be a useful person.<br></p> <p>学会倾听,理解尊重!六号选手李璐娇从父母、老师、学生角度入手,告诉我们要用心去听,构建沟通平台,共品幸福!</p><p>Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk .Listening can really enable ub to get coloser to each other<br></p> <p>篮坛传奇,精神领袖!七号选手郭一阳彻谈心中的偶像——那个永远奋斗不息、自强自立的科比布莱恩特!</p><p>No matter what,just do not give up.Always believe that your dream can come true and just keep working for what you want to believe.<br></p> <p>漫威英雄,心中之梦!八号选手李承睿向我们讲述了钢铁侠托尼斯塔克的砥砺人生,意志坚强,所向披靡!</p><p>A hero is protecting him, protect a stronger hero! So is Tony Stark. Tony Stark has a heart. I love Iorn man more than three thousand.<br></p> <p>远离战争,共享和平!九号选手崔宇浩大声疾呼——科技的力量是用来保护家乡!我们要更加努力,保护自己的家园!</p><p>Come on,let’s work together to make our motherland stronger and stronger! <br></p> <p>胸怀大志,方为英雄!十号选手原鑫慧向大家讲述伟人毛主席的卓越功绩,为全人类谋福利,无往而不胜!</p><p>we should study well and make progress everyday.Being our part to build beautiful and properous china.<br></p><p><br></p> <p>千载华夏,大美中国!十一号选手柳锐瑄剖析新中国建设的起伏坎坷,用事实证明中国梦强大的精神内涵,那就是拼搏!</p><p>l am proud of I am Chinese. I wish our country will be better.To make the Chinese dream come true, everyone, should work hard. <br></p> <p>宽严有度,健康成长!十二号选手张雨琛告诉我们教育孩子要严慈并济,过分溺爱或者过于紧张皆不可取!</p><p>In a word, spoiling children is not right. Parents should know better that an independent , responsible and brave person is able to adapt society better.<br></p> <p>多些呵护,世界变暖!十三号选手郝天芷向我们娓娓道来一个纹身男孩的故事,这个世界需要温暖,我们应该奉献爱!</p><p>Please give the world some warmth. Please give someone some goodwill.Please. Please.Please.<br></p> <p>太空英雄,国之骄傲!十四号选手李程远以杨利伟为榜样,学习他舍小家顾大家,锲而不舍,为梦想而拼搏,终圆太空梦!</p><p>Country is more important than his family.He can't live up to his country's expectation.Finally,he achieved his dream,achieved our country's dream.<br></p> <p>自律自信,成功人生!十五号选手孙欢用自己亲身经历——魔力十分钟来告诉我们如何培养自律,如何精心去做好事情!</p><p>Ten minites later , your heart began to clam down slowly .So self-discipline is living a simpler life and made me happier . <br></p> <p>志愿工作,新时代好少年!十六号选手王鹏臻讲述了自己班级利用周三下午义务整理街道卫生,积极行动,共建家园!</p><p>This not only improves our ability,but also raises our awareness of enviromental protection.So it is very helpful to us .As teenagers,it is important for us to improve our ability.<br></p> <p>管控游戏,优秀自己!十七号选手崔奇岩介绍了自己喜欢的Soul Knight,同时告诫自己游戏虽好,切不可耽误学业!</p><p>It's bad for my eyes and study.So I must have a less time to play game. It is good for me.<br></p> <h3><font color="#010101">决赛现场评分环节的高手比拼游戏:英语飞花令(tion)</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">决赛现场评分环节的高手比拼游戏:英语飞花令(ment)</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">来自354班的原钰峰同学带给我们的英语小歌曲,不错,很好!</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">邢校长为一等奖颁发奖状奖品!(竞争激烈,两个相同分数)</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">邢校长在宣读一等奖获得者!</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">评委王璐老师为二等奖选手颁发奖状奖品!</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">王璐老师在宣读获奖名单!</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101"><p>柳锐瑄的爸爸为三等奖颁发奖状奖品!</p></font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">比赛前小花絮:为孩子们准备的奖状奖品</font></h3> <h3><font color="#010101">孩子们制作的决赛邀请函!精美,大气,必须点赞!</font></h3> <h3>摄影:付亚军 王婷</h3><h3>制作、文字编辑:付亚军</h3>