<h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>👣<font color="#167efb">卷首语</font>👣</b></h1><p style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">PREFACE</font></b></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><b style=""><i style=""><font color="#b04fbb">The past is everything we were </font></i></b></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><i style=""><b style=""><font color="#b04fbb">don 't make us who we are.</font></b></i></h3><h5><font color="#010101"></font></h5><h3 style="text-align: center;"><i style=""><b style=""><font color="#b04fbb">So we’ll dream until make it real </font></b></i></h3><h3 style="text-align: center;"><i style=""><b style=""><font color="#b04fbb">and all we see is stars. </font></b></i></h3><font color="#010101"><h5 style="text-align: center;"></h5><div style="text-align: center;"></div></font><p style="text-align: center;"><b style=""><i style=""><font color="#b04fbb">When our dreams come alive </font></i></b></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><b style=""><i style=""><font color="#b04fbb">we're unstoppable.</font></i></b></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><font color="#010101">历史决定曾经,
但并不能决定现在的你和我。<br></font></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><font color="#010101">所以我们会不懈梦想,直到梦变成真,
直到窥见漫天星光。<br></font></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><font color="#010101">当梦想成真,我们便无可阻挡!<br></font></h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣畅徉学海篇👣</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Professional Explorations</font></b></h1> <p style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣课程概要👣<br></font></b><b><font color="#167efb">Overview of Unit Planning</font></b></h3><h3> The theme of Dr Susan Gwee’s lecture is unit planning. After brief introduction, Dr Susan deducted unit planning from four aspects:</h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">1. Planning objectives;</b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">2. Planning methods of assessment;</b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">3. Planning instructional activities;</b></h3><h3><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">4. Selecting resources and materials</b>.
Dr Susan今天主讲的内容是单元设计。简要的介绍之后,Dr Susan从四个方面介绍单元设计:1.目标设计;2.评价方法设计;3.活设计动辅助;4.资源与材料筛选。<br></h3> <h3> Talking about teaching objectives, she suggested that we should <b><font color="#b04fbb">challenge our students</font> </b>because students will be most likely to learn the most when they <font color="#b04fbb"><b>struggle out of their comfort zone</b></font>. In this lecture, we also got to know many kinds of <font color="#b04fbb"><b>useful methods of assessment and practice</b></font>, which means we can change methods to promote efficiency if necessary.
谈到教学目标,鉴于学生在努力摆脱个人舒适区的过程中学习效率最高,导师建议我们设置有挑战性的教学目标。这节课中,我们还学到了很多评估方法,若灵活运用,可大大提高教学效率。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:黄娟</h3> <h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣课程反思👣</font></b></div><p style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Reflection on Unit Planning</font></b></h3></h3> <h3> Planning objectives plays a crucial role in the class. Teachers achieve these objectives by their own creativity via different means. What must be emphasized in objectives planning is that <font color="#b04fbb"><b>objectives should be a bit challenging</b></font> when students are doing activities in class, neither too easy nor too difficult.<br></h3><h3> 教学目标在课堂教学中的作用至关重要。老师发挥自己的创造性用不同的教学方法达到教学目标,教学目标的设定应让学生感到有一点挑战性,不能太难也不能太简单。
<div style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:杨雯</div></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣课程概要👣</font></b></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Overview of Speech and Drama</font></b></h3> <h3> Today’s class was Speech and Drama taught by Janet George. First, Ms. Janet asked us to <font color="#b04fbb"><b>imitate the movement of an animal</b></font> and try to find their fellows. Through this activity, we’ve learned some new words. Second, Ms. Janet invited five students to come to <b><font color="#b04fbb">perform</font></b><b><font color="#b04fbb"> an impromptu</font></b>. Last, she asked us to discuss in groups about the application of drama in English class.<br></h3><h3> Janet George老师今天教授的是Speech and drama。首先,她让大家模拟一种动物,用这种动物的姿势走动,找到自己的同类,并在活动中进行单词教授。随后Janet老师随意邀请五位学生上台进行无准备的即兴演讲。最后Janet老师让大家对戏剧在英语教学中的有效性进行讨论,并选派代表总结陈述。</h3> <h3> Today’s topic is about the application of drama in English class. Ms. Janet thought that <font color="#b04fbb"><b>Drama is an effective tool,which promotes interaction, aids language learning skills in the classroom, and also creates class bonding experience</b></font>. Even it’s a small one, the students can also learn things from it.<br></h3><h3> 今天的主题是戏剧表演在语言教学中的应用。老师认为在英语课中融入戏剧表演不仅加强学生之间的合作交流,锻炼他们的语言能力。还增强了语言学习的趣味性。哪怕只是一个10分钟的小型英语戏剧表演,学生们也会收获很多。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:尤贞</h3> <h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣课程反思👣</font></b></div><b><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Reflection on Speech and Drama</font></b></div></b></h3> <h3> Speech and drama class was given by Ms Janet George on June 11th. In her lesson, she introduced a very special and dramatic way to form groups and showed us how we can get all the students involved in her lesson, which is very important for our English teaching. <font color="#b04fbb"><b>It is also very necessary for us to assign some suitable drama performances for different occasions to stimulate students to make full use of every opportunity to expose themselves to English learning</b>.</font></h3> <h3> 6月11日,由Ms Janet George执教的演讲和戏剧课程,非常生动有趣且受益良多。Ms Janet George 用一种非常特别且戏剧化的方式进行小组分组并现授一种猜词游戏(hangman)和提问方式让更多学生融入课堂,丰富了我们的教学方式。同时教师根据不同情形安排学生恰当的戏剧表演任务可激发学生充分利用学习英语的机会提高英语学习兴趣,增强学生的内在驱动力。
<div style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:郭丽叶</div></h3> <h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣课程概要👣</font></b></div><b><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Overview of Cooperative Learning</font></b></div></b></h3> <h3> The topic of George Jacobs’s class was <b>cooperative learning</b>, which seemed familiar to us. The first part went as follows:</h3><h3> After his self-introduction, he warmed the class by talking about his promises, classroom management, attention signals during a class, ect. Then, He introduced the collaborative learning by dividing us into groups of four and then doing tasks. After we experienced the “cooperative learning”, he led us to learn <font color="#b04fbb"><b>the advantages of cooperative learning</b></font>. They are as follows: <font color="#b04fbb"><b>students can be more active, increase their individualization, increase their thinking and increase their motivation</b></font>. Based on the benefits, he presented relevant principles, which are <font color="#b04fbb"><b>maximum peer interactions, equal opportunity to participate, individual accountability and positive interdependence</b></font>. He introduced the principles by involving us in different tasks instead of dull elaboration. The class corrected much of our misunderstanding about this theory and gave us practical advice on combining theory and practice.</h3><h3> 乔治·雅各布的课程主题是合作学习,这于我们似乎并不陌生。课程的第一部分如下。自我介绍之后,老师用本课目标,课堂管理,课堂中引起关注的信号等内容为课堂热身。接着他将学生分成小组并做活动,以此引入合作学习话题。实际体会合作学习之后,老师带领我们学习“合作学习”的几点好处,其中包括:学生能更加活跃,增强个性化,增强思维以及增强学习动力。基于这些优点,老师介绍了相应的操作原则:将成员间的互动最大化,给予成员平等的参与机会,确保责任到人以及促进积极的相互独立。他没有枯燥地讲解,而是让我们在不同的任务中学习这些理论。这堂课不仅纠正了我们对于该理论的很多误解,而且给出了理论结合实际的非常实用的建议。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:王梦</h3> <h3> In the afternoon, the lesson was still taught by George Jacobs. He moved on talking about the rest of the other six Potential Advantages and four Principles of Group Activities. <font color="#b04fbb"><b>The advantages are less anxiety, more enjoyment, greater independence, more social integration, better cooperation and more learning</b></font>. The other four Cooperative Learning Principles are <font color="#b04fbb"><b>positive independence, group autonomy, heterogeneous grouping and teaching cooperative Sskills</b></font>.<br></h3><h3> 下午的课程由乔治雅各布教授继续讲授合作学习,他接着讲授小组合作学习的剩余的六大优点和四大实施准则,其中六大优点分别是:降低焦虑值、提高学习乐趣、提高独立意识、提高社交融合能力、提高合作意识、提高学习效率。剩下的四大实施准则分别为:正相互依赖、小组自治、异质分组、合作技能教学。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:邢琳</h3> <h3> We are lucky to have the same humble and knowledgeable teacher-George Jacobs, teaching and demonstrating the pedagogy of Cooperative Learning. </h3><h3> He mainly highlighted on three aspects. First, to continue the content of last period,he picked up the technique- circle of writer by giving a topic, then he encouraged us to write and share with the partner. The second part turned to <b><font color="#b04fbb">p</font></b><font color="#b04fbb"><b>roblems with groups</b></font>. Just like the last period, he first gave us a chance to think about the potential problems and the possible solutions. He then encouraged one group member to share it with another group. This time he trained the principle-<font color="#b04fbb"><b>Everyone can Explain</b></font>. The third point of the class is about <font color="#b04fbb"><b>Exchange-A-Question</b></font>. Again he asked us to write down a question, but the difference was we should write down the answer on another paper. This technique is to train <font color="#b04fbb"><b>the ability of asking thinking questions</b></font>. Although some of the principles and techniques may be a bit difficult to understand, they're useful for our teaching practice. So we achieved a lot from the course.<br></h3><h3> 博学多才的老教授Jacobs 用他独有的严谨缜密的教学方式带我们走入了合作学习的教法课程。看似波澜不惊的教学流程掩饰不住老师的高深的理论功底和极强的逻辑思维能力。所以,虽然略显艰难的跟着老师的节奏前行,我们依然惊喜的发现原来教学理论可以被这样的阐释、理论和实践可以被这样的完美结合。从此,害怕枯燥理论的我们有了新的思路和方向。原来,学习很美好。<br></h3><h3 style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:周慧娟</h3> <h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣课程反思👣</font></b></div><b><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Reflection on Cooperative Learning</font></b></div></b></h3> <h3> The cooperative learning lesson given by George Jacobs this Friday on June 12th was not only practical but also inspiring. In the first lesson part, he gave us one idea which is all CL techniques can be modified. Then followed <font color="#b04fbb">the 10 problems with groups and 2 techniques</font>.He always gave us examples and tasks to understand his theories, which inspired us to think further and be creative.
The second part was academic controversy. It was only required to be attended by the debate group students.But most classmates chose to stay and learn.It turned out to be worth it. What he presented us was a completely different way of debating, which surprised and benefited us a lot. The traditional way of debating creates a situation of negative interdependence among students, i.e. those on each side of the debate attempt to defeat those on the other side.What hurts one group helps the other. But <font color="#b04fbb" style="font-weight: bold;">the academic controversy technique promotes a feeling of positive interdependence across all sides of a debate</font><font color="#b04fbb" style="font-weight: bold;">, which is a win-win situation.</font><b> </b>It’s an innovative and subversive way of debate.
What we’ve learned from him is not just the knowledge or techniques he teaches us, but <font color="#b04fbb"><b>the rich knowledge</b></font> he shows and <font color="#b04fbb"><b>the grit</b></font> he has to solve problems in a positive way, to be creative, to combine theories with practice and to inspire.<br></h3> <h3> 满腹经纶的乔治·雅各布教授的合作学习课程既实践有度又启发思维。他的课堂给了我们1个观点,10个问题,2个技巧,生动的例子和务实的任务无时不刻充斥着课堂,大家或凝神思考,或会心一笑,或思想碰撞,或灵感频出,理论学习竟然可以如此有趣,时间竟然流逝地那样快。
课后,老师们如醍醐灌顶,恨不得马上学以致用。我们从老师那学到的不仅仅是知识、技能和教学理论,更是他白首穷经的精神和他在积极解决问题、葆有创新精神、理论与实践完美融合、激发别人创造力的造诣上显现出来的学者风范。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:席丽华</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣游目骋怀篇👣</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Social Observations</font></b></h1> <h3> Victoria Concert Hall is now <font color="#b04fbb"><b>an iconic landmark in Singapore’s city centre</b></font>, which was built to commemorate Queen Victoria at first. <font color="#b04fbb"><b>Singapore Symphony Orchestra</b></font> take up residence there so it is wonderful to immerse yourself in a world of music and passionate performances. </h3><h3> 维多利亚音乐厅起初是为了纪念维多利亚女王而建造,如今已经成为新加坡市中心的一个地标。新加坡交响乐团常年驻扎于此,很适合沉浸在充满激情表演的音乐世界里。<br></h3> <h3> Little India, one of Singapore’s most exciting districts today, is a buzzing historic area that shows off the best of Singapore’s Indian community. Many artists gather here so you can <font color="#b04fbb"><b>enjoy the vibrant culture and incredible shopping</b></font>.</h3><h3> 小印度是新加坡知名的印度人社区,它历史悠久,喧嚣繁华,如今已是新加坡最有活力地区之一。不少艺术家聚集于此,你可以享受充满生机的文化和不可思议的商品。<br></h3> <h3> The Muslim community Kampong Glam, whose name was derived from the cajeput tree called "gelam" in Malay, is <font color="#b04fbb"><b>Singapore’s oldest urban quarter</b></font>. Here you’ll get insights into <font color="#b04fbb"><b>Malay history and culture</b></font>.</h3><h3> 穆斯林社区甘榜格兰是新加坡最古老的城区之一,它的名字来源于马来语中的一种叫做“格兰”的千层树。在这儿你可以深入了解马来族的历史和文化。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:钟晓婧</h3> <h3> <font color="#010101">Why is there </font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>Singlish</b></font><font color="#010101">? </font><font color="#010101">Why is </font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>English the first language</b></font><font color="#010101"> in Singapore? Why is </font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>Singaporean national anthem</b></font><font color="#010101"> sung in Malaysian? Why is even </font><b style=""><font color="#b04fbb">water</font></b><font color="#010101"> </font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>charged in restaurants</b></font><font color="#010101">? </font><font color="#010101">Why can Singapore stand as </font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>an independent and prosperous country</b></font><font color="#010101">? </font></h3><h3> Many thanks to Mr Cai, from whom we got more than the answers to those questions above today. It has never been easy for Singaporean, so they are tightly united, proud of their motherland and cherish what they are having. Because they have seen those ups and downs, they know the world is changing and they have to keep up, which conceals <font color="#b04fbb"><b>the most impressive Chinese concept of getting prepared for danger even while you are living in</b> <b>a secure world</b>. </font><font color="#010101">Apart from this, </font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>the Singapore’s philosophy includes much essence of Chinese culture and intelligence</b></font><font color="#010101">, in which we take great pride.</font>
为什么有新加坡英语?为什么英语是新加坡第一语言?为什么新加坡国歌是马来西亚语言?为什么新加坡的餐馆里连白开水都收费?为什么新加坡能成长为这样独立而繁荣的国家?感谢蔡导游,不仅解答了以上困惑,还让我们收获更丰。新加坡人从来不易,所以他们紧密团结,以祖国为傲,珍惜所有。因为他们见证过那些起起落落,他们深知世界在变,需紧随时势。这其中蕴含深刻的中国道理—居安思危。除此之外,新加坡治国的理念中还贯穿很多中国文化和智慧的精髓,我们为此倍感骄傲。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:王梦</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣悦读乐享篇👣</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb"></font></b><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Reading Recommendations</b></h1> <h3> Jack London, considered as a public writer of the Naturalism of philosophy, was a world-known American novelist and short story writer whose work deals with <font color="#b04fbb"><b>the dominant power of of nature and the ruthless and desperate struggle for survival</b></font> in a romantic and naturalistic way. In his novel, the Law of Life, Jack London portrays the animal nature of man and man’s brutal struggle for survival. The unique writing style in the novel makes the readers explore more about the story. And readers can also enjoy the unique writing features and plots in the Call of the Wild and White Fang.
<div style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:郭丽叶</div></h3> <h3> The book I want to recommend is named Anne of Green Gables. It is written by a Canadian author, Lucy Maud Montgomery. In case of being a spoiler, I would more like to tell you that when you finish reading this novel, you will find that <b><font color="#b04fbb">Anne is optimistic, compassionate, brave</font> </b>and more than that. Though this is a book for children, I believe sometimes <b><font color="#b04fbb">adults need to find that “Anne” in us</font></b>.</h3><h3> 我想推荐的书,名叫《绿山墙的安妮》。书的作者是加拿大作家露西·莫德·蒙哥马利。为防剧透,我更想告诉大家,当你读完这部小说之后,你会发现安妮,她乐观,富有同情心且勇敢,还不仅于此。尽管这是一本给孩子看的书,我觉得有时大人也需要找到我们的“安妮”。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:王梦<br></h3> <h3> The book I want to recommend is Walden, a masterpiece written by Henry David Thoreau. Walden details Thoreau's experiences and thoughts over the course in a cabin he built near Walden Pond. By immersing himself in nature, Thoreau hoped to gain a more objective understanding of society through personal introspection. Frankly speaking, it is not an easy book for most people, but<b> <font color="#b04fbb">it is worth reading to find your inner peace no matter how much time you will spend</font></b>. As he wrote in the book, <font color="#b04fbb"><b>“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn </b></font><font color="#b04fbb"><b>what it</b> <b>had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” </b></font>Hope you can be your own teacher.</h3><h3> 我想推荐的书是亨利·戴维·梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》。书中梭罗详尽地描述了他在瓦尔登湖畔度过的一段生活以及这期间他的许多思考。梭罗希望通过沉浸在自然当中,经由自省获得对社会更客观的认识。老实说这并不是一本对大多数人来说轻松愉快的书,但无论花上多长时间,它都值得仔细品味阅读来找到你内心的宁静。正如梭罗在书中写道 “我到林中去,因为我希望从容地生活,只面对生活的基本事实,看看我是否学得到生活要教育我的东西,免得到了临终之时,才发现我根本就没有生活过。” 希望每个人都能成为自己的导师。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:钟晓婧</h3> <h3> Are teaching theories a headache to you? Are you struggled with all kinds of difficult situation or problems while teaching? If your answer is yes, then <font color="#b04fbb"><b>DISCOVERING IDEAS IN SCHOOLS</b></font> is the what you have to read. It is a series of booklet by the Curriculum Development Institute of Singapore. Each booklet is a monograph based on an innovative practice or resource which has been successfully introduced into his or her own school. It contains many practical and doable programs with detailed procedures. <b><font color="#b04fbb">It’s a book about ideas that works in real teaching</font></b>. The more you read, the more inspired you will be. What’s even amazing is that <font color="#b04fbb"><b>it has no content</b></font>, so you will never know what magical idea you are going to read and not until the last page will you get the whole picture of this book.
还在为理论枯燥难懂而烦恼不已吗?还在各种教学难题困境面前束手无策吗?如果你的回答为是,那么DISCOVERING IDEAS IN SCHOOLS 是你不应该错过的枕边书。它是一本新加坡课程研发研究院发行的教学实践集锦。每一个实践案例都是一个已经用革新方式解决了实践教学困境的良方。数不清的兼具实践性和操作性的教学项目给人耳目一新的感觉。你读得越多,就会越受启发。本书还有一个神奇的现象:没有目录。就像去探索从未到过的教学圣境,你永远不知道下一个你看到的教学困境是什么,里面的老师们怎么走出的困境。不读完最后一页,你都不舍得放下,生怕错过一个绝妙的点子。<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:席丽华</h3> <h3> With fresh and candid analyses of topics ranging across the globe, <b><i><font color="#b04fbb">One Man’s View of the World</font></i></b> demonstrates <b><i><font color="#b04fbb">Lee Kuan Yew</font></i></b>’s <b><i><font color="#b04fbb">farsightedness and political wisdom</font></i></b>, which has proven-once again-why he is considered <b><i><font color="#b04fbb">the pre-eminent elder statesman in Singapore</font></i></b>. Undoubtedly, <b><i><font color="#b04fbb">Lee is a steadfast voice of reason, clarity and hope</font></i></b>. Such a wonderful book deserves to read!<br></h3><h3> 在《李光耀观天下》一书中,李光耀对全球问题进行了新鲜而坦率的分析,展示了其远见卓识和政治智慧,这也再次证明了:为什么他被认为是新加坡最杰出的老政治家。毋庸置疑,李老是理性、清晰和希望的坚定声音。一本值得一读的好书!<br></h3><p style="text-align: right;">——撰稿:颜铭红</h3> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣温情魅影篇👣</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">Affectionate Moments</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣和谐探者👣</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣善言学者👣</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣凝神聆者👣</font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#167efb">👣善思研者👣</font></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#39b54a"></font></b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#167efb"><b>👣灌篮玩者👣</b></font></h1><h3></h3> <h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">It’s not until you fall </font></i></b><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">that </font></i></b><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">you fly.</font></i></b></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb"></font></i></b></div></h3><h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">Take a shot. </font></i></b></div><font color="#b04fbb"></font></h3><h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">Chase the sun find the beautiful.</font></i></b></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">We will glow in the dark </font></i></b></div><b><i><font color="#b04fbb"></font></i></b></h3><h3><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">turning dust to gold.</font></i></b></div><div style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#b04fbb">And we'll dream it possible!</font></i></b></div><div style="text-align: center;">不再畏惧跌倒,直到你展翅高飞。<br></div><div style="text-align: center;">挥着翅膀,追逐太阳,寻找美丽。<br></div><div style="text-align: center;">在黑暗中闪耀点石成金。<br></div><div style="text-align: center;">我们会梦想成真!</div></h3> <h3><a href="https://www.meipian7.cn/26gfpvdl?from=groupmessage&share_from=self&share_user_mpuuid=1abe1f0d9fd93d596fd3b41a07774850&user_id=137245&utm_medium=meipian_android&utm_source=singlemessage&uuid=948931a2683435a313a673cc63dd17b9&v=4.12.1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>Lesson/Unit planning (By Dr Susan Gwee)课堂魅影6.10</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian7.cn/26h80bzq?from=groupmessage&share_from=self&share_user_mpuuid=1abe1f0d9fd93d596fd3b41a07774850&user_id=137245&utm_medium=meipian_android&utm_source=singlemessage&uuid=948931a2683435a313a673cc63dd17b9&v=4.12.1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>Speech & Drama (By Ms Janet George) 课堂魅影6.11</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian6.cn/26hurlth?from=singlemessage&share_user_mpuuid=50544154a5cc9e6fbb168f0f1544f257&user_id=2236947&v=4.12.2" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>Speech and Drama课堂纪实6.11</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian6.cn/26jl673p?from=groupmessage&share_from=self&share_user_mpuuid=1abe1f0d9fd93d596fd3b41a07774850&user_id=137245&utm_medium=meipian_android&utm_source=singlemessage&uuid=948931a2683435a313a673cc63dd17b9&v=4.12.1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>新加坡河畔、甘榜格兰、小印度文化考察魅影6.12</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian7.cn/24vq8d06?from=singlemessage&share_from=self&share_user_mpuuid=1abe1f0d9fd93d596fd3b41a07774850&user_id=137245&utm_medium=meipian_android&utm_source=singlemessage&uuid=948931a2683435a313a673cc63dd17b9&v=4.12.1" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>砥砺破茧, 翘待蜕变! ——2019年海南省中小学英语教师新加坡研修项目启动大会简讯</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian8.cn/254x2dne?share_depth=7&user_id=ohbsluDNTUzmerwc3g97i1zmnP4E&sharer_id=ojq1tt-PyseDzescwJPizFPf5k9Y&first_share_uid=3221286&share_user_mpuuid=7a597ecc907532857529770741e1a019&v=4.12.2&share_source=timeline&from=singlemessage" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>初邂狮城,略研魅彩!——2019年海南省中小学英语教师新加坡研修项目第1周简讯</a><br></h3><h3><a href="https://www.meipian8.cn/264q6tu2?share_depth=5&user_id=ohbsluDNTUzmerwc3g97i1zmnP4E&sharer_id=ojq1tt-PyseDzescwJPizFPf5k9Y&first_share_uid=2217342&share_user_mpuuid=2491a1f9aad2163e024a4ee757dacbdf&v=4.10.0&share_source=timeline&from=singlemessage" target="_blank" class="link"><span class="iconfont icon-iconfontlink"> </span>欣而向学,乐而探奇!——2019海南省中小学英语教师新加坡研修项目第2周简讯</a><br></h3><h3></h3> <h3>摄影:颜铭红
主编:颜铭红 陈小盈
撰稿:黄娟 杨雯 郭丽叶 钟晓婧 尤贞</h3><h3> 王梦 邢琳 周慧娟 席丽华