

<h3> 一杯有生命的茶🍵来自大山深处。</h3> <h3>白茶White tea 백차:月光白“Moonlight White”월광백</h3><h3>汤色Liquor color빛깔:青黄明亮clear with grassy yellow청황명량</h3><h3>香气Aroma향기:清香纯净Pure and fresh aroma청향순정</h3><h3>口感Mouthfeel입맛:细腻柔甜 delicate and soft-sweet taste부드럽고 매끄럽다</h3> <h3>  2006年醇香熟茶,口感丝滑,米香悠悠。</h3> <h3>舌尖上的水彩画……</h3> <h3>普洱生茶Age-Pu'er보이차 생차:古树沱茶Ancient-tree and Bowl-shaped tea 고수차 타차</h3><h3>汤色Liquor탕색 :橙黄明亮clear with orange-yellow 등황 탕색</h3><h3>香气Aroma향:花果芳香fruity and floral aroma 꽃과 과일 향</h3><h3>口感Mouthfeel구감(입맛):陈香回甘stale taste and sweet aftertaste깊고 진한맛 후에는 단맛이 느껴짐</h3> <h3>普洱熟茶Pile-fermented Pu'er Tea:</h3><h3>보이숙차</h3><h3>老茶头Lao Cha Tou</h3><h3>노차두</h3><h3>汤色Liquor color:</h3><h3>차색</h3><h3>红浓明亮 Clear with thick red</h3><h3>진한빨강/명량</h3><h3>香气Aroma:</h3><h3>향기</h3><h3>陈香纯净Pure and aged aroma</h3><h3>진향순정</h3><h3>口感Mouthfeel:</h3><h3>입맛:</h3><h3>醇厚绵长Mellow and lingering</h3><h3>깔끔하고 끝맛이 순후</h3> <h3>罗自奇村,澜沧江边临沧地区一个山青水秀的自然村。海拔高度2200-2800米,是云南普洱茶晒青原料的优产区。大山里的人,祖祖辈辈守护着为数不多的云南大叶种古树茶。今年头拔春茶刚刚采撷,茶农采用传统工艺制作,簸箕摊晾,自然阳光晒青,越陈越香。 </h3><h3> </h3><h3>茶箐:汤色深邃明亮,馥郁蜜香,水浸出物丰富,耐泡度高,汤感饱满,层次丰富,苦化的快,回甘持久。 </h3><h3> </h3><h3>Luoziqi Village is a beautiful pristine village in the Lincang region along the headwaters of the Mekong (Lancang River). With an elevation of 2200-2800 meters, this is a superior region of Yunnan Pu'er tea production. Over centuries, the ancestors of these traditional mountain folk have guarded a precious legacy: a small number of ancient tea trees of the Yunnan "Large-Leaf" variety. For these very first pickings of new spring tea, the tea farmers are using only traditional production techniques to select, pick, wither, process, and naturally sun-dry the leaves, resulting in top grade tea leaves that will age well and gain aromatic complexity with time. </h3><h3> </h3><h3>Tea assessment: The brewed tea liquor shows brightness and intensity, infused with honey aroma, generous extraction with each steep. The tea handles repeated steeping, producing richly layered liquor with rounded and supple mouthfeel, and a tannin profile which dissipates well, finishing sweetly with good length and persistence. </h3><h3> </h3><h3>라자기촌, 란창강(澜沧江)변 란창지역의 산수가 아름다운 자연촌이다. 해발이 2,200~2,800 메터로서 운남성 보이차 (普洱茶) 차 원료의 주요 생산지이다. 대산리의 사람들은 조상 대대로 운남의 대엽(大叶) 고목차(古树茶)를 심는 것을 지켜 왔다. 올해 처음 따는 봄차는 이제 금방 따내기 시작하더니, 차 농부는 전통공법으로 만들어, 받침대로 펴 놓고, 자연적으로 햇빛을 받아 따는 차는 오래 될수록 더 향기로워졌다. </h3><h3> </h3><h3>차맛:순색이 짙고 맑아서 진한 물이 짙게 풍겨, 물이 많이 들어오고, 지속도가 높고, 국물이 차가워지고 순도가 풍부하며, 달콤한 맛이 오래간다.</h3> <h3>私房茶</h3><h3>品质特点简介:原料是用临沧大树茶晒青毛茶发酵的,外形条索肥壮紧实,色泽褐红。内质汤色红浓明亮,陈香浓郁,滋味醇厚,经久耐泡。</h3> <h3>老树茶原料选用于生长在云雾缭绕 山势雄伟,海拔1800米以上的,澜沧江沿岸的曼岗古寨丶 这种茶树,植株高大树姿半张,叶片大,色泽浓绿,叶质厚软,肥壮茸毛多,口感醇润、滋味饱满浓烈、甘甜、回味悠长,是制作普洱茶的上乘品种。</h3> <h3> 感谢各位群友阅读欣赏!</h3>