<h3>📖Curious George 4个故事</h3><h3>👆🏻ORT L3两本</h3><h3>🎵Peppapig S3 2集</h3><h3> Curious George 2个故事</h3><h3>进度3AU10What do monsters do.</h3><h3>儿歌很熟,这个Supplementary是Max最感兴趣的部分啦,替换到儿歌里面唱,还有很多monsters带明天脑补😼</h3> <h3>Monster</h3><h3>1.An imaginary or legendary creature, such as a Centaur or Harpy, that combines parts from various animal or human forms.</h3><h3>2. A creature having a strange or frightening appearance.</h3><h3>3. Informal A very large animal, plant, or object.Monster truck.</h3><h3>4. One who inspires horror or disgust: a monster of selfishness.</h3><h3>5.adj.Informal Extremely large; monstrous: a monster hit at the box office📽; ate a monster steak.🥩</h3><h3>Vast/Tremendous</h3> <h3>Harpy</h3><h3>a cruel creature in ancient Greek stories, with the head and upper body of a woman and the wings and feet of a bird 〔古希腊神话中的〕鸟身女妖</h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>Centaur</h3><h3>A centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and chest of a man, and the body and legs of a horse. (古典神话中)人首马身的动物</h3> <h3>Have you remember that famous statue standing by the pyramid at Egypt?</h3><h3>Yes,the Sphinx!</h3><h3>Sphinxes is also a monster.</h3><h3>They are a race of intelligent, immortal(Someone or something that is immortal will live or last forever and never die or be destroyed.Max knows we are mortals rather than immortals.)magical beasts. It is said that they once held a vast kingdom given to them by the gods in an effort to teach mortals the way of truth. The sphinxes had their own methods, however, by teaching mortals to think for themselves with riddles and parables.</h3> <h3>Using chopsticks to take beans from one plate and put them in another,that could help children on one thing at a time.We had a competition uder the rule that we each had a pair of chopsticks to pick the soybeans andpeanuts.One point is accumulated for each completion.I deliberately lost the game to him.</h3> <h3>Retell Peppapig S3E2 The rainbow</h3> <h3>第一次描红,有点强迫症的Max总是跟自己过不去,写完了擦擦完了写的🎨老母亲设定的目标就是专注不磨蹭,写什么样都行🤪</h3><h3>👩🏻💼If you are keeping dawdling,I'll set up the timer for you,when the time 's up meanwhile you couldn't finish your homework,I 'll confiscate your exercise book.It means you'll go to school with the unfinished home work.吓得赶紧写😢</h3> <h3>The most unforgettable part of the trip to Beijing--Explore the cave to find out the Trilobite fossils,the original mural and the stalactites.</h3> <h3>At the Forbidden City.到处都是讲英文的导游可以蹭,随便个大妈模样的导游英文都很好🤣'There are many bedrooms in the Forbidden City.Bcs the ancient emperor had many girlfriends.😹Max一直在抱怨It's too boring.😿除了对Eunuch印象深刻,剩下的就是people mountain people sea了😂(Crowded conditions.)</h3> <h3>帝都回来就开始了热情洋溢的鸡娃和自鸡,和那些生活在宇宙中心的妈妈畅聊之后感觉自己时间明明比人家多好多呀,可是就是跟头把式的不够用啊不够用😮<br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3></h3>