

<h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">🎀视频:1b Unit10 Dance your fingers 、0b firemen、牙牙学语2-灰毛驴盖房、小猪佩奇-Dinosaur is lost</h3></h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">🎀音频:牙牙学语2🔄、1B Unit1-10</h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">🎀游戏+手工:</h3> <h3>🎉Catch the candy</h3><h3>M: Judy, What's this? </h3><h3>👧🏻: Candy.</h3><h3>M: Yes, this is a candy. Is the candy sweet? 👧🏻: Yes.</h3><h3>M: Yes, it's sweet. Mommy hold this candy. Dance your fingers up, up, up to catch the candy. Dance your fingers down, down, down to catch the candy. Dance your fingers side to side, side to side to catch the candy. Dance them all around, all around to catch the candy. Dance them on your shoulders, shoulders to catch the candy, dance them on your head, to catch the candy. Dance them on your tummy, to catch the candy, and put them all to bed, put the candy in your hands and show you are sleeping. </h3><h3>👧🏻: 我可以吃了么</h3><h3>M: No, you can eat it tomorrow morning.</h3> <h3>🎉Stickers </h3><h3>M: Judy, we have some stickers, let's play a game with these stickers, ok? Daddy is sleeping on the floor, you should listen the song and when I sing right up to your nose, you should climp up on daddy and stick the stickers on daddy's nose, OK? Let's start. Baby bye, there's fly. We will watch him you and I. There he goes, on his toes, right up to daddy's nose, nose, nosr. Stick the sticker on daddy's nose. Do you want stick one more time? OK, this time I change the body parts, listen carefully. </h3><h3>又换了好多部位,Judy就负责粘,给爸爸粘完再来给我粘。</h3> <h3>🎀中文游戏:</h3><h3>大雁,今天和爸爸一起玩,特别开心。</h3> <h3>🎀Read:</h3> <h3>🎀妈妈部分:</h3><h3>今天下雨,小家伙刚玩了一会就喊我们回家。晚上在给她自己留白的时候,小家伙自己找出来好多拼图,拼了两个,真是进步就在不经意间。</h3><h3>最近小家伙想起来以前一些儿歌,firemen等等基本都能唱下来,一直感觉1b应该对她们来说难一点了,但是儿歌却学的很快,几遍就能跟着唱一部分,都是日积月累的,继续加油!</h3>