<h1><b>😺^_^主题 :</b><b>复习汉语第一册</b></h1><h1><b> 1a6 cats (打卡 上篇)</b></h1><h1><br></h1> <h3>One cat,two cats,three cats,four.</h3><h3>Five cats,six cats,seven cats,more.</h3> <h3>Act it out (cartoon)</h3> <h3>Do as I say</h3> <h1><b>😺Games</b></h1><h3><b>7个小游戏</b></h3><h1><ol><li><b>Act it out(cartoon):Let's go through the tunnel one by one.Oh,mummy is to big for the tunnel and stuck in the tunnel.Push mummy out,It doesn't work.Then pull mummy out.Hurray,mummy is out of the tunnel.We are done.Look, mummy's hair stands up.So funny.Hahahaha.</b></li><li><b>Fun with counting:Let's play a counting game.Look inside the box.There are many sweets inside.Please count all the lollipops/candies/jelly beans.</b><b>How many toes/fingers do you have?Let's count.</b></li><li><b>Let's play hide and seek.Iwill hide 4 ducks on the big balcony.Now close your eyes.No peeking.You count to 10.I'm done.Now open your eyes and find them out.Mummy,give me some tips,please.On the left side?On the right side?It's easy/hard to find out them.I found all of them.Let's count.Well done/good job.You are a good/excellent spy/detective.</b></li><li><b style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">How many fingers can you see?</b><b>Rickety dickety look at me.how many fingers do you see?Five.</b><b>You got it.Now it's my turn.</b><b>Oh,you are too fast.Ican't see clearly.One more time,please.</b><b>Zero!You are so naughty.</b></li><li><b>Guessing game.Here are some car toys.I close my eyes.You can put some cars behind me and let me guess how many there are.You can say “more cars” or “less cars” to help me guess correctly.</b></li><li><b>Do asIsay. If I say “3”,you should clap your hands/stomp your feet/jump/ turn around 3 times.If you are right,I'll give you a kiss/hug.If you are wrong,I'll tickle you.</b></li><li><b>Pile up with our hands.Place one of your hands on top of mine.Now I put my other hand on top,then you other hand to make a pile.Then the bottom hand moves to the top.1 cat,2cats,3 cats,four.5 cats,6 cats,7 cats,more.</b></li></ol></h1> <h1><b>😺Games</b></h1><h1><b>Go fishing</b></h1><h1><ol><li><b>Use clip and paper to make fish.</b></li><li><b>Here are 2 fishing rod/pole.</b></li><li><b>We are cats .</b><b>Let's go fishing.</b></li><li><b>Hook a fish.You did it.Well done.Go on.</b></li><li><b>How many fish did you catch?Let's count .1,2,3....</b></li></ol></h1> <h1><b>😺Handcraft</b></h1><h1><b>Making a cat</b></h1><h3><b>对这个猫手工不太感兴趣,老母亲一个人完成</b></h3><h1><ol><li><b>We need board,double side tape,scissors and color pens.</b></li><li><b>Paint the eyes green and the nose pink.</b></li><li><b>Paint the board black.</b></li><li><b>Cut out the body,head,ears,tail and whiskers.</b></li><li><b>Glue/stick/put/paste the body parts together and you will get a cute cat.</b></li></ol></h1> <h1><b>😺 listening:1b全部、唐诗15分钟、牛津树3</b><b>阶、一册下部分内容</b></h1> <h1><b>😺 Radio:</b></h1><h1><b>1a6: cats</b></h1><h3><b>汉语第一册三个单元动画片部分</b></h3> <h1><b>😺Reading</b></h1><h1><ol><li><b>中文绘本:不一样的卡梅多2本</b><br></li><li><b>英文阅读:牛津树三阶6本、海尼曼4本、绘本1本</b><br></li><li><b>汉语教程:识字卡、早读晚诵、挂图</b></li><li><b>唐诗卡片背诵游戏和桌游“pop to the shops”,每周玩2遍巩固,前段时间没有达到每周一次的频率,唐诗和算数加法有些遗忘。</b></li></ol></h1>