<p style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#ed2308">该作品被美篇推荐为精品</font></b></h3> <h3><b><i> 南半球的金秋五月是旅游的好季节.在P&O号邮轮的顶层甲板上,以居高临下的俯拍方式,拍摄了杰克逊港(亦称悉尼港)的一幅幅近黄昏的照片,从中领略世界著名都市的魅力.This year's Golden Autumn May is a good season for tourism. On the top deck of the P&O cruise ship, taking a picture of the dusk of Jackson Harbor (also known as Sydney Harbour) with a condescending down-street, you can see the world famous Urban charm.</i></b></h3> <h3><b> 悉尼港(Sydney Harbour)又被称为杰克逊港,是一个天然海港,东临南太平洋,西接帕拉玛塔河,南北两面是悉尼最繁华的中心地带。因悉尼歌剧院和海港大桥皆坐落在此而闻名,所以被誉为“世界上最好的天然港湾之一”。Sydney Harbour, also known as the Port of Jackson, is a natural harbour with the South Pacific Ocean to the east, the Parramatta River to the west, and Sydney's most prosperous center on both sides. Known as the "One of the World's Best Natural Harbors", the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge are famous for their location.</b></h3> <h3><b>悉尼情人港,是澳大利亚悉尼市必去的景点之一。这里拥有美丽的港湾,鳞次栉比的商店、酒吧和美食街,是一个适合情人约会和全家同游的娱乐之港。Sydney Darling Harbour is one of the must-see attractions in Sydney, Australia. With beautiful harbours and rows of shops, bars and food courts, it is a port of entertainment for lovers and family.</b></h3> <h3><b>每一幢建筑物的设计在每端都有非常明显的曲线,这样的设计旨在打破“角落层级”,并尽可能多地在建筑物内引入自然光和水的视野。The design of each building has a very distinct curve at each end, designed to break the “corner level” and introduce as much natural light and water as possible into the building.</b></h3> <h3><b>Barangaroo位于悉尼CBD西部,紧邻达令港,即将成为悉尼的新兴发展区,新国际金融中心以及Headland公园的所在地。Located in the western part of Sydney CBD, Barangaroo is adjacent to Darling Harbour and will soon be the new development of Sydney, the new international financial centre and the location of Headland Park.</b></h3> <h3><b>悉尼大桥是一种单孔拱桥,曾号称世界第一单孔拱桥,是悉尼早期的代表建筑。这座大桥从1857年设计到1932年竣工,是连接港口南北两岸的重要桥梁。The Sydney Bridge is a single-hole arch bridge that was once known as the world's first single-hole arch bridge and was the representative building of Sydney's early days. The bridge was completed from 1857 to 1932 and is an important bridge connecting the north and south of the port.</b></h3> <h3><b>呈现在人们面前的是令人惊喜的城市绿洲。该公园由9600块金色悉尼砂岩构成。各种树木植物绵延至小山上,在那里可以眺望西悉尼的远景,记录着100年来悉尼的发展历程。....Presented in front of people is a surprising urban oasis. The park is made up of 9,600 golden Sydney sandstones. A variety of tree plants stretch over the hills, where you can look to the West Sydney skyline and record the development of Sydney over the past 100 years. ....</b></h3> <h3><b>Barangaroo公园沿海的迷人的"S" 步行道.The charming "S" walkway along the coast of Barangaroo Park.</b></h3> <h3><b>原来的废弃船坞,如今已成为商业网点,供人们休闲娱乐.The original abandoned dock has now become a commercial outlet for people to entertain.</b></h3> <h3><b>悉尼月神公园(Luna Park Sydney)位于悉尼中心位置,可以饱览悉尼海港大桥、悉尼歌剧院以及城市天际线的壮丽景色,是一个充满乐趣的游乐园。Located in the heart of Sydney, Luna Park Sydney is a fun-filled amusement park with spectacular views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Opera House and the city skyline.</b></h3> <h3><b>P&O大型邮轮正在缓缓地通过悉尼海港大桥.The P&O large cruise ship is slowly passing the Sydney Harbour Bridge.</b></h3> <h3><b> 美丽的北岸小岛,今天披上了一缕金色的阳光.The beautiful North Shore island is covered with golden sunshine today.</b></h3> <h3><b>这里是悉尼的渡轮,以环形码头为中心,向外发散开往塔朗加动物园、曼利海滩等地共有7条线路,运营时间间隔一般为20分钟一班。It is a ferry from Sydney. It is centered on the Circular Quay and spread out to the Taronga Zoo and Manly Beach. There are 7 routes, and the operation interval is usually 20 minutes.</b></h3> <h3><b> 悉尼歌劇院坐落在悉尼港的便利朗角(Bennelong Point),其特有的帆造型,加上作为背景的悉尼港灣大橋,與周圍景物相映成趣。每天都有數以千計的遊客前來觀賞這座建築。Located at the Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, the Sydney Opera House features a unique sail shape and the Sydney Harbour Bridge as a backdrop to the surrounding landscape. Thousands of tourists come to see the building every day.</b></h3> <h3><b> 悉尼歌劇院(英语:Sydney Opera House)位於澳洲悉尼,是20世紀最具特色的建築之一,也是世界著名的表演藝術中心、悉尼市的標誌性建築。该剧院设计者为丹麦设计师约恩·乌松,建设工作从1959年开始,1973年大剧院正式落成。The Sydney Opera House is located in Sydney, Australia. It is one of the most distinctive buildings of the 20th century. It is also the world famous performing arts center and the iconic building of Sydney. The theatre designer was Danish designer Jon Wusson. Construction began in 1959 and the Grand Theatre was officially completed in 1973.</b></h3> <h3><b> 2007年6月28日,这栋建筑被聯合國教科文組織評为世界文化遺產,從落成到列入僅間隔34年,為少數20世紀落成建築物列入世界遺產的例子。On June 28, 2007, the building was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, from the completion to the inclusion of only 34 years, an example of a few World Heritage sites in the 20th century.</b></h3> <h3><b> 麦考利夫人椅子(Mrs Macquarie's Chair 也被称为 Lady Macquarie's Chair[1]),是澳大利亚悉尼港湾上的一个著名的景點.1810年由囚犯手工雕刻而成椅子的形状献给麦加里总督的妻子伊丽莎白,半岛本身被命名为麦考利夫人岬角.Mrs Macquarie's Chair (also known as Lady Macquarie's Chair[1]) is a famous attraction on the Sydney Harbour in Australia. The shape of a chair hand-carved by prisoners in 1810 is dedicated to the wife of Governor Macquarie. Elizabeth, the peninsula itself was named the Lady Macquarie.</b></h3> <h3><b> 库克船长号游轮是活跃在悉尼港的交通工具之一.The Captain Cook Cruise is one of the vehicles active in Sydney Harbour.</b></h3> <h3><b>花园岛是悉尼港内四个小岛中最大的一个,悉尼的海军基地就设在这个岛上,岛内的海军博物馆免费为市民开放。从澳洲海军组建到现在规模都有不错的介绍。在花园岛观赏悉尼港美景是最佳的不二之选,无敌海景尽收眼底。Garden Island is the largest of the four small islands in Sydney Harbour. The Naval Base in Sydney is located on the island and the Naval Museum on the island is free to the public. From the formation of the Australian Navy to the current scale has a good introduction. Watching the beauty of Sydney Harbour at Garden Island is the best choice, with unrivaled views of the sea.</b></h3> <h3><b>玫瑰湾(Rose Bay),也称情人湾,位于悉尼东部郊区的临海高尚住宅地段,海湾周围都是豪宅,停泊着许多游艇和帆船,是悉尼最有名望的的富人区。Rose Bay, also known as Lovers Bay, is a prime residential area on the eastern outskirts of Sydney. The bay is surrounded by mansions and is home to many yachts and sailboats. It is Sydney's most prestigious wealthy district.</b></h3> <h3><b>世界上最富有的人,是犹太人。犹太人在悉尼聚居最多的区之一,就是Rose Bay!The richest man in the world is Jewish. One of the most concentrated areas of Jewish people in Sydney is Rose Bay!</b></h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#39b54a">欢迎转载 谢谢分享</font></i></b></h3><p style="text-align: center;"><b><i><font color="#39b54a">Welcome to reprint Thank you for sharing</font></i></b></h3>