How to make Japanese sushi


<h3>Japanese sushi is famous all over the world.</h3><h3></h3><h3>Sushi is very convenient and delicious.</h3><h3>Let me make a plate of sushi today.</h3> <h3>First of all,<span style="line-height: 1.8;">we need to prepare a bowl of rice, ham, cucumber, carrot and a few pieces of laver.</span></h3> <h3>Cut them into strips</h3><h3>Be careful not to let the cutter hurt you</h3> <h3>Then spread the rice on the laver.</h3> <h3>After that, put the cut strips on the rice.</h3> <h3>Put the laver on the board and roll it up</h3><h3></h3><h3>Then cut the laver roll.</h3><h3>Put some ketchup on</h3> <h3>Japanese sushi is ready</h3><h3>I can't wait to try it.</h3><h3>Cooking makes me happy</h3>