

<h3>今天我们去了森林探索公园玩。经过了一个多小时的旅途,我们终于到达了那里。</h3> <h3>Today we went to Forest Exploration Park. After more than an hour's journey, we finally arrived there.</h3> <h3>上午,我们先是玩了射箭。射箭十分好玩,但难度也非常大。我几乎耗尽了所有的力气,才把弓拉到了耳朵后面。要想射中标靶也非常困难,我射了好几轮才射中了两次。</h3> <h3>In the morning, we first played archery. Archery is fun, but it's also very difficult. I exhausted almost all my strength before I pulled the bow behind my ears. It was also very difficult to hit the target. I shot several rounds before I hit it twice.</h3> <h3>我们还去划了船。那个船比较难操控,我们的转向都非常的不规则。</h3> <h3>We also went boating. The boat was difficult to manoeuvre and our turn was very irregular.</h3> <h3>下午,是团队自由活动,我们需要收集到所有的线索,填好了以后交给老师。我看地图看的十分费劲,因为我是路痴。不过我还是带领我们团队找到了几个线索。</h3> <h3>In the afternoon, the team is free to move, we need to collect all the clues, fill them out and then give them to the teacher. I have a lot of trouble reading maps because I am a road fool. But I still led our team to find a few clues.</h3> <h3>今天我的收获十分巨大,因为我学会了看地图。明天要上课了,我会期待明天的到来。</h3> <h3>Today I've got a lot because I've learned to look at maps. There will be class tomorrow. I will look forward to tomorrow.</h3>